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Lv 31,685 points

Tamera L

Favorite Answers8%
  • I need help removing a virus?

    My step mother somehow managed to lock herself of her own computer with one of those ransom programs. The virus does not allow any computer access without "paying for my crimes" I've tried booting in safe mode and using windows repair. Neither worked. My next plan was to launch a Linux distro from a USB stick and manually find the virus and delete it. I'm trying to avoid wiping the hard drive. What do you guys think would be the best option?

    7 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • I need help removing a virus?

    My step mother somehow managed to lock herself of her own computer with one of those ransom programs. The virus does not allow any computer access without "paying for my crimes" I've tried booting in safe mode and using windows repair. Neither worked. My next plan was to launch a Linux distro from a USB stick and manually find the virus and delete it. I'm trying to avoid wiping the hard drive. What do you guys think would be the best option?

    5 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • Should I buy an FX-6300 and an SSD for my boot drive or drop the SSD and buy an i5/i7 instead?

    I have a $800 budget and I was curious whether the SSD or CPU would be more important as part of my system. Right now I am totaling near $700. Should the extra money go towards an SSD or a better CPU?

    5 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • Is the life of one man worth billions?

    Christians say Jesus died for our sins. Is the life of one man worth billions of lives? Isn't that arrogance to assume this guy is worth more than a billion humans? What makes him so special? I can claim I'm the son of God. Would you believe it if I wrote it down?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How does itelligient design help the Christian cause?

    If humans and the universe are so complicated and complex then surely the creator must be more complex. How can something always exist? It would need a beginning and a creator. If something that complicated has no creator, I see no reason why simpler humans would need a creator. So fundies, what is your justification? Do you just shrug it off and say "god works in mysterious ways" or do you have an informed, logical answer?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How does Jesus dying amount to love?

    I'd gladly be crucified and then resurrect and rule the heavens! Why do silly humans believe he did it for them? Who wouldn't die to rule over everyone in the afterlife? Sounds like Jesus had other motives right?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do some Christians use dictators to...?

    Say atheism is bad? If anything, these only strengthen the argument against religion. Dictators want to be worshipped and praised LIKE gods. In north Korea citizens have to bow and pray to kim like a god. This only shows that religion makes people want to feel godly correct? What are your opinions on the matter? The only difference I can see between the christian god and dictators are that one can be proven to exist.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why are christians ignorant about their own religion?

    I just got done arguing with a christian and he told me god said gays go to hell in the 10 commandments. Did he think I didn't know what they were or his he just retarded?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Did Jesus marry his father?

    "I and my father are one" is what Jesus says in the bible. When Christians talk about marriage, they talk about two people becoming one. Does this mean god and Jesus are incestual homosexuals?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is god gay since he is all knowing?

    If god is all knowing then he knows what it feels like to be gay. Therefore god has had gay thoughts/actions. What do you guys think?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians, how is the ark possible?

    If the worlds population really came from 8 people how long would it take to get to today's population? Definitely more than 6000 years.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians, some logical questions for you?

    Can someone explain Satan to me? By the definition of the Christian god, Satan cannot exist. The Christian god is all knowing, all powerful and benevolent. First off, god created everything, including satan. Now yor god didn't create the satan we all know today but he should have seen what he would have became if he truly was all knowing. If he is all knowing, then he cannot possibly be benevolent and allow such a being to have been created. Lastly, god hasn't destroyed Satan. He either can't and is not all powerful or he doesn't want to and is not benevolent. Revelations speaks of a final battle and a bunch of other magical nonsense. If god wants to win so bad, why does he fuel Satan with more souls? Isn't satan just a justification for a bad action? "no that hurricane wasn't god, he sat back and let Satan kill those innocent people". Satan is incompatible with the Christian philosophy correct?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What's the funniest way to take the lords name in vein?

    We've all yelled GD or Jesus Christ, what's the funniest way to "say the lords name in vein"? Please no bible thumping I'm not into that kinda stuff.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Why believe in creationism?

    Why do people believe the creation story in Genesis when Genesis also says the world is flat? It makes no sense to me.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do conservative Christians denounce evolution?

    Evolution is a fact and I cannot see how anyone can just turn their head to evidence. Sure we don't know every single step in evolution because of gaps in thefossil record but the evidence is still there. "Evolution is a theory" is about the dumbest thing to say. In the sscientific community a theory is a evidence backed explanation for a scientific fact. At best these Christians have a several thousand year old book as their "evidence". At best they could call it a hypothesis. So why the willful ignorance?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • To Kill A Mocking Bird Question?

    I'm on a two day final and one question stumped me. I know Atticus first case involved two people who plead not guilty to murder when there was three witnesses. I know they were the last two people in Maycomb to be hanged at the county jail. How did this change Atticus as a lawyer? I need specific quotes because it is a fill in the blank answer. The actual question on the test is something along the lines of "Why doesn't Atticus like the being a lawyer after his first two clients. It made him_______" This isn't the exact question but it is similar to that. Quotes from the book would be great! (I don't have the book, she made us turn them in.)

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Theoretical Questions About Religion?

    Now, from what I understand, everything is made up of energy. Now if a God is all knowing and all powerful, wouldn't it require an infinite amount of energy over an infinite amount of time? I don't see why it wouldn't because something cannot be made by something and certainly a God cannot produce its energy itself because it is impossible to replenish the same or more than the amount of energy spent. Secondly, if an a perfect cannot can create imperfect humans that would mean a God itself is not perfect. Free will is not a valid argument because a perfect God would create a perfect person who would want to do perfect things out of free will. Lastly, a God that is all knowing and all powerful are incompatible. If a God is all knowing, he is powerless to change the future because he would know what would happen. Even if he changed the future, he would have already seen it if he was all knowing. This would mean everyone is either damned or saved at conception. You cannot change your life because your God would already know you would.

    Just for fun, if Eve came from Adam's rib, wouldn't they share the exact same DNA (excluding the extra X in Eve)? That would mean Adam produced asexually! A similar process happens in cellular division. This would mean that everybody would have the exact same DNA (disregarding genetic defects that would inevitably would have happened anyway). This means that whole story of Adam and Eve is impossible because they share the same DNA and the genetics would have deteriorated a long time ago.

    ------ Your friendly neighborhood atheist

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • selling a guitar question need advice?

    im getting a strat so im selling my old guitar. it is a gio ibanez solid black body dont know what the neck is made of and im selling a amp that cost 100 dollars when i bought dont know what kind of amp it is i was going to sell it how much should i sell it for. its a great guitar going to use that money to by a nice amp

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • xbox 360 game question please help?

    ok so i got a 360 it ruined 2 games. now i got a working drive in it but those games dont work. other games do. what i was going to do was rent thoose games install them to my hardrive. it can read the games just certain levels dont work. will installing them to the hardrive from another copy work on the 360. i think that my xbox can read the copy right info from the laser burnt disc. any help will do

    1 AnswerXbox1 decade ago