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  • Accidentally hit by boyfriend - red flag?

    This morning, in an angry fit, my boyfriend whipped off the covers in bed and swacked me in the face when he got up, stomped across the floor, and slammed the bathroom door. I'm disgusted all day now and can't get over it. Otherwise he's an angel, the best. But he's a terror in the morning. Red flag??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What's your biggest pet peeve on Marriage & Divorce?

    Even after all this time, spelling is still my biggest pet peeve. But I'm an old school spelling nazi. What are your biggest complaints?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Do you still believe in marriage after reading this board?

    I read this board every day. And I'm just getting the overwhelming feeling that, relationships are just impossible. I've been through almost everything I've read in these questions, does he still love me, is he cheating on me, why did he hit me, he lied, he took our money, he won't get a job, he ignores me, he drinks too much, he flirts with other women and so on. If you read this board, you Know that these things will likely happen in your marriage. It seems inevitable. So how can we go on believing that long term relationships are possible? Should we just hope for a few good years and lower our expectations?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Why would a man do all this and not touch her?


    Why would a man cook a woman dinner, take her shopping, spend the holidays together, take her on vacation, fix her broken car, mow her lawn, lend her a little money, take her out to dinners, practice interview questions with her, call her, run to her rescue, and generally take good care of her, and not touch her? (And he's not gay.)

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Ladies; if your man said this to you, how would you respond?


    Ok, this question is aimed more toward ladies who are in a long term relationship or married. My question is, if your man came to you, and sat down and gently but directly told you that he has an issue with something about you (for instance, he's not as attracted to you because of your weight gain, or, your breath bothers him, or, the way you do something in bed he doesn't like), and he was up front and didn't pussyfoot around and just told you the truth, would you listen to his complaint and make an effort to change it? Like if he said he's been tempted to cheat or has been looking online but he doesn't want to do it, he wants your relationship to work out, but he needs you to lose weight (or whatever), how would you react?

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Tell him dinner made me sick or keep quiet?

    My bf made us chicken masala for dinner and it was perfect but too much pepper for my taste. Now it's 2am and I'm up with a sick stomach, nauseated, taking antacids and praying I make it through the night. Should I tell him I got sick or not? I don't see the point in telling him.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Should this forum be required reading before marriage?

    What I've learned from this forum over the last six years is that, NONE of the people in these falling relationships thought that their true loves would ever do to them what they've done. None of them believed that he or she would lie, cheat, drink, hit, abuse, or steal from them. Or any of the other dreadful things you read about here. I'm starting to actually believe that before anyone gets married, they should be required to read this board for at least four hours, so that they can see what marriage can do to them. I almost hate to say it, but marriage is looking more and more like a failed concept. The sad thing is, no one would believe it would happen to them. When clearly, eventually, it will!

    Call me a cynic but I no longer believe that a long term marriage is possible. Sure there may be some cases of people being married for ten years or more but the odds are squarely against that happening.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Check on the puppy? Or leave her be?

    Hi everyone, I need serious help with this question. My ex boyfriend has "custody" of our puppy. She's 9 months old. We broke up 4 months ago and she stays at his house. After going back and forth for a few months, I decided to stop going to see her, only to help her "get over me". Because I didn't want to see her once or twice a week and have her miss me. He would tell me she would get sad and go crazy after I left. So, I backed off. I haven't seen her in a month.

    Tonight he calls me and he's working late and she's over at his house in the crate, and he asked me to go let her out and feed her. A valid request, yes, but it will undo the time I've been away from her, about 5 weeks now. If she sees me tonight, she will go bananas. Then she'll start missing me again. I'm trying to do right by HER, not be selfish and on my part. I hope this makes sense. If I don't go check on her, she will have been in the crate for 9-10 hours. Now it's dark. I don't know which is worse, go check on her, or leave her alone. I'm all twisted up about it. Please help me figure it out. Thanks..

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Why does my oven vent heat through a pipe in a burner?

    The back left burner has a pipe in the middle of it, and oven heat pours out of it while the oven is on. Why does it vent out like that? Its a Frigidaire, not too old.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Denying a gift; please, did I do the right thing?


    I just moved into my new little house and my cherished sister, who lives out of state, called and said she got me a goodie basket of kitchen stuff, like silverware and towels etc. She doesn't have much money and I already have More than enough kitchen stuff so I thanked her a million times but said I don't need it. I said get your money back and thanked her a million more times and she was fine with it but now I feel SO bad. And it would've cost more money to ship it. Ugh I feel terrible, did I do the right thing??

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Really need help, I'm drawn to a guy who's a hot mess!?

    When I first met this guy he disgusted me. Over the past year I've come to like his personality a lot! But his missing teeth, tattoos and piercings really disgust me. Yet, I find myself wanting to be with him. He treats me perfectly and wants me bad, and I want him too! But those teeth.. I just can't. Can I?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Why is cold fish now a love bug?

    My long term bf who is usually tired and lazy, lately has been sweet, attentive, funny, all that good stuff and its freaking me out. I hate that I'm skeptical, but its almost too good to be true. What causes a man to go from lazy and snarly to attentive and funny?


    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Stay and be rich or leave and be poor?

    April 29 2012

    I'm ready to move away from my fiancee but if I do, it'll be financial suicide. If I stay I'll turn into a bitter, nasty witch and may start cheating, like he is. What to do?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Stay and be rich or leave and be poor?

    April 29 2012

    I'm ready to move away from my fiancee but if I do, it'll be financial suicide. If I stay I'll turn into a bitter, nasty witch and may start cheating, like he is. What to do?

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Keep my little dog, or give him a better life with a family?


    We (my fiancee and I) have a little dog, Max. We've had him for five months and I love him to pieces. He was abandoned by three other families and I swore I would take him and love him and train him right. But I'm seeing why he was abandoned - he is completely fearful of men, including my gentle fiancee. No matter what, Max is terrified of him. It's heartbreaking. Also, Max likes to take off and disappear for hours. It makes me worry sick. I've tried many things but he keeps doing it. I can't afford a fence or an electric fence, or a pen. Next, I think he's bored. We work all day and are tired old farts at night and rarely have the energy needed to play or exercise Max. Max loves kids to absolute death, loves cats, loves women, and I feel that a family with a fenced yard and kids, would be perfect for him. I found a home, and we are going tomorrow - but now I'm not sure. I know it might be right for him, I being selfish if I want to keep him? Is it the right thing to keep and love him or give him to a family that can give him more time and fun?

    15 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I'm -offended..that my dog needs obedience that wrong?

    Ok, so I've raised award winning hunting dogs, and I've raised a perfect seeing-eye dog, and I've had dogs as pets my whole life, but now I have one that's got me by the cookies and I'm about to find him a new home - because he keeps running away.

    Let's overlook the fact that he's a roller (those of you who understand that know what I mean), and overlook the fact that he's terrified of men, he's a great dog otherwise, very sweet and loving. He'll sit there in the yard while I garden, or just be with me outside for hours - then he takes off and I can't find him.

    I walk him 3 full times a day. Full walks. I feed him the best food, just got him a full exam at the vet, I mean this dog wants for nothing. But I can't tolerate these little "walkabouts" he goes on. I can't afford a fence, and I've tried as much as I can to get him to stop taking off.

    Is it POSSIBLE, that obeidence training would stop him from running away? Not that I would go, of course, because I'm a dog snob and think I know everything already. But - is it possible?

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Sexless marriage: what would you do?

    You've tried everything to no avail. But youre still in love with him/her. What would you do?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Why does pain from a past cheating episode resurface - out of the blue?

    January 24, 2012

    Today, for no apparent reason, I woke up ANGRY about my fiancee's daliance that happened over a year ago. I thought I had gotten past it! It's going on 2pm and my day is tinged with anger and I'm snapping at people because the whole thing feels fresh, like it happened yesterday. I'm swamped with wondering WHY he did what he did, what's wrong with ME, it feels like day one ALL OVER AGAIN. Nothing in particular triggered it but it's eating away at me. What is this, some kind of really delayed reaction? I went through all of the pain and the stages of recovery, all that stuff is behind us (for the most part). So, why today? Can I expect this pain an anger to just pop up whenever it wants?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I got the ring - but no proposal. Which hand?


    He gave me the exact ring I wanted for Christmas but didn't propose. He said some day we'll get married (like maybe after he gets a promotion in January). But I put it on my right hand while he's taking a nap. When he wakes up, what should I say? We live together and have been together on and off for ten years. I know I know, but - what do you think?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago