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I am an aeronautical engineer,qualified fighter pilot,Qualified Master foreign going ships etc.--. While living a lonely life I developed LOVE for every particle of this planet. Every religion of the human world appeared self centred and devoid of the basic nature of GOD the OMNI present conciousness. The light of SPIRIT in every particle will shine during my meditations with open eyes blinding me with tears of LOVE for every being which not only emerged out this Planet Mother's dust but every where in the skies. Definitions of GOD and rituals to please GOD through various religions lost their significance. It is only through LOVE the human race can be integrated with this planet and enjoy the peace and tranquality spread all arround. The heavens and their definitions experienced on this planet remains unnoticed by the self centred and selfish human nature. It is high time that the human race holds each other's hand all arround this planet with LOVE and destroy all boundries.

  • male Sperm or female Ovum which is superior .Life can be created without a sperm by cloning and not without an Ovum .?


    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Immigration to USA on EB5 is it true? Any names and addresses of people who have immigrated to USA on EB5.?

    I come accross people and organisation who claim to obtain USA citizenship based on EB5. The handling charges besides conditional investment of $s 550000 by USA quoted about $150000 to $s250000. I am worried for the people who may be allured and cheated. Please help

    4 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • How to disinherit your son and daughter in-law from your self acquired property.?

    We are senior citizens . My one son and daughter in-law are out of our control and do not bother about us.They are staying separately.Please let me know the detailed procedure how to disinherit him from my movable /.Immovable property.Special comments as to in how many News Papers we publish as a Public Notice so that we are not responsible for their actions.We will be very greatfull.

    2 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Procedure for disinheriting your son from self acquired movable and immovable property?

    My son and his wife are out of my wife and my control.They never looked after us.They are staying separately and refuse to look after us.Please give solution so that they can not claim any thing from our self acquired property.I suppose we have to publish this in some News Paper etc

  • Any one who can help me with my vissions?

    I have been meditating on this planet earth through handfull of dust for the last about 50 years. I feel I only have the vissions of a real God and can see the soul and spirit of total existence.All religions have lost their meaning. During my vissions i write without my mind. I feel my hands contain the intelligence of dust and want to write by themselves. I have no doubts about life , death etc but find myself isolated as i am the only one who feels the way i feel.

    2 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Is my date with God better than the world?

    Meaning of God without pure LOVE is meaningless. It is only through a mother, a woman , inside whom the life comes into being.When I got married 35 years back I knew it well that it is only through her I will feel the charisma called life. She became pregnant and tears of love filled me up. I felt she carried the temple of God inside HER. I found an eternal sense of belonging to this planet. I stopped every kind of external worship through religious modes.Looked at Her and felt immortal.

    I always offered Her the first morsel of food i ever ate and did what i could to make her feel that nothing belonged to me . Every thing i earned I put into her hands and never questioned what she did with the money. The LOVE I received from HER can not be measured. HER love till date is much more stronger than mine.God gave us so much that what we have is more than what we need in materialistic values.Even now I wake up at nights ,look at her face and tears of love and devotion fill me up. It is not that we never had difference of opinion or we never fought in life. Those quarrels and fights were merely circumstantial adjustments in the day to day life.I have no heavens I want to reach other then the desire to be with her through these dust particles which will absorb the woman I loved as representative of my God and source of eternal love-bond

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Women of the world can you believe me ?

    I sketched Jesus with Mary when I was half asleep. I have no faith in any prevailing religion.Only one emotion was working with me and that was of Mother Mary. I had gone to sleep while meditating on the pain and suffering of Mary and shedding tears of love for Her .Suddenly I got up in the middle of night and sketched and wrote.

    in the morning when I woke up could not believe that I could sketch the faces and bodies and write what I wrote.I am no painter or a writer.I am nothing in fact.

    I not only believe but am sure that Jesus and Mary definitely looked that way.If any one is serious It can be seen and examined.I love the motherhood of this planet earth and believe that SHE KNOWS EVERY one and can reveal every thing . I have a love-bond with HER.

    I have never touched any drugs . I meditate on this planet earth and am certain that handfull of dust is more inteligent than the the whole human race.I worship the feelings of Love generated in the womb

    7 AnswersGender Studies2 decades ago
  • Can you believe me?

    I sketched Jesus with Mary when I was half asleep. I have no faith in any prevailing religion.Only one emotion was working with me and that was of Mother Mary. I had gone to sleep while meditating on the pain and suffering of Mary and shedding tears of love for Her .Suddenly I got up in the middle of night and sketched and wrote.

    in the morning when I woke up i could not believe what that I could sketchthe faces and bodies and write what I wrote.I am no painter or a writer.I am nothing in fact.

    I not only believe but am sure that Jesus and Mary definitely looked that way.If any one is serious It can be seen and examined.I love the motherhood of this planet earth and believe that SHE KNOWS EVERY one and can reveal every thing . I have a love-bond with HER.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Why MY GOD of reality missed the mankind in totality.Stay or perish for ever .Read patiently and answer?


    Transformation of matter or movement of matter is a universal phenomenon. Supernovas, galaxies, black holes, solar systems, stars, planets & all that constitutes them are under constant movement and transformation.

    Planet earth placed in the solar system is under constant move... Every particle visible or non visible, conceived by the human intelligence or away from the human intelligence is under constant transformations.

    Human matter constituting individual human beings keeps transforming itself & is under constant movement. The air we breathe, the food we take, the excretions, all interact with each other and defined life physically. “Time” as conceived by the human mind or intelligence is nothing but relative value all around this planet Earth & is different at every place. The Human mind relates the movements of earth, matters or life with TIME as parameters. Earth time is based on the movement of Earth. All other times are measured or relative considerations of human mathematics, technologies, spirituality etc.

    Development of human-intellect, Intelligence, Intuition, Knowledge, spirituality, religions etc are different in different regions because of this transformation or movement of matter or interaction of matter with matter.

    Development of various forms, species, cells, ________ or beings is based on this interaction visible & invisible.

    Human beings developed or evolved out of this planet with increased interaction are wide spread all over this planet. The present stage of human matters or human beings is exploiting the properties of the matter and are learning or evolving move and move with rapid development towards total destruction. “Nano

    Technologies, stem self cells, cloning, artificial intelligence etc are results of this interaction.

    Few thousand years back the human mind conceived a GOD which they considered was above all the matter. GOD used matters but was not part of the matters they thought. The matter according to these intuitive human visionaries was dust or dead matters. Scored of death through their GODS they considers union with there GODS, the ultimate goal which could take them to heavens. The heavens of these GODS were full of all the goodies but are away from the movement of matter. This was conceived as nirvana or salvation. It was nothingness or being non - existence or being extinct or ever.

    Every religion, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam,-------- etc. and their brunches mushroomed in various regions of this planet according to the interaction of human matters with human matter under the guise of spirituality after visualizing a God away from the earth matter.

    Development of scientific, biological, technical, micro knowledge-------- by interaction with matter has developed doubts above the religious gods. Armed with the latest developments the new human generations are confused. Taking to virtual entertainment they are becoming virtuality in real life.

    Human beings associated with their discovery of God exploited earth matter unabated. More and more exploitation immunized the human nature against the very nature of matter which transforms them continuously. The matter is playing with human matter.

    Many human minds or human brains through their sensory organs developed various concepts of God. Many believe in God but not the religions which provide separation and divide the human races.

    Earth and woman are considered same in nature by the religions tests. Earth stands exploited woman conceived as part of earth too stands exploited.

    Motherhood of earth & motherhood of human beings & every other being is same in nature or embedded in the very nature of matter or particles.

    Properties of matter seen as technical & physical phenomena are the very properties which emerge out of the existence of matter. As the matter comes into beings so do the properties of the matter which comes into being.

    Nano technologies --------- etc. being developed by the human matter as a result of this interaction with matter are too insignificant when viewed in totality. Technology of man kind is based on the technology of NATURE of matter all around. Invisible bacterias, virus, cells-------- etc. which exist are for more superior to the technology of human beings.

    Human beings in all spheres relate themselves physically, whereas, the reality of all around existence is a supreme bond or force of gravitation which keeps them attached to each other. The spirituality of human nature is nothing but a glimpse of the invisible bond which makes an electron run around the nucleus.

    Planet earth in fatality as developed the visible system of beings after interacting with the matter in the universes. Her NATURE or intelligence embedded in every particle defines “GOD” which is universal in NATURE. She has a “BOND” with every particle. This bond is not physical but spiritual. Through this spirituality HER LOVE defines the meaning of LIFE & LIVING. Transformation of matter after interaction with HER INNER SELF defines LIFE in every sense and essence.

    LOVE - BONDS every where at every level define ultimate happiness and heavens. Without LOVE & DEVOTION there is no spirituality. Mother Earth’s LOVE - BOND or gravitational attachment with every being defines the ultimate spirituality for a human being. Human beings developed a spirituality based on physical & mental values developed through evolutionary processes. Evolution is transformation of matter, mother human matter contained in an atom, electron _ _ _ _ etc.

    Human concepts & knowledge are nothing but appreciation and application of the properties of matter with which they interact. Development of stem cells technologies, cloning, computers, nano technologies _ _ _ indicate the inner depts. Of matter which will remain beyond the human reach.

    The visible matter is almost nil as compared to the invisible matter all around. The intelligence or properties of matter are defined by this invisible matter. The flow of energy in the invisible matter is for superior to the flow of physical energy experienced by the human beings

    The invisible defines the LOVE - BOND, spirituality & meaning of life, love, loving & a True God.

    All visionaries of human religions had no knowledge of this invisible matter within the visible matter because they move never in love with the visible matter spiritually. They could never relate themselves to reality all around. For them, all that exists in unreal. When all this is unreal hence they too remained unreal. Unreal could never define the reality of a real GOD.

    Development of mental faculties pressurized the human mind. The human mind found satisfactory relationship of LOVE only through MOTHERHOOD.

    Motherhood of earth, woman or any other _______________ is same. Experience of true LOVE - BOND is only through a woman. Every woman or mother loves her creation. Man is creation of a woman. The creative NATURE of woman is the NATURE of this planet earth and further the very NATURE of a real GOD embedded deep in side HER every particle.

    Yoga or union with GOD is the ultimate aim of every yogi. Having defined yoga the yogis today provide relief physically and psychologically to the ever growing sick minds. Yoga is move of a physical and mental exercise and not the union with GOD of reality in every particle. The God associate with ancient form of yoga was un real hence the glimpses of God or the light visions so experienced by very experienced yogis are only mental blocks away from reality. There is physical relief and welfare. There is nothing beyond physical achievement and superfluous mental satisfaction. Controlling the mind running in various directions with unilateral approach brings relief. Yoga today is a business with many teachers and preachers mushrooming all over the world.

    Yoga with every particle, which defines absolute reality associated with a real God embedded in every particle, is the true Yoga. This yoga requires absolute LOVE for LIFE AND LOVING all around. A LOVE - BOND with planet Mother Earth being the primary requirement. If is possible only through the experience of pure LOVE which is provided by MOTHERHOOD in every form. The innocents spell out the spiritual LOVE - BOND on birth. Innocents know the kingdom of GOD. After growing with unreal gods the grown outs for get the reality of God. GOD is Generator, Operator, and Dissolver of all beings. Motherhood of Mother Earth or ME defines the GOD all around. The position of Mother Earth after exploitation physically is same as that of a human Mother or woman.

    Every thought process is judged and recorded not only in the brain elements but the very dust particles which are associated with the individual beings. The human body is physically under transformation as renewal continuously. Having evolved or having been created it must be dissolved to be physically & spiritually judged by the invisible forces, intelligence or invisible matter or black matter _ _ _. The human scientific world has not even begun their physical exploration & has reached a point when the whole human race must be made extinct by this Mother Earth. Motherhood is reacting.

    A new God, a new concept of religion is necessary for those who want to be judged with LOVE & LONGING. Every religious concept must be replaced with concepts of LOVE for every being all around this Mother Earth. A new spiritual code of conduct must be developed to unite every human being as child of Mother Earth like all other beings. The kingdom of God is for innocent children & not the over smart exploiters of MOTHERHOOD.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Jesus,love ,politics and mother Mary?

    Those who can not love pure and pious feelings of motherhood for their creations can not love you. They love their own ideology and clash with the social structure and become potential political tools in the hands of the exploiters.

    Jesus too was used that way.

    Love is primary requirement to know God and more important is the unconditional love one receives from the mother. It is not only true for human beings but every being.Jesus failed motherhood of poor mother Mary.Mary was denied even the right to call him her son. She could not approach him as a mother.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Deine hell and heaven -------or agree?

    Hell and heaven are relative terms.There is no heaven without hell and no hell without heaven.In the same situation one can choose to reconcile and be happy.

    Many rich and power full people have committed suicide and many living in slums and most degraded conditions sing and laugh.

    The dust particles or earth we are made of defines what we all are . All heavens and hells are hidden in these particles.

    Religions have defined heaven and hell for human race. Politicians create conditions which can spell out heaven and hell.

    Heaven and hell are within one's own self.

    Many a people sing a song while dying because they know the essence of life and love or heaven and hell.

    If you have love you are in heaven if you have hatred you are in

    1 AnswerCommunity Service2 decades ago
  • Should women change the prevailing ethics by?

    Clone your self and prove to the world that as a woman you can create life on your own,from your own flesh and blood, love it like a supreme mother and feel the GOD in your WOMB.

    Let those holding their religious text books cry hoarse in the name of ethics.

    Women all over the Earth have been raped, used and abused.You as a Woman can never perish because it is you who has the capacity to create a new being & soul inside you.Mankind has done enough damage to the mother hood of this planet and the mother hood of women .

    Mary was used and never called a mother by jesus .

    Hiduism,Islam, budhism--All are same as far as women are concerned.Be bold and go against all the prevailing ethics to prove that you carry God's true light in your womb like the Earth carries the breath and soul of GOD.You as a woman and Earth are not an image but carry the Absolute reality of GOD.

    It is through you the world can be saved and not through imagenary and mythological concepts.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • D o you want the last religion read fully and answer seriously?

    As human beings on earth we have recieved every thing from earth and HER Womb.

    for me HER means Heaven's Eternal Reference(HER).

    WOMB means(Wonders Of Motherhood Benign).

    The concept of God emerges from God and by calling a woman Goddess you have ACCEPTED HER AS inferior to God as His wife.

    According to me wife is even supirior to being a simple mother . Wife is a supreme mother.

    A simple mother has to look after innocent children and feed them but as a wife she looks after the husband.Almost every husband has taken milk from the brests of his wife but refuses to accept the same.

    Earning few bucks is far inferior to the sense of love and belonging one gets through the wife.The meaning of love , longing and longing gets completed only through the wife.

    No other mode of worship is neccessary if one is married blissfully.

    I am not saying that wife must be worshipped but rule out any worship of a mythological God.

    Earth and woman represent the womb. Earth for all beings and woman for all human beings. Man is part and parcel of both. There is no need of a temple or church.

    I am a COMEAS (Child Of Mother Earth And Skies). I have no other place of worship.My faith and beliefs emerge from every particle not only from earth but from every concivable mental concept.feel free to email me I too am an ex salor,pilot and an engineer.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago