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i am called big daddy by my daughter cause of my hieght i am 6 foot 10 and 325 pounds i am a weight lifter now fo 15 years and i own & run 2 brothers landscaping company. my kids are the most important thing in my life. my daughter is 14 going on 40 and i have a 9 year old autistic son.

  • where in the bible does it say?

    that animals have no soul?

    i heard a minister say this once and i refuse to believe it.

    i believe anything with the capacity to love MUST have a soul...

    or is this particular minister wrong?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • is it really racism?

    when all anti's want is our laws enforced?

    the pro's call us racist, and cowards just because we want our boders secure and our laws enforced. now i know there are some anti's that are indeed racist but they in no way speak for the rest of us....most of us don't care what their race or nationality is. wether they are white, hispanic, black, asian or what ever we don't care. if they are here illegally then we want them gone. period. they don't belong here and have no right to be here. they have no right to work here, no right to the social services provided by this country. we are tired of fotting the bill for these people. why is this so hard to understand?

    so i ask is this considered racism?

    22 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • question about an 86 crown vic. LTD?

    this car has noticable lean to the left ( driver ) side....the shocks are fine so what else would cause this problem?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • i thought it was considered murder to cause a death while?

    in the commission of a crime?

    the woman responsible for the minnisota bus crash that killed 4 children was here illegally and was driving without a license.

    both crimes.

    i thought it was considered murder if you caused a death while in the commision of a crime.

    if that is the case shouldn't she be carged with 4 ciunts of murder?

    9 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • if you can't prove?

    that god does exsist,....and i can't prove that god does not exsist....than how in the world can there be so many arguments about weather or not he does or doesn't??

    wouldn't it make more sense to just agree to dissagree than to fight over who is right or wrong?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why can't everyone just let people believe what they will?

    why is it that people feel the need to convert each other?

    the christian needs to make you believe that they aer right and the athiest needs to make you believe that there is no god....and so on and so on.

    why can't people just let each other believe what they want and be happy?

    why is it so important to try and convince one another that the other is wrong or right?

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why do A LOT of people who claim to be christians?

    notice...i said a lot NOT all people who claim to be christians seem to be able to do is call you names and condem you if you do not believe just as they do?

    there is one who claimes to be an educated, republican, christian, engineer who continually e-mails me whith vile, hate filled messages.

    then if i try to reply to find out why, he turns off his e-mails like a bully and a coward.

    is this what being a christian is alll about???

    does he think this is the way to get me to change my views??

    is this what christians really think and feel or is this just the works of a mentally deranged individual?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why do pro's keep insisting that illegals do the jobs that americans won't do?

    i have one of those jobs.

    i am a landscaper and i have a business that employs about 35 people.

    before i reaced a point where i was able to hire people to work for me i started out mowing lawns working in other peoples back yards with little more than a lawn mower and some hand tools.

    so i am so tired of hearing that they are doing the jobs that we won't do...because we do!!!

    we just want a livable wage...thats all!!

    can't you pro's come up with a new argument?? preferably one that is true.

    18 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • fellow pagans.....?

    what do you do to bring yourself out of a depression when you feel as though please no one?

    when no matter what you do you just can't get it right?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • a question for the pro's?

    or anyone else with a resonable answer.

    as a father it is my job to teach my children right from wrong.

    to teach them to respect the law.

    how can i teach them that it is o.k. to break some laws and not others?

    how as a parent can i teach them it is alright to pick and choose which laws to obey?

    it is my job if i want them to grow up to be law abiding citizens to teach them that all laws must obeyed and enforced.

    so you tell can i teach them it is o.k. to break the law and expect them to be anything other than criminals?

    11 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • why is it that the pro's say?

    it is too hard for the illegals to fight to fix their countries?

    some 200 and plus years ago the american settlers fought the greatest military force ( at the time) in the world and were greatly out numbered and out gunned....and won their freedom and rights...

    so if a group of farmers with little education and few weapons out numbered 50 to one can do it why can't they?

    13 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • how is it that illegal's pay taxes?

    if they have no SS# and have no documentation?

    if they are then they are committing some kind of fraud or committing identity theft ... both serious crimes compounded by the fact that they are here illegaly

    i have heard said in this forum that many illegals's pay taxes but i want to know how they do it without any LEGAL documents.

    13 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • if all sins can be forgiven?

    then how in the world can there be an unforgivable sin....

    the bible says that through christ all sins will be forgiven and cast as far out as the east is to the if not ALL sins can be forgiven then the bible contridics itself.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • as an employer?

    why should i supply instructions in another language?

    i have a policy of " if you can't speak and read english you don't get hired"

    why should i care if someone can't get a job because they can't understand the language of the land?

    now i know there will be people that call me racist but i have more than just white people working for me...there are white, hispanic, and african americans who are in my employ but i demand that they all be here legally and they all understand english.

    17 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • how does one claim to be both?

    a christian and a wiccan?

    it would seem to me you have to be one or the other....

    how do you believe in the triple goddess and the horned god and still believe that the christian god gave his son for sacrafice?

    it doesn't seem logical to me ...

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • have the pro illegals?

    thrown the word racist around so many time that it has lost it's punch?

    why is it they can't seem to understand that the anti's are anti ILLEGAL immigration and it has nothing to do with race?

    if you are here illegally it doesn't matter to us what your race or nationality is we want you to leave.

    12 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • were mary and Joesph?

    already married at the time of jesus conception?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • if we can't take care of our own?

    homeless and hungry men, women,and children...and i am talking about the truely needy not the happy, lazy homeless then why in the world would we want to take care of all these illegals?

    first lets take care of our own peoples and then worry about the rest of the world.

    18 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • what about building a prison just for illegals?

    my home state of nevada has thousands of miles of undeveloped land. they are criminals and they need to be put some where until we can ship them out.

    we could build a huge prison just for them...lots of rocks for them to bust too.

    21 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago