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  • Excel -- Unit of measure in Quantity field from BW download?

    I have downloaded an inventory report from SAP BW to Excel. In the "Quantity" field, it shows the Unit of Measure along with the number. For example, 10 KG. But, when I click in the cell and look at the cell contents in the entry field at the top of the spreadsheet (where you would type in a formula, for instance), it only shows the 10 and not the KG. The problem is, I need to sort by unit of measure. I wanted to do a "Text to Columns" and get the Unit of measure in a separate field, but it does not exist in the cell value. I don't know how it is even appearing in the cell itself, yet not in the field where you would edit the contents. If you know how I can get this KG to become part of the cell content, which could then be split out or filtered on (contains KG), please share! Thank you!! (by the way, do not have access right now to SAP to go back and grab the Base Units field for this report.)

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Driving Montreal to Syracuse, NY is there an interesting town or site we'd want to spend a night along way?

    Prefer to be closer to Syracuse than Montreal. Going in August. (Considering taking a long way and going to Niagra Falls, but that might be too much driving.) Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • My washing machine will not spin during spin cycle.?

    The agitator does move during the wash cycle. The water drains properly, and rinse waster is added. The knob moves to indicate it is in the spin cycle. The water drains, and there is a noise like the machine is operating, however the drum does not spin. So, the clothes are still pretty wet when I move them to the dryer.

    Is this something I could attempt to repair myself? If it requires a repairman, how much should I expect to pay? I'm wondering if I should just get a new washer. However, this one is only a few years old.

    If anyone has any expertise or experience in dealing with this, I'd sure appreciate your advice. Thanks!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How to be SURE that your 360 and YMessenger id's are not linked?

    In my 360, I made sure all of my settings did not allow anyone who had my messenger id to find me on 360. Then, SURPRISE, I am IM'ing with a friend and she commented about my blog! I asked how she had found it, and she said "oh, it comes up under your name on YM, with a star next to the link that says 'new blog' or 'new blast'. I've been checking it out".

    So, I want to know what is making that link appear. Does anyone know how to turn the link off? Currently I have set my blog to "Friends Only" for viewing. But, people can still jump from Messenger to my 360 page and see my YA nickname.

    No big deal, I just like privacy.

    Any ideas on what drives the link between YM and 360???

    3 AnswersYahoo Profiles2 decades ago
  • What movie did you NOT like the first time you saw it, but then saw it again & liked?

    What made you watch it again? Why do you think you liked it the second time and not the first?

    For me, it was The Notebook. I saw it and hated it, thought it was really cheesy about a year ago. Last night I watched it again, because my daughter really wanted to see it. I told her it was not very good. Then, we watched it and I loved it.

    28 AnswersMovies2 decades ago
  • How to explain the difference between a weed and a flower to a 5 year old?

    She wonders why I am pulling dandilions and little purple and white flowers OUT of my garden to plant other flowers. I explained they were weeds, and she asked "How do you know if something is a weed or a flower?". She seemed more right than I did. So, was just wondering, is there a good answer to this?? Thanks!

    12 AnswersGarden & Landscape2 decades ago
  • Da Vinci code paperback has odd page headings, does hardback? what meaning?

    I'm probably one of the last people to read this book, so likely everyone else knows what this means. I did a search but can't find anything about it.

    At the tops of the pages, where the Author is listed or the title, there are 3 instances of each where instead of Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code -- meaningless text comes up. These seem like maybe they are supposed to be anagrams or some other kind of code, but I am not very good with such things. Can anyone tell me what they mean:

    Book Title shows on these pages as:

    page 95 The De Lancs Code

    page 141 The La Sufrete Code

    page 217 The De Ysosy Code

    Author shows up on these pages as:

    page 60 Ankh Fendile

    page 138 Das Brilli

    page 192 Reon Tigaldo

    page 262 Mer Reve

    There may be more, those are the ones I'm aware of. Anyone know what these mean? Thanks!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors2 decades ago
  • What are some of the small things in life that you take pleasure in?

    My goosedown comforter on my bed is like a big marshmallow, and I just loved lying there listening to the rain on the window this morning.

    But, there's work to be done so I got up to clean the house. More small pleasures to make it bearable -- a cup of steaming hot tea, and Bob Seger on the stereo. Turn the Page is just an awesome tune.

    When I take time to just appreciate the small pleasures, rather than focusing on the negatives, life is better. I've gone from really glum and somewhat p*ssed off this morning to feeling kind of mellow and content. Just threw in a couple small things -- brief nap, tea and tunes. And, conscious attention to attitude.

    What small things make you happy?

    22 AnswersPsychology2 decades ago
  • Making a shopping list. What is your FAVORITE munchie?

    This is for the road trip! I know you all like munchies!!!

    Please list just a few favorites in the guilty pleasures category; and at least one healthy snack.

    For me, it will be chocolate covered pretzels and barbeque Fritos in the bad-for-you cart. For a healthy snack I'll take a Granny Smith apple.

    21 AnswersOther - Food & Drink2 decades ago
  • Do you doodle (old fashioned way with pen and paper, not online)? What is it that?

    you draw? Is it the same thing repeatedly, a creative mural on your page, words and symbols? When do you find that you doodle most, and why do you think you do it?

    For me, I doodle mostly geometric designs, usually very symetrical. Sometimes flowers, but mostly just lines and angles and shading. Why these? Likely because I find them least revealing (in case anyone in the meeting is peeking). Why doodle at all? I think it's because I'm bored. I could go off into a daydream, but would lose track of the real meeting or class lecture. So, I doodle and listen at the same time, and it's enough to make the time pass.

    How about you?

    12 AnswersOther - Visual Arts2 decades ago
  • Any special tricks for remembering people's names when introduced?

    Whether new employees that somebody brings around for introductions, groups visiting from other sites, customers in for meetings -- I find I have trouble associating a name back to a face. When I meet them later in a hallway or another meeting, I feel badly about not being able to remember their names.

    I try associating a physical feature of them with their name. It works sometimes. Any other tricks/methods anyone can recommend would sure be welcome. Thanks!

    12 AnswersEtiquette2 decades ago
  • Imagine if music were outlawed. What would be the most striking impacts to you?

    Imagine a wedding with no music as the bride walked down the aisle. A funeral with no music. Movies with no soundtrack. Christmas with no carols.

    Music is everywhere. When and where would you miss it most? How would you cope with the change? Is there any substitute for music?

    14 AnswersMusic2 decades ago
  • Have you ever participated in or witnessed an especially clever April Fools trick?

    I myself am terrible at this. I can't stand to trick others. Some people really enjoy it though. I had a friend at work who left for a meeting and returned with boxes. He packed up his desk and made everyone believe he had been asked to resign.

    Can you keep a straight face and carry off a joke? Any good examples?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • Are there certain words you find people use incorrectly, and does it bother you?

    I'm sure that I use words incorrectly, and have no idea I am doing it. I don't correct others (that wouldn't seem very kind). I thought I'd list a few that I often find used incorrectly. I ask that you do the same so we can all improve! This about word choice. (Ok, one instance I'll list is not a word at all, but people use it frequently.)


    IRREGARDLESS -- This is not a word. You can regard something. You can do something irregarding another. Or, you can do it regardless. But irregard-less? That's a double negative and ends up meaning regard in some twisted way.

    DECIMATE - Means to kill one tenth of the people. It is acceptable to use it now to mean killing many more than 1/10th, and has drifted to meaning almost the same a massacre. It was much more interesting to have the two words mean different things.

    PER SE: Ok, somebody at work drives me CRAZY using per se repeatedly when she means "specifically". Per se means in and of itself or intrinsically.

    12 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 decades ago
  • My dry-erase whiteboard at work doesn't erase very well. It's new. Suggestions?

    Does one brand of dry-erase markers erase more easily than others?

    I have to use the dry-erase wet wipes to get the marker off my board. This should be more simple -- write on, wipe off!!

    Anyone had any success with certain brand markers and just a regular dry-eraser??

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance2 decades ago
  • Why does bright sunshine in my eyes sometimes cause me to sneeze?

    This can be when I walk out the door on a sunny morning, or while driving I turn a corner and the sunshine hits my eyes at a certain angle -- suddenly I sneeze.

    When I was about 14 and riding a bus to school, the bus driver asked me "Why do you sneeze at this same place on the drive almost every day?". It was right where we turned a corner into bright sunshine.

    Does anyone else experience this? What is the science behind this?

    8 AnswersGeneral Health Care2 decades ago
  • When you find yourself feeling down, how do you make yourself feel better?

    I've taken the counterproductive measures today of

    1. going back to bed for a nap

    2. eating chocolate covered pretzels

    3. wasting time on YA

    Next I'm going to try getting busy to chase the blues away. I'm going to put on some upbeat music, do some laundry, clean my house and cook a good dinner. I'm hoping I feel better after that. Usually a sense of accomplishment is a good feeling for me.

    What works for you?

    I'll be checking back later for any good ideas. Not looking for a psychiatrist, or sympathy. Just maybe some empathy -- to know that others have these days, and hopefully some clever and interesting ways of how you go about winning the battle of the blues.

    Or, if anyone wants to just make me smile at the idiocy of this question, that too would be a very welcome sort of reply.


    19 AnswersPsychology2 decades ago
  • Do you enjoy playing board games / party games? Which are your favorites?

    We like to play games at our beach house. Our most-played games are Apples to Apples, Scattergories and Outburst.

    Any recommendations?

    14 AnswersBoard Games2 decades ago
  • Have you ever had personal experience with a haunting - ghost, poltergeist, etc?

    I heard somebody downstairs making repeated loud whistling noise in the middle of the night. It woke me from my sleep. When I would move to walk towards it, the noise stopped. When I stopped, the noise would start again. This went on for about 10 minutes and scared me quite badly. I called 911. The police arrived and searched the house. They couldn't find anyone, and the noise did not recur -- until they left the house. The exact moment the police car backed out of the driveway, the whistling noise started again. Since I knew nobody was in the house, I tracked it down by walking towards it, stopping and then waiting for it to start again. It was my daughter's Care Bear Castle, which operates on batteries. I can understand a toy malfunctioning, but can't explain the timing of it starting and stopping, especially during the whole 20 minutes the police were in the house. I think a poltergeist was playing with it!!

    How about you, any ghosts at your place?

    20 AnswersMythology & Folklore2 decades ago