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I am 22 and a senior in college. I joined Yahoo Answers when my gerbil unexpectedly gave birth.(the baby is now 3 years old!!!) I know a lot about TV shows, especially CSI. I like helping others and this is the place to do it. I love to write short stories in my spare time and I am very passionate about my writing. *The baby gerbil responsible for me joining here passed away on December 14th 2011 at 3 years old.

  • Looking for AARP Magazine?

    I have been searching for a copy of the August/September 2017 issue of AARP magazine for weeks now. I know it is not sold in stores and my parents have a subscription as do my neighbors but no one we know has received it yet. Is the magazine different for each state? Or is it the same nation wide? I live in Michigan if that makes a difference. We ve called the company and they say the magazines are out but so far, not for us. We can view it online but we prefer the physical copy. If anyone knows what s up with this or has a copy they don t need, it would be awesome if we could have it. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersMagazines4 years ago
  • Can what you dream when you sleep make you sick?

    I was wondering if having a bad dream or one that lasts a long time and is very vivid can make you wake up and feel sick. Or if you dream about doing something, like crying, and you wake up doing that thing. Has anyone ever had any of these experiences?

    10 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Facebook Security Argument?

    My father and I are having a bit of a disagreement about Facebook. He believes that if I were to look at someones profile before I add them as a friend, they will know I have viewed their profile. I don't believe this because if that were true, facebook would send out notifications telling us someone looked at our profile. And also, that seems very unsafe since most people have their profile set to private anyways so my question is, who is right?

    As a side question, my father also claims that he made a facebook that had none of his work information on it yet in the box that shows us people we may know was his boss. He wants to know how Facebook could suggest him as a friend when he had no networks or anything associated with him.

    Thanks in advanced.

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • I need career advice and help deciding what to do.?

    I recently changed from a psychology major to a secondary education major. Teaching is something I am passionate about and I can't picture myself doing anything else. The problem is, I'm getting positive and negative feedback from people who hear that I'm going to be a teacher. I talked to a counselor at school who was very supportive but some of my family still think I'm making a huge mistake. I live in Michigan and they are basing their reasoning on the bad economy and due to the fact that a lot of teachers have gotten laid off, but I've been told I could find a teaching job out of state if I wanted. Plus the economy could turn around in 4 years. I'm just really confused and I need advice from a neutral party. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Advice for taking college classes online.?

    So I recently decided that dorm life is not for me, I spent one week there and was struggling everyday. My parents accepted my decision and brought me home, but now I am stuck. I have been thinking about taking classes online and I was wondering, has anyone had experience with online classes. And if so how has it worked for you and do you recommend it.

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • wisdom teeth, throwing up after surgery?

    So I just had my wisdom teeth out and I have been throwing up. The dentist says it's because of the anesthesia and that it affects me worse but has anyone else ever thrown up after wards and how many times did you do it and how long did it take to stop?

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Driving fear, how to overcome it?

    So like most people I took drivers ed and segment one and all that stuff and I have the level one permit to drive with an adult in the car. I practice but not as often as I should because I just get nervous in the car and afraid of the road. I can handle side streets but not the highway. I know physically that I can drive but I can't actually get myself to get in the car and drive. I should have had my license a year ago but this crazy fear has kept me from getting it. Everyone says driving is easy and it upsets me even more to know that I can't even do a simple thing that everyone else does. Any advice on how to overcome this?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Ankle bone and swelling around it but no pain?

    This is for my mom, she has this slight swelling around her ankle but it has never bothered her but now it seems to be getting bigger and she just noticed today. The only physical thing she has done is bend up and down to paint the garage. Any ideas on what it could be? She does have fibromyalgia and raynauds and sometimes has numbness in her feet so that might be a factor.

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Stitch in my side, I have had it since yesterday.?

    I went for a bike ride yesterday right after dinner and I got a stitch in my side. I figured it was from exercising right after I ate and that it would go away. Well I still have it and I was wondering how long do they last and why it won't go away. It feels like the stitch you get when you run too much, on my right side, and it hurts when I move. Any advice/ reasons for it still hurting would be appreciated. thanks.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Constantly getting colds?

    I have been sick with a head cold every month since September. I got sick when school started, then I got better, then I got sick again in October, then again before Thanksgiving, Christmas, and in January. Now I am sick again. I take vitamins everyday and I eat healthy. I knew why I got sick in September because I went back to school but this is getting ridiculous! I always wash my hands and use hand sanitizer and I am careful about germs but I don't know what this could be. Any other suggestions on how to avoid getting sick would be appreciated. Thanks.

    5 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Looking for an old board game?

    It's not that old, I remember it from when I was 6 or 7 so around the mid 90's. It was a Disney board game because I can remember the hercules and aladdin characters on it. The board itself was huge and flat. I could stand on it if I tried and the game had colored chips to play with. They were about the size of a nickle and colored red, blue, yellow and green. If anyone has this game or had it or remembers it please help. Ive forgotten so much from my childhood already and I don't want to lose anymore of it.

    2 AnswersBoard Games1 decade ago
  • Yahoo Answers E-mail problem?

    Why is it that yahoo answers keeps sending me an e-mail telling me I got best answer for a question I answered 3 days ago? I got one e-mail and it said I got best answer. Then yesterday I had 23 e-mails all from Yahoo answers telling me I got best answer for the same question.And today, 23 more e-mails! Any ideas why I keep getting so many e-mails? I already got the 10 points! It won't leave me alone!

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Plantar Warts Trouble? Treatment options?(long story)?

    I first got plantar warts in the 7th grade on the bottom of my foot and the heel. They went away with treatment prescribed by the doctor. I used a liquid and bandages and they healed just fine. Back then I swam a lot. I figured I contracted them from my school swimming pool. Then in 10th grade I got more, this time on the tops of my toes. I have been treating them with the same medicine for two years and I have not swam in a pool or anywhere for 3 years because of them. Now I have two more on the bottom of my foot like before. I am treating them but I am wondering will they ever go away? My doctor froze the ones on my toes off but they are still there! Any suggestions on treatments and can they stay on me forever? I hate them and want them off. they don't really hurt but I just hate seeing them and I can no longer walk around barefoot for fear of contracting more. I even wear flip flops in my shower so I won't get more warts. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • I need help finding a Christmas song?

    I heard this song on the radio a few days ago. They never said the name of it. It was a guy singing about running into a girl he knew from school and it's talks about them sitting in her car reliving old times and memories and drinking coffee. Any of this sound familiar to anyone? Thanks in advance for the help. It also had a pretty up beat tune to it, it wasn't sad song.

    1 AnswerChristmas1 decade ago
  • Paying Just to Apply for College?

    So some of my friends have said that you have to pay just to submit an application. I started filling one out for Central Michigan ( I'm 17 and a senior) but no where does it say I have to pay just to apply? I'm confused? Help!

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Solving rational expressions help? ?

    can someone help me with these last two problems from my homework? We are solving rational expressions. I need help adding and dividing. Thanks in advance.


    ___6____ + ___5_____

    5x^2 y 10x^2 y

    2. __y^2-5y+6____________ / ___y^2+3y-10 _____

    y^3 4y^2

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Gerbil ear problems? Scratching and bleeding?

    My gerbil is scratching at her left ear and she made it bleed a little. It doesn't seem like shes in pain but I know it is bugging her an she has blood on the side of her fur and a little in the front. What could it be? This is the first time I've seen her do this. She's an albino gerbil

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Wireless Internet Connection?

    Last month my laptop crashed. Now ever since, my internet connection is acting up. Sometimes it stays connected and within 5 minutes it will go out. Sometimes I can re-connect easily and other times I have to try several times. What would make it do this? I never had this problem before the crash and if the internet went out it was a network thing that happened to everyone. This is only happening to me. I am annoyed with it now because I constantly have to keep checking to be sure I am connected to the internet before I send e-mails or search for things. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What's up with my cockatiel?

    We have had her for four years, but we are not sure of her exact age. She is acting strange, First off, she is drinking more water than usual, which leads to runny droppings and it seems like it is harder for her to go. She is also nesting in corner of her cage but we have no male cockatiel. She gets aggressive when we get near and screeches sometimes. Also she is aggressive with her toys. Every website I go to tells me something different so I thought I'd try here. Thanks.

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Does anyone think this is strange?

    My family has a lot of parties, your typical BBQ's, birthday's, etc. Every now and then I wanted to bring a friend with me to one of the parties, 4th of July most recently, but my father said no because it was just a "family" party. Well when we got there my two cousins had brought two friends each with them. That was 4 extra people! I was mad because if they can do it why can't I? I know it seems childish but it bothers me. Especially when my cousin brought her friend to my brothers birthday party and didn't even ask my parents if it was o.k. We hosted the party at our house and had no idea she was bringing her. What do you think? It is confusing for me and always has been. I'm over some of it but I just want to know what everyone thinks.

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago