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Lv 739,933 points

Shaun Dizzle

Favorite Answers36%

Switched my major to avoid chemistry, now Electrical Engineering. Might go back, not sure. I just like to practice my math on here.

  • How do you know when a girl wants to be friends with benefits?

    Ive never really done anything like that, maybe a random hookup with someone at a party. But nothing that continues into a friends with benefits relationship

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Girl problems... what does this mean?

    So i recently asked this girl out, got denied. No big deal, since i dont really have a lot invested in her, ive only known her a little while.

    Well i still see her fairly often, and we got into a scuffle about something ridiculous. And i said, "no offense, but im kind of glad you rejected me." because she was literally talking about stripping and befriending prostitutes... she may have been kidding but i couldnt tell.

    well i dont think she realizes i follow her on twitter and she posted this as shes walking away:


    If she has feelings for me, why not just tell me instead of saying im too busy

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Should i contact this girl?

    We recently broke up about 2 weeks ago.

    Well I am not entirely sure why we broke up, it was her idea. She told me she still wanted to be friends, and i told her i was not interested in being friends, maybe at a way farther time down the line.

    She proceeded to tell me that she does still like me, but she is moving an hour away from where we currently live. Ive told her i was committed to what we had.

    But anyways, she was crying because i did not want to be friends with her...

    A week went by and i told her that i wouldnt mind trying to be friends assuming our relationship is healthy. So i invited her to do something simple like get coffee, she said she was busy.

    Well now i feel like a tool for even agreeing to be friends with her. She leaves tomorrow for school and i would like to try and see her for a couple minutes to hash out where we stand and say our goodbyes. But i am so torn on whether or not this is a good or bad idea.

    On the one hand, i would appreciate the closure, and on the other im not interested in either of us getting more hurt. (Im not really interested in getting romantically involved with her again)

    Thanks and any thoughts and suggestions are appreciated

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Got offered a job at best buy but have not heard back...?

    I went through all the interviews.

    The last one was with the general manager and it was so fast that he didnt really get into specifics.

    Well looking at my online paperwork said i start on the 5th of this month. Well i have not heard back from anyone regarding orientation or training or anything of the sort.

    I do not even have the proper best buy polo or anything.

    Also when i sign on to the "portal" thing, i can no longer view my documents that said what day i start. Thank goodness i saved them all in pdf format.

    I tried calling to talk to the HR lady but she is out for the day and since tomorrow is the 4th of july will also be out.

    My question is, should i just let the 5th pass and wait for them to call me? Or just call in on the 5th and talk to the general manager who offered the job?

    I found out i start the 5th via the online portal thing, but now its no longer available online and am just going by my pdf i saved.

    Also, i already took the drug test. I am not sure whether or not i passed since i smoked one time 2 weeks prior. Before that i havent smoked for 2 years+. was not expecting best buy to call me back so fast

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Girlfriend questions?

    So anytime we go out i usually pay for everything.

    Well my problem is she doesnt even offer to pay for anything, even though she makes more money than i do. We are both college students, im full time student and work part time. Shes a part time student and works full time.

    I even pay for her drink or whatever even when im not drinking anything, like tea for instance.

    Well i ask her to pay for our meal one time and she made the biggest deal about it, it was 12$ total since i had a 25$ meal comp.

    Id pay for all her stuff if i felt like it was a good investment, however i am usually the one making the effort to see her. I know she likes me and tells me that shes trying, and i know she is.

    But still it would be nice if she even offered to pay something, in which case i would probably be happy and end up paying for it anyways.

    Should i continue paying for her?

    She made a big deal about it and said im not going to change yadda yadda. And i told her id have to weigh the pros and cons.

    At this point she is running out of things going for her

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What do you guys do with your books after the semester ends?

    The semester is coming to an end and for whatever reason I always keep my books, but I never really open them again. I am an engineering student and tell myself oh i may need this some day... So i have a couple math and physics books that are gathering dust. Thinking about getting rid of them.

    So I guess what I am asking is does anyone open their books again after the semester ends?

    I figure a lot of the information is available online so if i need to figure out how to do legrange multipliers again, i can just look it up

  • If anyone cares to chime in, i would appreciate it?

    So I finally asked this girl out after the tension (the good kind) between us became pretty heavy.

    She was excited that i had finally asked her as we have been hanging out a lot the past month or two. She didnt think i was picking up her hints, even though we flirt all the time.

    Took her to a movie and dinner friday night. Then sunday she calls and asks if i want to get a drink and an appetizer and of course i did.

    But right as we were about to leave she told me that if she decides to leave to school next fall (we are both at the same community college) that she doesnt want to give our relationship a shot. Keep in mind the school she would be transferring to is like a 50 minute drive, and she would quit her current job of 35 hours a week, so we could definitely still meet up regularly

    So she tells me this and then could sense the change in the atmosphere, well no shi7. She could have told me this friday night before we had to get all official.

    But the part that frustrates me is that she wouldnt be willing to give this a shot since its close and we would still have the next 4 months or so to try and plan something out.

    I know she likes me, so should i convince her to give it a shot or should i just move on?

    She's also in my physics class, which is how we met, and in my lab group. So i just feel the situation is going to get more and more awkward

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Girl problems, she likes me but isnt committed..?.?

    So I finally asked this girl out after the tension (the good kind) between us became pretty heavy.

    She was excited that i had finally asked her as we have been hanging out a lot the past month or two.

    Took her to a movie and dinner friday night. Then sunday she calls and asks if i want to get a drink and an appetizer and of course i did.

    But right as we were about to leave she told me that if she decides to leave to school next fall (we are both at the same community college) that she doesnt want to give our relationship a shot. Keep in mind the school she would be transferring to is like a 50 minute drive, and she would quit her current job of 35 hours a week, so we could definitely still meet up regularly

    So she tells me this and then could sense the change in the atmosphere, well no shi7. She could have told me this friday night before we had to get all official.

    But the part that frustrates me is that she wouldnt be willing to give this a shot since its close and we would still have the next 4 months or so to try and plan something out.

    I know she likes me, so should i convince her to give it a shot or should i just move on?

    She's also in my physics class, which is how we met, and in my lab group. So i just feel the situation is going to get more and more awkward

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it wrong to not go to my friends birthday?

    She just turned 21.

    But we have a history together and to make a long story short she made me feel under appreciated.

    And then tries to string me back into her bs.

    I would still like to be friends with her but i dont like it when she starts getting all flirty with me.

    Anyways she got me a nice thoughtful birthday present and card, i got her a christmas a present, we are even right?

    Also we dont have too many mutual friends, so am i bad person for making no effort in taking part in her birthday?

    I kind of feel like one but at the same time i think its healthiest for my well being

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it wrong to not go to my friends birthday?

    She just turned 21.

    But we have a history together and to make a long story short she made me feel under appreciated.

    And then tries to string me back into her bs.

    I would still like to be friends with her but i dont like it when she starts getting all flirty with me.

    Anyways she got me a nice thoughtful birthday present and card, i got her a christmas a present, we are even right?

    Also we dont have too many mutual friends, so am i bad person for making no effort in taking part in her birthday?

    I kind of feel like one but at the same time i think its healthiest for my well being

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • How to calculate balance on a loan after x number of years using excel?

    If we take out a $585,000.00 loan at an interest rate of 5.00% for 30 years, making payments each month. What would the balance be at the end of the first year, 3rd year, and fifth year.

    So i used the PMT function to figure out we will be making payments of $3,140.41 a month.

    I tried using PV function, which is what we were told to use to calculate the balance.

    PV(5%/12, 12*30, 3140.41)

    And i am not getting the predicted $576,369.11 that we are predicted to be getting.

    I tried playing around with it as much as possible

    Even if i try using FV i dont get what i am trying to get to.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • How to calculate balance on a loan after x number of years using excel?

    If we take out a $585,000.00 loan at an interest rate of 5.00% for 30 years, making payments each month. What would the balance be at the end of the first year, 3rd year, and fifth year.

    So i used the PMT function to figure out we will be making payments of $3,140.41 a month.

    I tried using PV function, which is what we were told to use to calculate the balance.

    PV(5%/12, 12*30, 3140.41)

    And i am not getting the predicted $576,369.11 that we are predicted to be getting.

    I tried playing around with it as much as possible

    Even if i try using FV i dont get what i am trying to get to.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • I need some ideas for packing a healthy lunch?

    Some days ive got an incredibly long school day and i usually end up eating out on those days. However i am trying to save some money up and would like to start packing a lunch.

    Can someone recommend me a good website that has a bunch of lunch ideas?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Need some help modeling a differential equation please?

    A 5-gallon bucket is full of pure water. suppose we begin dumping salt into the bucket at a rate of .25 lbs/min. Also, we open the spigot so that .5 gal/min leaves the bucked. And we also add pure water to keep the bucket full. *solution is well mixed throughout.

    Ive tried again and again but when i do a unit analysis its not working out.

    I let s(t) be the amount of salt in lbs.

    The part that is throwing me off is the .5 gal/min of pure H20.

    The answer should be a seperable diffeq. But i just need help modeling it please

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • What to do with this girl?

    So this girl and i had a great relationship going on, maybe shes just really flirty with guys but ive only seen her do it with me. So anyways fast forward a month i ask her out, got rejected. Fast forward another 2 weeks and i convince her to let me take her out. (and btw im 21 shes 20 for reference)

    The way i convinced her was i sent her a silly chemistry pun, because she always complains about her chemistry class. Told her to give me a chance. And she said she does not have a problem with it and just did not sound too enthusiastic about it.

    For someone who used to text me on a regular basis and would be upset if i didnt see her in a weeks time i would imagine if she did like me would be way more enthusiastic about this.

    So the question is, do i still take her out?

    All of a sudden im really hesitant about it. The other day i went to lunch with a mutual friend whom asked why dont i date some one else who i have more stuff in common with, and i realized i dont have much in common with this girl but i can hang out with her for hours on end and feel really comfortable with her. So im stuck and it sucks please help

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Relationship / girl advice?

    So this girl and i had a great relationship going on, maybe shes just really flirty with guys but ive only seen her do it with me. So anyways fast forward a month i ask her out, got rejected. Fast forward another 2 weeks and i convince her to let me take her out. (and btw im 21 shes 20 for reference)

    The way i convinced her was i sent her a silly chemistry pun, because she always complains about her chemistry class. Told her to give me a chance. And she said she does not have a problem with it and just did not sound too enthusiastic about it.

    For someone who used to text me on a regular basis and would be upset if i didnt see her in a weeks time i would imagine if she did like me would be way more enthusiastic about this.

    So the question is, do i still take her out?

    All of a sudden im really hesitant about it. The other day i went to lunch with a mutual friend whom asked why dont i date some one else who i have more stuff in common with, and i realized i dont have much in common with this girl but i can hang out with her for hours on end and feel really comfortable with her. So im stuck and it sucks please help

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • So the girl i like(d) just texted me after straight up rejecting me?

    I say liked because i took it as a no when i asked her out.

    I bought her a christmas gift gave it to her, she said it was thoughtful and what not. Then i told her i really liked her and would like to take her out some time.

    She responded with "Idk maybe, but probably not." Needless to say i just took that as a no. She said something else about wishing we had a class together next semester and i just told her that was a good thing that we didnt.

    Now she just texted me wishing me a merry christmas and thanks for the gift with all her stupid smily faces. Should i even text her back or just move on?

    I really thought she liked me because she used to always send me all these texts saying i miss you, invited me out, etc. Make a long story short i feel played and i dont want to bother with trying if theres no shot

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Asked a girl out got rejected...?

    Super confused about the whole thing. Shes always flirting with me and what not. Its been painfully obvious that i like her. Asked her out and she said idk maybe you can take me out sometime but i think we should probably be friends...

    Keep in mind this is after her telling me how thoughtful my christmas gift and stuff was to her.

    Anyways my question is, should i convince her to let me take her out on a single date or should i just move on? I dont know if shes playing hard to get or not.

    Talked to practically all my friends that are girls about her and they were all no fricken help!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago