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  • Why do Christians,and Catholics support democrats/liberals?

    Democrats/liberals champion the killing of God's unborn children the most vulnerable and defenseless.

    Democrats/liberals attack everything God in schools and in all public settings,they especially love shutting down Christmas.

    Do Christians/Catholics think God will allow them into heaven knowing they were accomplices to the killing of his unborn children by association.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Microsoft windows troubles.?

    I have a acer m5100 series desktop.I had the acer erecovery management system revert the system back to out of the box configurations to try and clear up some problems and now I'm stuck with windows vista home premium 6.0 and I can not get it to update back to windows 8.I have the Microsoft update engine on and it just keeps wanting my to install windows vista sp1 for the 15th time.I know windows 6 and 7 are nolonger supported but I think I need to go through them and their service packs to get back to windows 8...any idea's will be appreciated.Alot of my programs will not work with 6 and Microsoft keeps wanting my to upgrade to IE 9,but I can't because I need sp2 or higher and I can't get it because I can't get sp1 to work right even when my download center says it was downloaded and installed successfully.

    windows vista sp1 kb936330 that I have downloaded and installed 15 times and I still can not get past this....sorry for the rambling truly frustrated.

    2 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Do you white democrat/liberal supporters realize,what your white leaders are doing to you.?

    White democrat/liberal supporters do you understand in the quest for absolute power,your white leaders are creating a racial monster,that will eventually regulate you to servants.Here is what will their quest for absolute power,your white democrat/liberal leaders are mobilizing black/hispanic Americans,and championing uncontrolled illegal immigration of hispanics to overwhelm republican/conservative voters of all racial backgrounds.once this is done,the black/hispanic majorities will have the numbers to oust all your white leaders from the halls of the democrat/liberal party,and gain control.they will regulate your white democrat/liberal leaders into community organizers for the white minority community,which will have no power,and will simply be the chamber servants for the black/hispanic controlled democrat/liberal Americans,heed this the quest for absolute power,your white democrat/liberal leaders are creating a racial monster that will also consume you.your white leaders in alliance with obama,who champions uncontrolled illegal immigration will eventually out number you,and out vote you,and you will also become chamber maids to the hispanic controlled democrat/liberal party.I am American hispanic.I know the hispanic mentality,especially of hispanics in the border areas.mexicans,and hispanics south of mexico are not racially tolerant when it comes to their women/daughters.White/black democrat/liberal supporters,my predictions will come true,your white/obama democrat/liberal leaders in their quest for absolute power will result in you becoming serf`s to the hispanic controlled democrat/liberal`s going to happen white democrats..think about it....your own hands are putting the hanging noose around your neck,by supporting democrats/liberals.

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • can you use a 16v laptop battery charger on a 19v system?

    charger broke on laptop,and i have one that fits but its a 16v charger,will it work till my replacement charge comes in.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • why do liberals complain about drug testing for welfare benefits.?

    day in,and day out liberals complain about something being racist,inhumane,discriminating,or unconstitutional when it comes to their voting they complain about drug testing their welfare recipient voting block......why do i have to take a drug test for the privilege of paying taxes in order to support,their welfare voting block.

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • can you explain this liberals?

    ok you liberals who constantly complain about out sourcing jobs.......why was the MLK statue carved in china,and not in the U.S. by an American artist....explain yourselves liberals.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • why does obama continue to blame?

    obama since he took office blames bush for his lack of leadership skills.....obama continues to say he inherited a recession..he did not,he inherited what the democrat/liberal controlled congress gave him in the final 2yrs of the bush administration,and what he,and his liberals minions created in the first 2yrs of his administration...democrats/liberals have controlled the U.S. government from 1/2007 until 1/2010 this is all obama,and his liberal minions doing....he will not accept blame,because in doing so he will have to admit....LIBERALISM beliefs/policies/ideals...are failures again as history has proven them to be.

    7 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • Do liberals not understand S and P,moodys warnings?

    liberals do you not understand why the credit rating agency's are threatening to down grade the U.S. credit rating,its not because of the debt ceiling is not being raised..its because under democrat control the U.S. debt has increased by 4.6 trillion in 2.5yrs which was at 10 trillion on 1/2009 when obama took office,and is projected to reach 29.2 trillion in 10yrs at current spending levels these are levels not even the U.S. economy can sustain,even if you took every dollar the so called rich have....the nation will collapse....

    2 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • why cant democrats do simple math?

    when a nation is spending a dollar....which its citizens are contributing 60 cents,and the the other 40 cents are being borrowed how long can a nation survive?

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • Here`s a good example of liberalism destroying our nation?

    This is what liberalism is doing to our nation,an example at a soccer game...According to Bill Plaschke of the Los Angeles Times, when the U.S. team took the field it was "smothered in boos. ... Its goalkeeper was bathed in a chanted obscenity. Even its national anthem was filled with the blowing of air horns and bouncing of beach balls."The American team was booed, along with our anthem,and the mexican team was cheered,the American team lost,and when introduced again in post the game ceremony,they booed again,and to boot the trophy ceremony was held in spanish,if U.S. fans in a Mexican town to boo, jeer and chant obscenities at a Mexican team before, during and after a match, and blow horns during the Mexican national anthem, they would be lucky to get out of the stadium alive.liberalism is destroying a nation again,this event occurred on U.S. soil,and this is what one fan said.... "I was born in Mexico, and that is where my heart will always be."really maybe you should go back to your failed nation......whats the difference the democrats/liberals are destroying our nation sucking up to the illegals...wake up America democrats/liberals will sell us out to stay in power,my white brethren,take heed democrats/liberals are willing to throw you under the bus,illegals,and black Americans is all they care about,these people procreate more then you do,the end is near.............before you liberals have a fit...I AM AN AMERICAN OF HISPANIC DESCENT,and i can see what you are doing,white liberals you are going to make yourselves irreverent in American politics,once hispanics,black Americans gain power they will boot you out,and they will treat you,as they claim they were treated by your ancestors,just like the American soccer team was treated so will you,white democrats/ have made a deal,with the devil championing the cause of illegal white democrats will pay the price,you will be eliminated as power brokers by the hispanic population,once they are strong enough to elect all hispanic politicians in their districts...think not look at,south texas,new mexico,arizona,california,michigan,Illinois,florida...white democrats are being eliminated,hispanic blood is taking they say,be careful of what you wish for white democrats/liberals,the hispanic pandering you are doing is going to only get you the hispanic horn up your back side,white democrats/liberals are so power hungry,they are ignoring the writing on the wall....brown/black skin will eventually make white democrats their slaves,liberalism destroys nations,and it will destroy white democrats/liberals....white democrats you will be the red headed step child of the hispanic/black controlled democrat party....when you make a deal with the devil,the devil always wins.......

    7 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Can the Dear Leader Obama make up his mind.?

    It was just a month or so ago,that the dear leader obama said in a speech...drilling for American oil,and increasing the supply will not reduce the price of oil,or gas.....then he orders 30 million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserve to be released in order to increase the supply,thus reducing the price of oil,and gas....please dear leader open a lemonade stand.and get some basic high school economic studies on how a real world economy works,and fire ur liberal economic adviser,just like F.D.R. did after all his liberal economic policies failed,and the U.S. was forced into World War two he brought in men of industry,capitalist to manage the U.S. war economy,and we won,and the U.S. ushered in prosperity never before seen,and then we got jimmy carter,and liberalism has been infecting the U.S. economy since then,and we`ve had 1 recession after another since then,but none has lasted more then 2 yrs,until liberalism took over in 2008,and again the U.S. is stuck in the sand pit of liberalism,liberalism failed F.D.R.,and dragged the U.S economy into the mud for almost 10yrs,liberalism is failing obama today,and we will continue to suffer for a total of 8yrs,if he is reelected,do research America the great depression was extended beyond norms,because of liberal economic policies,i.e. government spending.

    7 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • democrat/liberals support of gays?

    i know this will probably be deleted by the liberals at yahoo answers,but so be it...democrats/liberals support gays which i have no problem with,but democrats/liberals fight for gays to be able to practice unnatural acts..i.e.invading an orifice which its soul purpose is to eliminate human waste,but yet will also fight tooth and nail to allow the destruction of a human life nestled in the womb of a women,and will also fight tooth and nail to save the life of a dog,and they will fight to protect the right of gays to continue to practice the unnatural act of invading an orifice meant to eliminate human waste,but they will fight to allow the destruction of a human life nestled in the womb of a women,they will fight to protect the life of a dog,but they will not fight to protect the life of a human fetus nestled in the womb of a women,but they will fight to protect the right to invade an orifice designed by nature to eliminate human waste.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • why does the U.S. liberal media ignore the failure of liberalism in europe?

    Reports coming out of europe are that the collapse of the euro is near,the bastion of liberalism europe is,is about to implode,riots by unions,welfare recipients,students,pensioners,liberalism/socialist economic policies are about to fail again,but this time in a grander scale the hole of western europe will be dragged down,no less then 10 european nations will be destroyed by liberalism/socialism this time,and they will take down the weakened U.S. economy as well,how u ask,the U.S. has been weakened by liberal/socialist policies for the past 30 yrs,and are dear leader has spent trillions bailing out unions,and has also promised to provide greeks with billions which we do not have,no country/countries can stop what is about to happen,there is not enough money to do it,the liberal/socialist economic policies are COMING HOME TO ROOST...once again the world failed to learn the lessons of history,the same policies the liberals believe in today,are the same policies the russians believed in,that is until the u.s.s.r. collapsed under its own weight,government can only print,and pass out free money for so long,and then the roof collapses,and everybody is left out to suffer in the cold...but the liberal media ignores the truth to cover up its support for hope and change,and the failure of liberalism,hold on the ride is about to get rough,thanks to democrats/liberals.socialist.

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • Rep. Anthony Weiner why is he so upset?

    Rep. Anthony Weiner is fit to be tied...he can`t understand why the liberal media is paying so much attention to his lewd photo,after all he`s a liberal,and the liberal media should be protecting him...after all the liberal media ignores all democrat/liberal lie`s,he can`t understand why obama`s lie`s are defended,and he is not.....the liberal media is the propaganda machine of the democrat party...fashioned after the great hero of the liberals Goebbels...why O why are they turning against him.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does blood pressure medicine show up on a drug test?

    i have been taking blood pressure medicine not prescribed to me do to financial difficulties,and i have to take a drug test will it show up,or are they only looking for narcotic type drugs.

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • why do democrats/liberals complain about tax`s rate`s????

    everyday we hear our president say...i don`t need a tax`s break...i can afford to pay more,but the dear leaders tax`s returns show he took enough deductions to reduce his tax obligations from 35% to 25% of income over 2 million dollars of income,what deductions could he have...the American taxpayer pays for all his,and his families needs,he has no travel expense`s...air force 1,he has no food expense`s,no utility's,all is provided by the taxpayer....wait i forgot he sends his girls to private school,the public education system he champions is not good enough for them,and i recall he canceled vouchers for the poor to attend the same school as his girls do...i can understand that liberals want all to be poor,they just don`t want their kids to associate with the poor.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • labor laws in the state of texas?

    my ex wife works for the attorney general child support division in the state of texas,a week or so ago she took a call,and gave information to a non authorized person,who claimed to be a child support client,person had all the necessary information..s.s.#,birth dates,address,child names,fathers name,and information...upon review of recorded tapes my ex missed tell tale signs of a non authorized caller....the caller kept saying she,instead of me or i,now the agency wants her to resign,or be terminated,what are her options,and should this happen on a first offense,no review board or first offense disciplinary actions,she was also told if she was terminated the state would do all in its power to deny her unemployment benefits,she did tender her resignation notice under management pressure,and fear i told her she should not have,but she did....does she need a lawyer,what are her options..

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • why is obama financing Brazil's drilling?

    our dear leader promised the brazilians,American know how,and American taxpayer money in their quest for deep sea drilling for oil,and promised to buy all they had.i wonder why he didn't make that same offer to the people of Louisiana who`s economy he ruined with his ban on drilling for American resources.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • best women's perfume?

    need a perfume recommendation help me please......

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago