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Lv 2963 points

savanna m

Favorite Answers8%
  • Surprising my Dad with Disneyland Trip Ideas...?

    My Dad purchased Annual Passes for me & my husband, as well my brother & his wife. They are about to expire, so to thank him we are surprising him with one final trip! We're planning to show up for a weekend & surprise him! (We live 2 states away & he lives in Orange County) So I'm just looking for some fun ideas of things we can use to surprise him at the park to show how much we appreciate these passes.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • I am in dire need of some help finding worthwhile books...?

    I am a 20 year old woman, who would like to read a book that is exciting, has a little romance, and doesn't feel like I'm reading a tween book. I'm having a hard time finding books that feel age appropriate for me. I just was wondering if anyone had read anything worth while and had some suggestions. I love books like twilight, uglies pretties and specials, pride and prejudice, wuthering heights, etc. Was looking for books along the same lines. (but please not too teenagy and highschool)

    On a side note please do not suggest any pornographic novel or anything like it. I'm not interested in that kind of writing.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How/where do I obtain a wpm certificate. I live in Provo Utah?

    need it for job applications. does anyone know how to go about it? an email link would work perfectly

    1 AnswerOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • an old Snow White cartoon feature film?

    it was an older movie, made probably in the late 80's early 90's. it was a snow white tale with seven girl dwarfs who all had magical powers. her prince turned out to be some beggar dude and the bad guy was the evil step mothers son who wanted revenge. does anybody know the name of this film or where to find it?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Jonathan Taylor Thomas?

    Does anybody know where he is now? or what happened to him. just watching tim the tool man and couldn't help but wonder

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Do you remember a show...?

    it was made sometime in the early 90's, but i honestly don't remember much about it. which i know isn't helpful. i think it was an anime cartoon having something to do with Peter Pan. i loved the show but was very young and cannot remember the name or anything about it. if you guys have anything, that would be awesome. i was just wondering if anyone else remembers it. thnx

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Are u more attracted to Blondes or Brunettes?

    guys and girls are welcome to anwer.... i'm just curious

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • So guys... what tells you a girl is interested in you?

    What are your favorite things that girls say to you, or whatever that show you they're interested?

    For example:

    when you're on a date, or at a party, or in the mall

    when its a girl you know, a girl you just met, or a complete stranger

    Or any other example you can think of

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Have any of you read....?

    THE ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coelho? I think its a wonderful and inspiring novel. Just curious if any of you feel the same, and if so, explain your favorite parts.

    I loved the honesty in his simplicity. eg. "He had to choose between something he had become accustomed to and something he wanted to have"

    But then the seemingly simple parables eg. "treasure is uncovered by the force of flowing water and it is buried by the same currents"

    i'd love to hear others opinions :D

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Guys... help me to understand....?

    Alright, concieted as this may seem, i know i aint chopped liver, i'm a decent looking girl, more than decent, i'm really pretty. I don't drink and party but i like to hang out and have fun. I don't dress in hoochy clothes but i'm not omish. i got a figure. I'm friendly and flirty- I'm 18 and a senior in highschool. I'm in AP classes and want a guy who can have an intelligent conversation with me about something other than the latest blockbuster hit. I'm an actress and star in all of our school plays. I was nominated for homecoming queen (didn't win though) But I don't get asked out much. Why not? What attracts u to a girl?

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how many of u?....?

    secretly or openly want to- be on american idol, be a model, be an actor/actress, be a dancer, basically be wordly famous?

    46 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Struggling writer... need help!?

    I write a lot, but am running out of ideas. I write all kinds of genres, but mostly short stories and plays. I also illistrate my children's stories. Just wondering what it kind of things you guys are interested in reading. I'm not interested in writing about sex, so please dont say you want me to write it. Some enlightening ideas would be awesome. I'd really appreciate it, thanks.

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I dont get asked out much...?

    i know that i am good looking (i'm not model, just decent ya know), but guys dont ask me out much. A guy friend of mine said i dont seem interested enough, that i dont really flirt a whole lot, but that guys are interested in me. there is a guy i want to flirt with more, but what if he has no feelings for me and i make a fool of myself by putting myself out? what should i do?

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have another one... tell me what you think again...?


    my mouth opens

    inside my soul

    bubbling out

    like an open hole

    sounds I make

    with melody carries

    telling a story

    it wavers and varies

    today I heard

    my mother singing

    to my little tune

    as she sat cleaning

    her voice and mine

    mixed but softly

    varied and wavered

    a song so lovely

    what was my story

    now became more

    sharing a soul

    is no one way door

    a soul, my song

    not only me

    song of the soul

    is sweet harmony

    2 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • I wrote something... tell me what u think...?

    Family Stranger

    He has to leave.

    Its hard to explain;

    hard to fix.

    how do I say

    its time to go?

    we sit laughing,

    What needs to be said

    was said

    I know the time has come

    its all so good


    But mama looks

    I know,

    he has to go.

    bad actors on a tiny stage,

    I leave the room,

    what can I say, what can I do,

    Papa, I call,

    has to come

    away from family

    no longer his

    I love u papa,

    so you must leave now.

    this isn’t your home

    try to see

    its hard to say

    just leave.

    go back to your house.

    I know your alone.

    not my fault.

    papa must go.

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Tell me what you think...?

    Family Stranger

    He has to leave.

    Its hard to explain;

    hard to fix.

    how do I say

    its time to go?

    we sit laughing,

    What needs to be said

    was said

    I know the time has come

    its all so good


    But mama looks

    I know,

    he has to go.

    bad actors on a tiny stage,

    I leave the room,

    what can I say, what can I do,

    Papa, I call,

    has to come

    away from family

    no longer his

    I love u papa,

    so you must leave now.

    this isn’t your home

    try to see

    its hard to say

    just leave.

    go back to your house.

    I know your alone.

    not my fault.

    papa must go.

    and also


    my mouth opens

    inside my soul

    bubbling out

    like an open hole

    sounds I make

    with melody carries

    telling a story

    it wavers and varies

    today I heard

    my mother singing

    to my little tune

    as she sat cleaning

    her voice and mine

    mixed but softly

    varied and wavered

    a song so lovely

    what was my story

    now became more

    sharing a soul

    is no one way door

    a soul, my song

    not only me

    song of the soul

    is sweet harmony

    4 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Was it just a kiss?

    My best guy friend and i got the leads in the play. He the male lead, me the female lead. We had our first stage kiss today, and he kissed me, well, pretty good. It was no peck. It was almost like the Walk To Remember kiss, ya know? In the past he liked me, but i always told him i was only interested in his friendship. My feelings haven't changed, but i cant tell with him. Was it a real kiss, or is he just a really good actor?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Whats your biggest pet peeve?

    ya know, anything from eating with your mouth open to someone saying "anywayS" instead of "anyway" I'm just curious

    22 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Hair cut and color ideas?

    I've been a blonde my whole life and for a year i tried being brunette. I'm not sure what color i should have. I am pale skinned with hazel eyes. My hair falls to my mid back and is slightly layered. Its classic, but simple. Anyone got any ideas?

    8 AnswersHair1 decade ago