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Taylurr Babee.

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  • My boyfriend is being forceful when it comes to sex...?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 3 1/2 years now. Sex is an extremely important thing to him. I feel like he is horny 24/7. I dread sex with him. I use to enjoy it from time to time, but I always end up feeling guilty from him when I don't want to have sex. He says I'm not taking care of him, if I don't have sex, and a lot of other things. Last night, he was saying he was horny when we layed down to go to sleep. I had already broken my toe yesterday and was feeling sick. He kept saying he was horny and that he wanted me to touch him. Then he continued with the guilt trip that I'm not being a "good woman" for "not taking care of him". I told him I did not ant to have sex because I wanted to shower. I explained in detail to him that I didn't feel well and hadn't showered so I did not want to have sex. He said he understood. I thought by just touching him, and him falling asleep would suffice. Then he asked me to turn around, and I said, "for what?" He said just to feel me from behind. (I know this is a lot of detail but I want to explain the situation because I don't know how to stop it). He then wants me to take my pants off, and I try to distance myself from him, and he keeps saying he's so horny. He tries to touch me and I say that I haven't showered and didn't want to do that. Then he's like oh you're ruining the mood. Then he still tries and continues to force himself into me and I keep trying to push away but now I feelSOO uncomfortable and awkward and

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I need help making a decision...:'(?

    So...where to start. This might be kind of long but if you want to read, I'd greatly appreciate it. :) So, I just turned 20 3 months ago. I have a 3 month old son. My boyfriend is 27. He has an ex wife and two kids. Well when my boyfriend and I got together, he saw his kids every other weekend, and his ex lived far from us. He also worked a full time job. I was just out of my college semester after I graduated high school. I found out 3 months into my relationship I was pregnant, although I used protection. The way I was raised is that abortion wasn't an option because I must take responsibility, and I have such a heavy heart I know it would weigh heavy on my shoulders the rest of my life. My boyfriend then proceeds to tell me his has very bad difficulty reading and writing and had his job through a friend, which was fork lift driving. I didnt know what to think. He also doesn't have a GED or diploma. I was so lost. Then his ex moved close by. She constantly threatened me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Financial aid suspension?

    So, I had been attending SPC, St. Petersburg Community College. I went the first semester after I graduated high school. I was attending on campus, with no car, had to commute with buses, but I was so happy to go. I was in a car accident with a friend which left me with two head injuries and a neck sprain and it made it difficult to attend school and I fell very far behind. I was put on academic probation for my next semester, so I had to meet a certain completion ratio. My next semester, my best friend I had throughout high school died in a bad car accident, and for services for her had resulted in a miscommunication with one of my teachers in which I misunderstood a location for an exam so I didn't make it. Which put me under my completion ratio mark. About two semesters later, I filed for an appeal. Provided proof of my accident, accident report, my injuries, everything, and my friends death and everything that coincided with that for my second semester. They still said I was denied. I am pregnant now and want more than anything to go back into school and really finish my degree so I can be better for my son and be able to provide for him...and there is no way I could pay out of pocket for school...I had been working a dead end job after I stopped going to school and I want to be so much more and do so much more but it seems like right now I'd never be able to go back. It's so strange that I had documented proof for each happening, wrote a letter explaining I am pregnant and it was the worst mistake of my life to ever fall behind in school, and to be still be denied hurts so bad. Any help? Thank you so much.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid8 years ago
  • does this make me a bad person? :'(?

    ok. up until recently, my hubby had a great job for 7 years. for 90% of our relationship, he only had his 2 other children every other weekend. when they would come over, he would make them stay in the room with me while he was outside hanging out with friends on the porch. so i basically had to watch them. i treat them with the utmost respect and niceness but they mostly just run all over me and disrespect me. it hurts because i am trying so hard. i am 37 weeks pregnant now. and now since he just became unemployed the mother decided to go to school and work and school full time and make him take the kids and he still pays over 700 for them a month. it is extremely stressful. he will leave them to go wherever they want in the house and i can.never rest. they are 4 and 6. the 6 year old will get upset and say he doesnt like the baby or mean things like that. the 4 year old will get mad and hit me in my stomach knowing there is " a baby in there." we were supposed to.set up a room.for the baby and a room for the boys but he just decided to put their stuff in there and that was it. they are just very badly behaved. the 4 year old will try and just destroy things of.the baby's even though i beg and plead with him to "be careful" in the nicest way i can say it. my hubby also says he doesnt want his kids to ever think.he is leaving them.for a new family. he has only bought one thing for the baby and only because i asked. my mom has supported me a lot but its he offered to ever buy anything or go anywhere. and my mom made a special.blanket for.him and then let his 4 year old use it and he has peed on it, drags it around and everything and it made me mad. Im conflicted because I love them and want to shower them with love but it just gets hard because I feel like my new baby will be put to the back burner. Sometimes I wonder when he is worried about making his other kids feel like he left them for another family then why did he even start one with me...? Their mother is extremely violent and has even tried to hit me with her vehicle when I was 35 weeks pregnant because Ihappened across her at a gas station. I try to spend quality time with them and make them laugh and smile and I buy them little things just to make them smile and always try to instill kindness and happiness into their heart but I just seem to always be put last. Sometimes I even think it'd be easier to just go my way and raise my new and first son with love so he never feels neglected. Am I wrong in any way?

    5 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Does this make me a bad person? :(?

    ok. up until recently, my hubby had a great job for 7 years. for 90% of our relationship, he only had his 2 other children every other weekend. when they would come over, he would make them stay in the room with me while he was outside hanging out with friends on the porch. so i basically had to watch them. i treat them with the utmost respect and niceness but they mostly just run all over me and disrespect me. it hurts because i am trying so hard. i am 37 weeks pregnant now. and now since he just became unemployed the mother decided to go to school and work and school full time and make him take the kids and he still pays over 700 for them a month. it is extremely stressful. he will leave them to go wherever they want in the house and i can.never rest. they are 4 and 6. the 6 year old will get upset and say he doesnt like the baby or mean things like that. the 4 year old will get mad and hit me in my stomach knowing there is " a baby in there." we were supposed to.set up a room.for the baby and a room for the boys but he just decided to put their stuff in there and that was it. they are just very badly behaved. the 4 year old will try and just destroy things of.the baby's even though i beg and plead with him to "be careful" in the nicest way i can say it. my hubby also says he doesnt want his kids to ever think.he is leaving them.for a new family. he has only bought one thing for the baby and only because i asked. my mom has supported me a lot but its he offered to ever buy anything or go anywhere. and my mom made a special.blanket for.him and then let his 4 year old use it and he has peed on it, drags it around and everything and it made me mad. Im conflicted because I love them and want to shower them with love but it just gets hard because I feel like my new baby will be put to the back burner. Sometimes I wonder when he is worried about making his other kids feel like he left them for another family then why did he even start one with me...? Their mother is extremely violent and has even tried to hit me with her vehicle when I was 35 weeks pregnant because Ihappened across her at a gas station. I try to spend quality time with them and make them laugh and smile and I buy them little things just to make them smile and always try to instill kindness and happiness into their heart but I just seem to always be put last. Sometimes I even think it'd be easier to just go my way and raise my new and first son with love so he never feels neglected. Am I wrong in any way?

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • symptoms of autism or no...?

    My boyfriend's 3 year old son exhibits signs of a developmental disorder.

    I believe he can't count to ten even, but if he can, that is the highest. He won't say his name if you ask him or can't tell you his name. He throws severe tantrums and gets violent.

    He does not reach any of these milestones

    .Say his or her name and age

    Speak 250 to 500 words

    Answer simple questions

    Speak in sentences of five to six words, and speak in complete sentences by age 4

    Speak clearly

    Tell stories

    And he can't read anything. I am worried because if he does have any disorder, I want him to get all the help he can get and how I can help!

    3 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • Is this a violation of a custody agreement?

    If a couple is divorced. They have 2 children.The mother is the custodial parent. The father had rights to see them anytime before 8 on any given weekday, and every other weekend. He recently became unemployed, but is receiving unemployment compensation, and is trying to return to work. She decided to start going to school full-time on campus and pick up a full-time job. She makes him take the children, overnight, all weekend, and on the weekends, and says he can return them every other weekend. There has been no change in the custody agreement, and he is still paying over $700.00 a month for both children although he cares for them 99.9% of the time. Is she in violation of the agreement? What can he do to change this? He is in the state of Florida. She is a hostile woman and threatens him.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Need help with extremely violent ex...? :(?

    Ok, so I am 34 weeks pregnant. My boyfriend has two children from a past marriage. They are not officially divorced but have been separated. To the extent of my knowledge, that have had some court separation because custody was arranged but the divorce was never finalized because he didn't attend the class within 90 days. But the "court" arrangement was that the kids live with her, and he got them every other weekend. He pays $700.00 a month for his two kids with her. He use to work about 70 hours a week, but has become recently unemployed. He wants to go back to work and is looking. As soon as she found up, she signed up for school full-time, got a full-time job, and says he has to take the kids every day of the week every night and every weekend, and only gets every other weekend free. He is still paying the full amount of child support through unemployment..I don't think that's right...? She is extremely violent. She is trying to hit me with her car, follow me, threatens me and him, and whenever he has to get the kids, she tries to attack him. She constantly harasses him via text and call. Also, when they where in preschool, she made him pay for me I thought that she is suppose to find some way and not put other people out because she decided to go to school full-time and a full-time when she is a single parent with two children....and he is trying to return to work! I live in Florida. The case isn't 3 years old yet so we can't file for a modification but what can we's not fair....I have to go on maternity leave soon and he is paying 700.00 a month to her for children we have 99.9% of the time!!! Somebody help please... :(

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Maternity leave in FL?

    I have been working there since september 1st of last year...I do not know how I will be able to afford maternity leave without pay. I am 33 weeks pregnant and my employer is trying to get me to work 12 hour shifts where I only get a 30 minute break and am standing any other time. I leave work crying any day I work and am high there any type of program that could help me? I'm only 19... :'( I am lost on what to do but I don't know how much longer I can work. And I want to so bad, if it wasn't so painful.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • 2 vessel cord? Please help? :(?

    Ok. So I'm 19 years old about to be 20. I am pregnant with my first child. As of today, I am 26 weeks, 5 days. I have gained about 13 pounds so far, but I'm 5'6. My doctor did not seem to be worried. At 24 weeks, 4 days, I had a level two ultrasound and echo-cardiogram. They found my baby boy had a 2 vessel cord. He was already 1.8 pounds at 24 weeks and all his organs were perfectly in shape. Since even before I found out, his movements are very random but every day he is very active throughout random times throughout the day. I get so scared sometimes, but my doctor was not worried in the least. Anyone else experience this? He is the absolute love of my life already and if anything where to happen I would be completely devastated beyond belief. Any advice? Thank you!

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • What does this dream about my bf mean?

    all i can remember is he went to jail/prison. i remember feeling so devastated and was trying to find ways to get ahold of him like call him. then i found what jail he was in and everytime i saw him i would start crying so bad and parts of my skin would turn blue. any idea what this means?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Can wearing jeans hurt my baby?

    I fell asleep in jeans, unzipped and unbottoned. I woke up and now have like really bad gas and uncomfortable feeling. its like horrible gas. Now im scared i hurt the baby!!!! did i? :(

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Pain in muscles along spine?

    i stand 8-10 hours a day at my job. i am pregnant. im only 19. The muscles along the sides of my spine are extremely stiff and hurt to touch and when i do just about anything. Sometimes my back is hurting so bad it puts me in tears. any ideas?

    8 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • My insecurity is getting the best of me?

    I have a guy that tells me almost everyday I make him happier than he could ever be, he couldn't ask for anyone better, we are expecting. He wants to buy a house together. A car. Valentine's Day he suprised me with a room full of chocolate and stuffed animals and roses. He always tells me he would never hurt me. Even though there is no reason to think, I think he's out looking or trying to hit on other girls or going to the strip club or something. I don't know why I'm thinking this? Please help. This is the love of my love and I can't get these toxic thoughts out of my head. I'm naturally an ovethinker. :(

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I had a dream about my car exploding?

    I was in my moms car in front of her house. i was trying to turn the heat on or something and it wouldnt. Then i kept fiddling with it and it wouldnt work. so then the car started vibrating and shakin like crazy and i knew it was gonna explode so i tried to get out but the doors wouldnt open. then the car exploded and i remember only seeing flames then i woke up on the ground and started screaming for my and mom. they came out and i remember thinking i was glad to be alive. what does this mean?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Coming up with money for a down payment?

    is there somewhere official that will loan 1000 dollars for a down payment? that i could pay off in increments? thanks.

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Trying to use my car for trade in but no title?

    Ok, my boyfriend and I want to use his vehicle to trade in for the down payment on a new car. I got approved. But is this possible? Do I request a new title? Or can I even do this? The car title was used for collateral his brother's bond, can I still do it or no? Please help!!

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • Anyone else experience this uncertainity?

    Ok. About three weeks ago, I took an HPT. It was positive. I took one an hour later, it was negative. Now my last period was sometime right before or after halloween. The next morning I took one, it turned positive instantly. I went to two seperate pregnancy centers and had a pee test at each, both positive. Today I had my first ultrasound. She said all she could see was a gestational sac, and that it said it was 4-5 weeks. And also that she just saw a shadow but she couldn't measure it. She said the gestational sac wouldn't show unless I was pregnant. So I am right...? I haven't bled or anything. She said my urine test said I was about 7 weeks, and my sac says 4-5 weeks, and the difference is the time of conception. I am pregnant right....? :(

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Please help...pregnancy confusion?

    Ok. About three weeks ago, I took an HPT. It was positive. I took one an hour later, it was negative. Now my last period was sometime right before or after halloween. The next morning I took one, it turned positive instantly. I went to two seperate pregnancy centers and had a pee test at each, both positive. Today I had my first ultrasound. She said all she could see was a gestational sac, and that it said it was 4-5 weeks. And also that she just saw a shadow but she couldn't measure it. She said the gestational sac wouldn't show unless I was pregnant. So I am right...? I haven't bled or anything. She said my urine test said I was about 7 weeks, and my sac says 4-5 weeks, and the difference is the time of conception. I am pregnant right....? :(

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • I am pregnant....right?

    ok. so about 3 weeks ago i tested positive at a home test. my last period had been a few days before halloween. havent had one since. i took an hpt. it came positive. i took another one an hour later. i took one the next morning it turned positive instantly. then i went to a doc office had a pee test that came out positive and went to another doc and had a pee test and it said i was positive. i just had my first ultrasound. they said my urine tests say im about 7 weeks but the gestational sac says im 4 weeks, which the two weeks difference is the time of conception. she couldnt see anyrjing but the gestational sac on.the ultrasound. i havent bled or anything so i know its not a miscarriage. i am pregnant right??

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago