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Lv 32,026 points

Broski of Destruction

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  • Is it possible to go mushing with one dog?

    I'm getting an Alaskan Malamute puppy soon. I'd like to attach him to a small lightweight cart when he's bigger and have him pull me along, as I feel this could be a very good form of exercise for him, as it's what malamutes were bred to do. A single malamute can possibly pull up to 2,000lbs under the right circumstances from what I've heard. The weight of myself and a small cart would be around 300lbs maximum. Would this be possible or would it cause harm to him?

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Am I a pervert for only wanting a female masseur?

    For the last while I've wanted to go and get a massage, I have some back problems and I feel this might help a bit.

    Anyway, I wouldn't feel comfortable with another man giving me a massage, do you think I'm a pervert because I'd only want a massage from a female? Weather the female is attractive or not does not matter as it's not a sexual thing, just that I wouldn't want another man doing it.

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • What is the cheapest a trans-atlantic flight could be offered at?

    I've heard Ryanair have plans to eventually break into the transatlantic market and offer cheap trans-atlantic flights akin to the way they've offered cheap no frills flights in Europe and have had much success and made air travel much more accessable to the general public. However, I was thinking, if they were to do this, how cheaply could they physically offer the tickets once they take into account the cost of the aircraft, wages for the pilots and flight attendants, airport fees, maintaining the aircraft, the cost of fuel, and the other charges which definitely come along with this. Would they be able to offer flights much cheaper than the companies who already offer them?

    3 AnswersAircraft7 years ago
  • Would it look weird to get totally different piercings in both ears?

    Right now, I've got 3 lobe piercings on my left side, similar to this: and 1 regular ear lobe piercing on the right side.

    I was thinking of getting an antitragus piercing on my right side, since it would ruin the triangle on my left side, as well as a helix piercing on my left, as well as maybe a rook, then I might get a conch piercing on my right.

    As you can tell, totally different piercings on both sides, do you think it would look weird? I'm a guy, by the way.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • How do I let out a high pitched scream like this?

    Where he screams "Alright" at the start, beware, the lyrics in the song are explicit.

    I can sing probably about that high, but, I don't have the same screaming qualities and seem much softer.

    1 AnswerSinging8 years ago
  • Is it possible to make your hair slightly curly?

    I'm not talking majorly curly, but, like, when hair is long and it has a slight curl at the end, is there any way to do this to your hair without curling it?

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • How do I start talking to a girl without seeming like I'm hitting on her?

    I'm 16 and I've never had a girlfriend, partially because, up until a while ago, never wanted one. Now I do. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I feel I look pretty good, and I usually look after my appearance well, to the point where I end up getting 2 haircuts in a month sometimes. There's some girls I like, both physically and emotionally, but, I just don't really talk to any of them, so, I feel if I do start talking to them, it's gonna seem like I'm hitting on them, and I'd like to get to know them better first. So, what should I do to get to know them better without seeming like I'm hitting on them?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it possible to get a spray tan off?

    I need a good tan, but, only for one or two days, I've tried wash off false tan products, but, they rarely look good. I've been thinking of getting a spray tan, is there any way to get a spray tan off once I don't need it anymore?

    6 AnswersMakeup8 years ago
  • How do I go about changing everyone's opinion on me?

    Alright, I'm 16 years old, for the majority of my school life, up until a year or two ago, I would have been pretty much the class clown, the one that everyone laughs at, but sees as too stupid to actually be friends with. While, I have made quite a few friends, I can tell, nearly everyone in my year at school still sees me as that, even though I'm not like that at all anymore, only my friends can see this. I've got another year and a half in school with these people, so, I'd like to try changing their opinion on me, how would I go about doing this?

    2 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Can you put a dye over a black hair dye?

    Alright, right now my hair is red, in a few weeks I'm planning on dying it a more acceptable colour because I have a public service job and I'm off for Christmas, so that's the only reason I dyed my hair.

    My natural hair colour, dark brown, would easily be dark enough to cover it up.

    Although, part of me wants to dye it black, but, I'm worried if I dye it black and don't like it, I won't be able to dye it a different colour, is this so? Or will I be able to dye my hair brown again if I don't like it?

    4 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Is it possible to dye a pair of black slacks white?

    I know, if I just get a white dye, it's not going to work, but if were to, say, bleach it and then dye it white, would that work? I've got quite a few pairs of black slacks, so, I can ruin one, but I don't want to ruin a pair if there's no chance of it working.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Should I go to the gym today?

    Alright, I came down with the flu rather bad on Tuesday, I had minor aches all over my body, tried as hell, stuffed nose, occasional headaches, really sore throat and felt like I was about to vomit.

    Yesterday, which is one of my workout days, I felt pretty much the same with minor improvements, so, I decided to skip the gym.

    Today, which is another one of my work out days, I'm feeling better, my nose is runny, I've got a sore throat and a minor cough.

    Should I go to the gym? Or could going to the gym hinder my recovery? My gym days are Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, should I just go to the gym again on Saturday?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Should I diet while I have the flu?

    Alright, here's my ordeal, I woke up with the flu really bad this morning, I feel slightly light headed, my throat feels as if I'd just swallowed broken glass, I've got minor aches all over my body and I'm feeling slightly like I'm going to vomit, though, I haven't yet.

    Anyway, even though I'm not vomiting, the only foods I've managed to eat today are a chicken breast, a bowl of egg whites and two protein shakes, though, I pretty much forced myself to eat these so my muscle recovery from the gym has some fuel. I feel so bad that, I decided to get a bottle of coke, I know it's not going to help, but, the sugar and caffeine in it have made me feel somewhat better.

    However, tomorrow, should I start dieting again? Or should I continue eating whatever I crave so my body isn't lacking the nutrients my body needs to recover and pick up my diet again once I'm feeling better?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Is a cheat day supposed to be literally anything you want?

    For me, a day of not dieting would likely be pretty much carbs, carbs, more carbs and then a bit of protein and vegetables at dinner.

    Is this what a cheat day should be? Also, should I have a cheat day be on a day that I go to the gym or one where I'm not?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Is it bad to take in 50 grams of Whey in one shake?

    Alright, I'm using this to supplement my actual diet, I'm also eating meat and other protein sources, anyway, I'd usually have 50 grams of whey, about 2.5 scoops, in one shake, either directly before or directly after I go to the gym, depending when I've last eaten, and at some meal time during a non gym day.

    Anyway, is this too much to be using in one shake, or does it not matter as long I'm also getting protein from other sources?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Is going to the gym 5 days and taking a 2 day rest bad?

    Alright, I want to go 5 days a week, it just happens that the best days for me not to go to the gym happen to be Tuesday and Wednesday.

    So, would it be bad for me to go to the gym Thursday-Monday and take Tuesday and Wednesday off? I know that 2 rest days is enough, but should they be spread out?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Recommend me some work-out songs.?

    No rap, techno, dance, nothing like that, I'm looking for rock, metal, preferably classic rock.

    Some songs I enjoy working out to are:

    Joe Esposito - You're the Best

    The Touch - Stan Bush

    Queen - The Show Must Go On

    Queen - Don't Stop Me Now

    Survivor - Eye of The Tiger

    3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Do any fat burning supplements actually work?

    Of course, I'm not thinking of some magic pill that will magically give me a six pack, but do any of the weight loss supplements you can buy in bodybuilding stores actually work if they're complementing a good routine and diet? Or is it a waste of money?

    15 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Is my friend in any major danger?

    Alright, I've got this friend, he has diabetes, though, I'm not sure what type, he was diagnosed when he was a child, so I'm guessing it's type 1.

    Anyway, he loves drinking, and he drinks all the drinks with a lot of sugar, like alcopops, he says that the alcohol in them levels out the sugar content. He also eats a lot of sugar, probably not a lot for a normal person, but for a diabetic, definitely, I think he's basically just relying on his insulin to keep them normal, instead of making lifestyle changes and having the insulin help with that.

    Could this be really dangerous for him?

    2 AnswersDiabetes9 years ago
  • Should I be majorly concerned about this?

    Alright, last Thursday I cut my mouth, a relatively big cut, but it stopped bleeding in about 5 minutes and it was fine after that, though, a bit swollen, the same on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, it started hurting pretty much whenever something touches it, especially salty and acidic foods, I tried to eat a sandwich with ketchup and the pain was unbearable, however, water soothes it whenever it does hurt, it's been like that since then with only minor improvements.

    Looking in the mirror, it looks somewhat like a mouth ulcer.

    4 AnswersDental9 years ago