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Favorite Answers13%
  • Cracks at both corners of mouth?

    I have cracks at both corners of my mouth. What could this be? I had a lot of lack of sleep since my daughter was in the hospital. Could that be the cause?

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Mold under huge shag rug?

    I bought a huge shag rug from Costco and it started smelling really bad, so I pulled it up and found mould spots underneath it. I have two little one so they spill everything on it... Anyways I have bleached the underneath of it and hung it outside hoping that it will work. Is there anything else I can do to get rid of the nasty smell that is still there? Or should I just toss it? The darn thing cost me $300 so I'm not to happy about this haha.


    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • Worried about my lungs?

    Ok so here's my story. I am a 26 year old that smokes. I quit about 3 weeks ago but started again after a week due to my husband deciding that he no longer wants to be with me. I am deeply hurt because we have two little children together. So now is not the time toI quit. (Once I'm better cigs are gone!!!!) I am worried I have something bad going on with my lungs. I am coughing up phlegm, shortness of breath, and back pain. I do have extremely bad anxiety (especially right now :() I had a lung scan 2 1/2 years ago that said my lungs were fine. But now I am so paranoid... I can't sleep eat ext. if anyone could help me out that would be great. I have been to the docs and he listed to my lungs. Just need more advice.

    Thank you!!

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • Need help on potty training my 3 year old son?

    So my son just tired 3 at the end of march and he is still not potty trained. My husband is constantly pressuring me to train him, but my son isn't very interested. Any one have any tips for me on a good way to get him to go?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Hard non moveable Swollen lymph node in neck?

    I have been extreamly sick with a Cold the last 4 days and yesterday I noticed a hard small lump in my neck. I know it's a lymph node but aren't they suppose to be moveable?

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Strange head pains all over.?

    For the last couple months I have been getting mild aches all over my head. They are always in a small spot but they appear out of no where and last about 5 seconds to a minute. What could be causing this? I have been pretty stressed lately but when I google these types of headaches nothing comes up. I am worried its something serious but my doc says its just anxiety. Has anyone experienced these? Sometimes I get a normal headache that is worsened with movement ect. Could anxiety really be the cause. I also have been getting staticky vision but had my eyes checked and they are normal. I just can't handle this worrying anymore, someone please give me a answer!

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Annoying headaches that come and go?

    Anyone ever get pressure in head from bending over? I'm also getting these quick aches all over my head at different times. Pains mild just very annoying?? Anyone know what this is? I know it's not sinus related.


    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Sinus infection that will no go away?

    I have had a sinus infection over 3 months so the doc put me on antibiotics (clarithromycin) witch was helping. About 3 days after taking them I felt better but then I got hit with a nasty cold. I am blowing yellow an coughing up yellow. I feel like poo again my face hurts and I have a headache. I'm guess this cold made it come back? Is this possible?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • I have fleas in my house!!?

    So I have these little black nasty jumping bugs in my house! I don't have a pet but I'm thinking they were from my dads dog. Anyways I have two little ones so I don't want to use any chemicals in the house. I'm wondering if they will eventually die off?

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Does this sound like a sinus infection?

    About two weeks ago i had a nasty cold. (still have a bit of the cough) I keep on getting pressure in my forehead and nose at times. No pain just pressure. Also when I bend over cough ext. my head hurts for a quick sec. My nose has ran clear fluid a couple times and when I blew my nose it was green. (Yuck) my really question is- can you have a sinus infection without a burning nose and throat?

    Thanx for your answers!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Headache that won't go away?

    I have have a headache for the past 2 weeks it also happeneds when i bend over cough ext... its scaring the s**t out of me. I am so worried its a brain tumor!!! I went to the eye doctors today and she said that my eyes are super healthy. The headache is very mild but what could be causing this? Has anyone else had headaches from coughing or bending over that only last a couple seconds?? please

    help! 10 points for the best answer!! I also have extream anxiety so could it all be in my head?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • How do you know when salmon is bad?

    I bought some salmon fillets. They smell nice and fresh. No odor what so ever but it looks like the meat is pulling apart in some spots. I don't see why it would be bad? It was just packaged yesterday. Is it safe to eat?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Is four months old to early to introduce rice cereal?

    My baby is 4 months old and I want to start feeding her. She is breastfed but I still always hungry!!!! I know she is getting enough breast milk since she is gaining weight well. She holds her head up on her own and is pretty much sitting up on her own. When did you introduce rice cereal? Is 4 months to early?

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • What could be causing my fatiuge?

    For the last few months I have been expericing bouts of fatiuge and about the last week I have been feeling very fatiuged everyday. I get dizzy at times and very out of it. I went to emerg and they did a bunch of blood tests that could be causing it an it all came back normal. But i still feel unwell? I do have anxiety but I don't see why it would make me feel like this? I have had any attacks of anything. I have been stressed out with my two small children and constant grief that I'm not meeting there needs. I'm really worried that there is something seriously wrong with me that the doctors can't find. Could it me worrying making this all worse?

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • Will taking Benadryl once dry up my milk supply?

    I got stung by a nasty wasp last night and I had a bad reaction. I heard that taking benadryl with dry up milk supply. I am worried cause I just took it and I'm nursing my 3 mo old. Will taking it once really decrease it?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Does this sound like I'm coming down with a cold?

    I woke up this morning feeling very fatiuged and weak. I haven't really had any other symptoms of a cold yet but my 3 month old daughter woke up with a plugged nose and is very sleepy. Has anyone else had this happen where they feel fatiuged the day before cold symptoms happen?

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Need help making beef dip!?

    I'm making a roast in the crock pot and I only have 2 packets of club house au jus and a roast. Souls I mid up the au jus and add it in the crock pot with the roast? Will that work?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Bleeding again after period?

    Ok so I just had my baby 10 weeks ago and I bled up to 4 weeks postpartum then I got my period at 8 weeks postpartum. My period lasted abOut 4 days... And now a week later I am having this brown discharge??? I have also been cramping lightly on and off for the last 5 weeks.... What could this be???? I am going to the doc Monday but I am worried and need to know if this is normal?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • My breasts no longer feel full in the morning?

    I am breastfeeding my two and a half month old and I feel like my milk supply has dropped. My little girl Usally sleeps through the night. Every morning I would wake my my breasts would be full of milk and now they feel empty. Does this mean I have a low milk supply? Also she acts like she is hungry most of they day. She just started acting like this. Could it be her first growth spurt? I am worrying that she isn't getting enough.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Does fenugreek and blessed thistle really work?

    Anyone try the herbs fenugreek and blessed thistle for increasing there milk supply and did it work? My milk seems to be decreasing... :(

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago