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Favorite Answers61%
  • Can you help me identify this car?

    I saw a car today that I could not identify. There was a logo on the front, but no other identifying labels or badges anywhere that I could see (front, sides or back). It was on a sports car, fairly modern (within 10 years, I'd guess), and the car was a very low slung two door. I'd guess there was maybe six inches clearance between the bottom of the body and the pavement. The logo on the front was about three or four inches high. It was complicated - all silver, with a stylized H at the bottom, a bird-like shape above it (straight lines for wings attached to a wide V that dipped into the top of the H) and then some more stuff above that. Vertical lines, I believe. I just spent an hour clicking through websites with car logo photos, but I couldn't find anything like it. I am SO not a car person, but I'm really curious as to what this vehicle was. Can anyone help?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Do you have any book suggestions for young readers?

    For Christmas, I give books to all of the kids I know. I like to read the books before giving them, partly because I want to be sure they're appropriate, and partly because I like to be able to talk to them about the books. I've already given books like Ender's Game, Eragon, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Hoot, Harry Potter - the obvious ones. I'd prefer paperback.

    I need suggestions for books for a couple of 11 -14 year old boys, one of whom is into WWII and outdoorsy stuff, and another who likes science fiction. Also, any "best reads" for new readers and un-readers (I have a couple of toddlers and babies on the list)?

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why do people encourage profanity and abuse on this site by answering those questions?

    Okay, so this isn't really a question so much as a suggestion to those who answers abusive questions to STOP. Answering the question just encourages the behavior. If nobody reacted (other than by reporting the abuse), they'd get bored and leave. Just click into the question, click "Report Abuse" and then leave. Don't post anything. Don't give them the satisfaction of a reply.

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Can someone help me with a country music song title?

    A few years ago there was a country song by a male artist that had a clever slam by a woman. I think it took place in a bar. I remember hearing an interview with the artist and he said that he and his wife were arguing and she said this phrase. They both stopped mid-argument and exclaimed that it would make a good song. For some reason I thought the artist was Trace Adkins, but I can't find anything under his discography. Can someone help me - I'm going crazy here!

    4 AnswersMusic2 decades ago
  • Activities in the Riviera Maya?

    I was given a trip to the Secrets Excellence Riviera Maya resort in February. (Woo hoo!) Does anyone have some suggestions (besides laying around the the pool/beach) for things to do in the area? I'm really not into swimming, so scuba and snorkeling are out for me. I'm looking for lower activity, sight seeing type things. The resort is about 20 miles south of Cancun, near Puerto Morelos.

    1 AnswerCancun2 decades ago
  • Do you have an old fashioned Butterscotch Pie recipe?

    My mom has been looking for years for a Butterscotch Pie recipe like her mother used to make. It starts with white sugar and you cook it in a skillet until the sugar turns brown. Anyone have something similar?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades ago