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I'm a freshman at the University at Buffalo studying Urban Planning. I am originally from Ithaca, home to Cornell University, hence my user name. (This is actually enough to identify me by name...) I joined Yahoo answers a really long time ago, but I was pretty much inactive after like 1 question until about two months ago. Now I'm hooked. I'm a social democrat as the poli-sci majors will tell you, and and agnostic as the philosophy majors will tell you. I love to listen to music really load in the car with my friends, drinking to excess only at frat parties, drinking Starbucks, late night Taco Bell runs, buying clothes that I don't need, planning trips to Europe with a friend that we'll probably never take, watching The Office, Battlestar Galactica, and Adult Swim, illegally swimming at the drinking water reservoir in Ithaca called Second Dam, getting into long winded political debates on facebook groups, and trying to convince people that peak oil isn't just some conspiracy.

  • Can someone explain a bi man's attractions?

    Sure everyone's a bit different but generalize- I am entirely enfatuated with aanother guy who is bi (I'm gay) and while he flirts with me and we cuddle a lot he says he isn't trying to hook up with a guy right now... he just keeps sleeping with his ex gf! I even gave them a ride to his apt after a party where I held him and warmed him up while we smoked outside... sounds like an fml moment!

  • Is there some reason not to trust this poll?

    Apparently the watered down Senate and White House plans are about as unpopular as the GOP claims they are... but the reason is that they leave out the public option! I don't understand how anyone could be against it since it's basically like having the postal service but in the healthcare field instead. The USPS didn't prevent FedEx or UPS from coming about and they sure haven't had any trouble competing with it either. The USPS, by the way, comes straight out of the Constitution so don't pull a 'that's un-American, to have a public option' snafoo.

    My concern, however, is that while the pollsters themselves are non-partisan and do polling for organizations and media outlets from all over the political spectrum the money to do the poll came from a handful of liberal groups. Are there any safeguards against the pollsters simply telling the people paying them to poll what they want to hear? What if the Cato Institute commissioned the same poll at the same time, would it say the public option is wildly unpopular?

    Note that I'm not asking about the public option's merits, though as long as you answer my actual question I wouldn't mind hearing your views on it. Also of note: there isn't really a well defined policy behind the banner of "public option" so who knows what the people polled thought it meant.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do conservatives think that voting isn't enough for corporations?

    Why should organizations that exist for the purpose of insulating individual members from financial risk be represented in the government above and beyond the aggregate of the employees', investors' and executives' votes? Why am I, an actual person, limited to donating certain amounts per election and per year but now corporations can contribute however much they want under the obviously bogus claim that they are persons as well? Shouldn't these legal entities be restricted under the same regulations that you and I are if they are indeed persons? Since when does financial power equal political power in a democracy?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do emotionally battered spouses get to leave the relationship but...?

    ... children and teens that suffer verbal and emotional abuse from their parents are told to work it out and not run away? Society tells us that our parents have the right to talk to you however they please and if you tell them that you need to leave for a while to not be around them they can tell you that they won't let you. If you do leave they can call the cops and have you forcibly returned to their custody.

    After several years of being treated for depression and anxiety I was recently diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and told that my relationship with my mother and father (they got divorced when I was 4, but had partial custody) was and continues to be one of emotional and verbal abuse. My stepfather and now former stepmother weren't much better...

    Why when I talked to the school psychologist about my parents back in high school she told me that I should try to work it out with them is beyond me, I know now that there is nothing you can do or say to make someone stop verbally abusing you. She didn't even recognize that that's what was going on...

    Unfortunately this is an all too common problem, studies I've read say that 35% and up have suffered from verbal\emotional abuse either by their parents or a intimate partner (dating, marriage). Why is almost nothing being done about this issue?!?!?!

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Are my parents doing this on purpose?

    I rent a room from them in their (well, it used to be our) house and have recently been out of work due to a nerve injury. This means that I'm spending a lot of time at home with them, especially over the holidays. I was so looking forward to them going back to work tomorrow but now I'm being told the the three of us and my brother who is home from school must take a book shelf to our grandma's house. I would be more than happy to do this with my brother, but our mother wants us to drive her to a doctor's appointment in the same town our grandma lives in. Then we will have lunch together there, followed by a return home... except that both of them will be spending the rest of the work day at home. In other words I have to wait yet another day to get any semblance of privacy, since if I stay in my room they simply come into said room without asking permission.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How is it that Republicans think that Obama is a liberal?

    His administration has stuck with the most "moderate" positions around, as determined by taking the moderates of the major parties and throwing a dart in between them. The American public is, over all, much more liberal than the administration. At every turn they have negotiated away almost everything we elected him to get done to the Republicans. In return the GOP has refused to vote for anything the Democrats bring to them. (What happened to the Filibuster being the gravest offense ever seen on the floors of Congress?)

    What happened to a health care plan that covers everyone? Repealing the PATRIOT Act? Regulating the exotic financial products markets? Preventing escalation in Afghanistan? At least the tax cuts for the middle class got through... not that any conservative would ever admit that the terrorist socialist Muslim dictator supported such a thing.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How exactly is DOMA constitutional?

    First things first: please only answer if you have a constructive statement based in actual constitutional law to make. All others will be mocked and ridiculed.

    Article IV of the Constitution reads as follows:

    "Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof."

    A federal law that says that a specific type of marriage allowed in some states, that which involves two members of the same sex, doesn't have to be recognized by all states seems to be in violation of this clause. Congress is given the authority to regulate the process by which one proves to a state government that another state has pronounced you husbands or wives but I don't see where it says they can tell the states to ignore each other's laws.

    Something tells me that if the majority of states did not allow people of different religious faiths to wed then there would be outrage at the idea of having a federal law that barred interfaith marriages performed in some states from being recognized in those that ban them from being performed within their borders.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Drymouth or cottonmouth from working in a rennovated apartment?

    My mother and I spent the last two afternoons cleaning and moving furniture back into an apartment in our basement. We both now have a persistent bad taste and slight tingling sensation in the mouth. She also seems to have mucus or phlegm build-up in her throat, but an unproductive cough.

    The apartment had recently had the drywall in the ceilings and the walls cut open to have soundproofing insulation installed. The people we hired to do this work left the dust from this process caked on everything that hadn't been removed. Naturally we didn't wear masks... even after noticing it. Yeah, we're not always the brightest people.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Why does my Compaq 6710b Vista Pro comes to a screeching halt every fifteen minutes?

    Is it because Windows designed the most idiotic software (audiodg.exe) to interface with the pci sound card that HP installed (SoundMax HD something)? I checked to make sure my driver is updated and downloaded the latest release a whopping 3 days before it was set to check for updates to the sound card. I then proceeded to try disabling the sound card... which sort of worked except for one problem other than the obvious one of not having any sound.

    audiodg.exe seems heII bent on using every last bit of my cpu capacity at semi-regular intervals of approximately 15 minutes for at least two minutes in duration. It only becomes a problem when I play video games (civ4 seems especially prone, as does gta... shockingly smac and pharaoh aren't). As I mentioned before, I tried to disable the sound card but since it is a prerequisite for running video games it completely obviates the gains of not having the computer slow down. It does also slow down streaming video, but I always buffer anyway.

    Any help would be of use, and note that I don't mind not having any sound while I'm playing a game where I'm just gonna listen to pandora or my own collection of music on my ipod touch.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Do conservatives still support the Unitary Executive?

    Or do you only support expansions of executive power when the President is a member of part that claims to be "conservative"? Was any use of power under Bush okay while no use is under Obama or was under Clinton etc?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Remember "Children of Men", and the mention of an '09 flu pandemic?

    I find this to be entertaining since I have this awful novel H1N1 crap. Should we be on the lookout for mass infertility though?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Who is more at fault in this driving incident\near car crash?

    I was nearly in a car crash today and I'm wondering who is (more) at fault here. The location was the junction of State Rt.13 and N. Triphammer Rd. in Ithaca, NY in the east bound lanes of the overpass just after the the east on ramps' signal (check it out on Google Maps or whatever at approximately 2300 N. Triphammer Rd.).

    The aft of the first vehicle was behind the second's fore when the first driver began to merge from the right lane to the left. The second driver swerved out of the way into a yellow hazard zone (as I believe they're called) and proceeded ahead of the first vehicle into the following far left turning lane.

    As it turned out, the other driver and I were going to the same place (a supermarket called tops) and she decided to try and pick a fight with me in the front end (aka where the registers are). I have friends that work at this store, and worked there in high school... but that didn't stop me from responding. Not to mention that she had her approximately 12- 14 years old kid with her. Lol.

    Do note that I'm not telling you which driver I was. At least I tried not to.

    3 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Should I be worried about these Chantix side effects?

    I'm 20 (very shortly going on 21 actually) and have been smoking since I was about 17. I somehow got up to around half a pack a day within the first 8 months of smoking and tried to quit cold turkey once, with nicotine replacement once, and now I'm trying chantix. I occasionally drink (2-3 times a month) and while I have also been smoking pot about that often for some time I started doing that a lot more often (once a week at least) since going on chantix.

    It's working marvelously for the nicotine withdrawal but the side effects are pretty weird for me. I get some sleep disruption and drowsiness which are both listed on the container. It also mentions gas, but I only get that when I stop drinking water constantly since my thirst has become insatiable. I'm drinking at least 4 liters a day, and that's just straight up water.

    The more bothersome side effect is another that involves the word insatiable... this time applied to my sex drive or libido. Today alone (it's still friday to me, I work night shifts) I had sex twice and still had to masturbate three times in addition to that I'm not sure if this is an effect of the drug or maybe just from quitting cigarettes since the opposite effect is expected from both. Most of the people reporting problems regarding sex seem to be decades older than me and are complaining about ed or decreased libido.

    I won't lie, that last one has been kinda fun... but it's getting to the point where not only can my boyfriend \ sexual partner \ very good friend not keep up, neither can I.

    Anybody have any suggestions?

    Other - Health1 decade ago
  • Who's the actor that plays Nick Lane in this week's episode of Frigne?

    I've been trying to figure this out on google because a) he looks very familiar somehow, and b) he's d*mn cute!

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What are the arguments against allowing grocer stores to sell wine in New York?

    I happen to work at a Wegmans in upstate new york and I know we'd make more money off of a wine section since we already cater to a wide selection of high end products. The state of New York, however, won't allow us to sell anything stronger than beer or malt liquor (the closest to "wine" we get is Sangria and wine coolers).

    I had heard that Governor Paterson had wanted to change this law, but gave it up in a compromise to pass the budget. Who would have wanted him to not pursue that, and why? I can see someone argue that grocery stores wouldn't be able keep underage adults and children from illegally buying wine, which requires stricter regulation than beer, malt liquor and wine coolers. I would disagree that a grocery store couldn't do that safely, since many other states allow wine to be sold in grocer stores and in somes place they even sell hard liquor... I would personally suggest that wine be kept behind a counter and you would have to show id to pick it up, which would require an employee with experience in serving such beverages (winery and liquor store employees, for example).

    There must be some other reason why such a large number of people disagree with selling wine in grocery stores. Anybody got any ideas?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to retrieve itunes tracks after replacing hard drive and motherboard?

    Unlike my wma and mp3 files my aac downloads from the itunes store were not backed up, but I feel as though there must have been some record that I purchased those songs... I checked my email and I don't have anything that old saved (this happened last summer) so no receipts are available for this time frame.

    I pretty much just want to be able to get some Julie Delpy and Bright Eyes tracks that I bought before this happened... if only my ipod hadn't been stolen before I got my computer fixed!

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How could two people, created by God, beget an entire species?

    I ask because there is a reason that inbreeding is bad for a society: disadvantageous recessive traits (like mental retardation, for example) become more and more common with each generation. Research into space colonization (generation ships in particular) has shown that there are certain minimum beginning size requirements for an isolated human population to sustain itself. The minimum , as you might have guessed, is far above two.

    In order to avoid problems with inbreeding over just 10 generations in a 200 year period you would need to start with 160 people, according to an article by Damien Carrington of the New Scientist. (

    I'm still looking for information regarding indefinite preservation of genetic diversity, I'll add that when I find it. By the way, if you're unsure as to how this wouldn't be a problem for evolution then you don't know very much about the theory.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Am I right to be annoyed that my stepfather wants me to lie to my car insurance company?

    I hit a median during a white out snow storm early in December last year. The police report makes it clear that I was not liable for any damages to a sign that I bumped into and that the cause of the accident was poor road conditions, not poor driving.

    My insurance company asked me to give them a statement and interviewed the passenger in the car as well. Obviously they want me to tell them something that will allow them to jack up my rates but the police report would seem to prevent that. My stepdad ,however, wants me to lie to them about the fact that I hit the sign, how much the damage to vehicle was (I scrapped it since it was totaled), and about the fact that my passenger was drunk.

    My parents pay for most of my insurance, but I don't think that means they can tell me to lie to the claims department . I keep telling him that I told the insurance company the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... but yet he still wants me to call them up and lie to them... despite having already given the police, accident report dept. and the claims dept. the same exact statement (I have it written down). He's become so difficult about this that I can't even stand to be in the same room as he is for more than 5 minutes at a time.

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Brits: How is the BNP viewed in the UK?

    I ask because I saw a question on here a bit earlier about this party that was titled "British National Party racist, realy (sic)?". So I figured I'd take a look from a US perspective... and then the question got deleted for no reason that I can discern.

    After I finished reading their manifesto I concluded that they are an innately racist organization. I mean, just because you *say* you aren't racist doesn't mean it's true... especially with zingers like this one: "We do not accept the absurd superstition - propagated for different though sometimes overlapping reasons by capitalists, liberals, Marxists and theologians - of human equality."

    Now, they go on to say that this doesn't make them racists because they "...don't claim any one race to be superior or inferior...". And then they contradict themselves by saying that Western Europeans have historically established free societies because of genetics. I would also like to know how two things can be unequal without one being superior to the other in some way... this appears to be stupendously fallacious logic.

    So that's my 2 cents (or should I say my 2 pence?), perhaps someone could shed some light on this from the same national perspective this party is coming from?

    14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago