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  • Yahoo Messenger photo sharing problem?

    My friend and I share photos regularly. She has one laptop, a 1YO Gateway. I have three laptops that I use regularly - first one is a 2YO Dell, the other two are newer Dells (one 1YO, the other 1month old) and all have the most recent version of Messenger. My friend was on an older version - but it worked fine until about a month ago, when she would be able to get my photos but I could not get hers on the newer Dells (just the older Dell).

    I was visiting her over the weekend and we upgraded her to the most recent version of Yahoo Messenger. I still cannot receive her photos on either of the two newer Dells. I get the blurred-out photo but it never loads. I have changed security settings; added File Sharing TCP port 80 to the exceptions list; re-installed Messenger; disabled Windows Firewall (no other firewall) ..... nothing works. She has dialup and I am on DSL - but none of that has changed since this problem began. Yahoo Help pages are basically useless for anything more than basic problems (i.e. "how do I sign into Messenger?" types of problems LOL). If anybody has any insight or ideas to try I would appreciate it - quite frankly, I'm tired of having to switch computers to share photos with my friend (the older Dell belongs to my son, my photos are stored on one of the newer Dells which is mine). Thank you!

    4 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • Gestational diabetes - possible false positive?

    Could the lab be misreading or misinterpreting my results?

    Preg #1, no GD - female baby, under 9 lbs (8 lbs 12 oz).

    Preg #2, GD - male baby, under 8 lbs (7 lbs 6 oz).

    Preg #3, no GD - female baby, under 8 lbs (7 lbs 13 oz).

    Preg #4, GD - male baby, currently at 24 weeks gestation.

    Okay, so two girls, no GD; and two boys, positive for GD. The only things in common with them are 1) both are boys and 2) both were diagnosed in our current hometown in NC (the girls were both born in IL). Is it possible that the lab down here is messing up with the readings on my GTT? Why would I test positive ONLY when preg with boys and ONLY in NC? Wouldn't I have shown some indication of GD with baby #3?

    With baby #2, I was put immediately onto insulin; and the diet I was given was more of a guideline to follow, other than that they left me to my own devices with it. Now with this one, #4, they want to manage with diet; and OMG this diet is just NUTS. Instead of a large breakfast and smaller dinner, it is the exact opposite. Not to mention it seems like I'm eating CONSTANTLY throughout the day - and to prove that, in the span of three days I have gained a whopping FOUR POUNDS. That is SO not cool, or safe for that matter - I have a call in to the nurse at the diabetes center about it, no call back yet.

    I'm wondering, if I pay out of pocket, would I be able to go back up to Chicago and have them test me for GD, just to compare the two test results (theirs and the one here)? I feel worse after starting a program for GD than I do before starting it - both with baby #2 and this one.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks!!

    6 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Behavioral question?

    12YO girl, oldest child of three (fourth on the way), has always been excessively defiant and oppositional; but ONLY with myself and her father. She is a perfect child at school, for her grandmother, and for friends' parents. My DH is convinced she simply hates us. I've been wondering for some time if she might have ODD. Is it possible for her to exhibit every single symptom of ODD but ONLY with us, nobody else?? Or could this be something else entirely? Thank you!

    4 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Vet or Tech please help! Question about baylisacaris procyonis and cats!?

    I have a 7-month-old kitten who was taken to the vet this afternoon; for the past 48 hours she has exhibited plantigrade in her right rear leg, as well as ataxia. Her rear legs (both) would quiver when not firmly on the ground (she exhibited this when I laid her on her back, and when she raised a leg to clean herself). Today she presented with a 104.7 degree fever.

    Vet strongly feels she has contracted raccoon worms; he said tapeworms but I can only find remote references to baylisacaris procyonis (roundworms), and none referencing cats contracting them (only dogs or humans). The only time she was outside was the first few days of her life, not once since.

    Can anybody point me to some online reading on this? I can't find ANYTHING, and I'm very good at online research....usually I can find things most others can't. I want to know what to expect; how long she may have; things I can do to help her; etc. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Erratic cycles after stopping Seasonale?

    I'm almost 39 and I was on Seasonale/Quasense for about 2 years, with no issues whatsoever. I stopped last summer (May) after a long-distance move, and had no funds to continue (and no insurance). For a couple of months I had heavy monthly cycles; then it seemed as if I'd gone back to my usual pre-Seasonale 28-day cycles, one day really heavy, second day heavy, days 3-5 light. Now I've gone several months and had only two cycles (with around three months between them). We want to TTC; but how do you plan for it when you don't know when you're ovulating?? Is this normal when you stop Seasonale? Last October I had to go to the ER with unspecified lower abdominal pain and a stoppage of menses; but the doctor didn't find anything wrong other than some sort of infection, which antibiotics cleared up. Any thoughts? I will be seeing an OB/GYN, when I can work it in around my busy schedule (I take care of my elderly mother and my 3 kids LOL). Thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Lawyer changed POA w/o mom's consent?

    I have been the sole POA over my mom (financially and medically, both durable - not limited) for years. Today my mom told me that her attorney made my cousin the POA, without my mom's knowledge or consent. My mother is terminal (ovarian cancer) but is still fully competent to make decisions; can an attorney legally and ethically do this?

    Before anybody suggests it, I have a relative who is an attorney; he will be meeting with Mom tomorrow because Mom has told me she wants me to be POA, not my cousin, and Mom also said she wants a new attorney to handle her affairs from this point on. I'm just curious about the legality and ethics surrounding this attorney's actions regarding Mom's POA; I don't want to make a huge issue of it now, I'd much rather just get my relative to fix the issue (plus I don't know how much trouble this other attorney will cause)...but after Mom dies, can I file complaint against this attorney for unethical or illegal practices? Thanks!!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Laptop is possessed??

    Where to begin? The laptop, while a touch slow, was working fine until last weekend; then, without any known reason, began acting very strangely. The first clue I had that something was wrong was when my BFF IM'ed me and I couldn't see any words; nor could I see my reply after I sent it....I have uninstalled and reinstalled Yahoo Messenger and AIM, to no avail. Also; when I go to some web sites that have clickable buttons (like Yahoo Answers), I wouldn't see the buttons (such as "Answer This Question") at all. I had downloaded Windows XP so I could roll back my desktop (I hate Vista, LOL), and when I would click on the link in the email they sent I would get a completely blank page; I had to have my BFF sign in from her location and email me my product key. I can't download any device drivers from the Dell website; because I get a VERY low-res website when I go there, with NO clickable links (they're there, I just don't have the option of using them). I can't reinstall IE because Microsoft detects Vista and tells me it came with Vista. I've reinstalled Java, thinking it was a platform issue. I've completely deleted everything; cookies, temp internet files, whatever they let me delete I deleted. System Restore keeps failing. Now the most recent issue is that in IncrediMail, one of my folders was COMPLETELY emptied for no apparent reason, including over 100 emails I hadn't read yet! And I can't go into AOL to retrieve them because again, no clickable links. Any thoughts? I'm lucky I can use Answers; otherwise I'd toss the comp in front of a fast-moving freight train. I downloaded Registry-Fix-It; it detected 268 problems, and after I repaired I re-scanned and it found 138 problems; for some reason it will not remove these 148 problems at all. Help!!

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Windows Vista won't let me remove it?

    Okay, I have Vista on my laptop and my desktop. I HATE IT. I want XP back. I downloaded the .iso file for XP; but apparently Vista is not compatible with my DVD driver software, because it is disabled. There is no update on the Sonic website that I wouldn't have to pay for; and I can't afford to buy it. Without the software I cannot burn the CD necessary to revert back to XP.

    Does anybody out there know of a website where I can get XP and NOT have to burn it to disk? I will be posting a wanted on Freecycle; but I'm not holding out hope, if these people are smart they won't let go of it in favor of Vista (terrible platform, almost worse than Windows ME). Or; does anybody out there know of a free software program that will CORRECTLY burn the XP .iso file to CD so I can reinstall it after reformatting? I can burn on my laptop; but even if I do that the computer STILL can't find the program to open the file. Please help me, Vista seems to have kidnapped my computers. Thanks!

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago