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Full-time database manager, part-time romance writer. First e-book is now available!

  • Non-Profits and Unemployment?

    I am being phased out of a job I've loved for the past 8 years at my church (database manager). I am told that I cannot file for unemployment benefits because of their status as a non-profit organization. I've checked my pay stubs and they have always withheld SS tax (I assume that refers to Social Security). Is that just another name for FICA? If so, do I have a shot at receiving unemployment benefits while I look for another job?

    Trying to cover all my bases here since the job market is so weak. Because of my termination, I have to find another home, losing my health insurance. I am a Type 2 diabetic and without my insulin and other medications, I could eventually be losing my life too. Thanks in advance for all serious replies.

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • Origin of The Word, Loot?

    What is the origin of the term loot (as a noun) as it applies to stolen or discovered money and/or valuables (not the verb meaning to steal from evacuated stores or homes - but if you have the answer to that one too, feel free to to post it)? The question came to me from the current ad campaign by Captain Morgan's Rum, "To life, love, and loot." ♥

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • For my health's sake - Can my doctor order a quieter workspace?

    I'm one of those who prefer a quiet environment to do my job. Unfortunately, that is the opposite of what I have had for the last 7 years. I have type 2 diabetes. In the last 10 months, my health has taken a nose dive in many areas (weight loss, decrease in red blood cells and platelets, low blood pressure, elevated abdominal enzymes, excess fluid in my abdomen, swollen ankles and feet, to mention a few). They seem to be aggravated when I enter the room where my cubicle is located. I am extremely irritated by the work ethic of some around me, as they spend more time chatting, visiting, laughing, and basically talking about nothing, then discover that the day has slipped away and now they have to rush to get anything done. Some even bring in their unruly kids who run around on their own, getting into things they shouldn't. Anyway, to make a long story short (too late!), I've lost about 45 pounds, been hospitalized twice, been put on and off of so many medications I can't remember them all. My latest request for relocation was last year. I cannot continue to deal with this for 40 hours a week. I know I should be grateful to have a job and I am. I work for my church and I love the work I do - it's some of my co-workers I have issues about. My relationship with God keeps me going when I think I can't take it any longer.

    The many doctors I've been shuttled around to cannot pinpoint what's wrong, but they have no trouble billing my insurance company and demanding my co-payment. So can they order a quieter workspace for me? Just to be clear, my problems are physical. I am not being treated for, or on medication for, any psychological problems. Any one else have a similar experience?

    3 AnswersMedicine9 years ago
  • Where did the term "drag" come from when referring to female impersonators?

    I truly enjoy RuPaul's show on TV, but am wondering how the term "drag" came about.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Can double-sided fabric tape be removed after a few days?

    I want to add an embellishment to an authentic nurse's cap for a costume party using the tape, but I don't want it to be permanent. Will the tape damage or mar the cap in any way if I attempt to remove it after the party?

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Is there a substitute for rolled oats in a strawberry rhubarb crunch recipe?

    The recipe calls for a normal pie crust on the bottom, but the topping is crunchy and akin to that of a Dutch apple pie. The problem is that I don't like oats! Any ideas for a tasty, but functionally-similar substitute?

    (Maybe I should just make the Dutch apple pie topping...hmm, can I give myself 10 points for best answer? LOL!)

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Are certain species of koi sterile?

    I went fishing in the stocked pond at my workplace and caught two very-carp-like fish of decent size (18 inches). The guys who maintain the pond tell me there aren't supposed to be any carp in the pond, and that these are koi that they put in to keep the pond clean. They say they are sterile and will not overrun the pond. I brought one in to show them and they say it is koi. It is dark golden brown with brown-edged scales and the telltale whiskers. So tell me, is this, or any "koi," a sterile species?

    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • Has your bank account been charged by a company named without your permission?

    My account was hit with a charge for $14. My bank could only get a phone number for the company for me. When I called them, there were no live people - only recordings. I was able to cancel my "subscription" (that's what the recording called it) using the recordings, but who knows?

    Who is this company and how can I report them?

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • What is the meaning and origin of the term "lie in state"?

    When an important figure passes away, often his/her body will "lie in state" for public viewing. Exactly how did that term originate?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What is the proper use of the word 'an' before a word beginning with the letter 'h'?

    Disregarding the obvious silent h, as in the words 'honor' and 'honest', is it correct to use the word 'an' instead of 'a' in all cases? I have seen 'an historical moment' or 'a horrific accident.' Which is correct?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What does "Jimmy Crack Corn" actually mean?

    For those old enough to know the song, what is the modern translation: "Jimmy crack corn and I don't care, my master's gone away"? Is this taken from dialogue used by slaves in the US (referring to the use of "master")?

    8 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • What percentage of Super Bowls have been won by the team who won the opening coin toss?

    The Saints won the coin toss, then the Saints won the game. Can anyone accurately give a percentage of how many Super Bowls have been won by the team who won the opening coin toss? Please be able to document your answer. Thanks!

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • A Bride For The Second Time After 20 Years - Suggestions for a Small Wedding, and a Simple Dress?

    I feel an elaborate wedding is a bit over-the-top for second marriages, even though I've been single for 20 years. I am happy beyond belief, but want a quiet, intimate ceremony. Any suggestions on locations (I do want a minister). Also, what I should wear - colors, cut, etc. I have curves. For those who don't know what that means, think Marilyn, not Madonna.

    15 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Would you like to have memory of your birth?

    Since I can't rmember my own, and I assume most can't, I've always wondered what actually goes through the mind of a newborn during the process of birth, especially since no verbal skills have been developed yet. Is it traumatic, or does the trauma only come with the cold, light, noise, and the doctor's cruel slap? Is it peaceful? Does a vaginal delivery affect the child more violently than a Cesarean delivery? What do you think?

    8 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Labor Law in Illinois: Compensatory Time Off in Lieu of Overtime Pay?

    I've been doing a little online research, but it's still a bit fuzzy. If an employer will not pay overtime to non-exempt, non-government employees (time and a half over 40 hours worked in a week), but offers compensatory time instead, shouldn't that time be given at time and a half, as well?

    What about so-called "non-profit" employers, like churches?

    Is "comp" time even legal?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Veterinarians and Assistants - Cat Spaying: How Old is Too Old?

    My female cat is 2 years old, but yet unspayed because she only weighs about 3 pounds. She was the runt of the litter, and I am hesitant to have the operation done. I have two other spayed females, one of whom was spayed at about a year younger but a pound heavier, with no complications - except that afterward, she blew up to about 10 pounds. Is it safe to spay this one at this age?

    Looking for replies from qualified veterinary personnel, but I welcome input from owners who have experience with this situation. Thanks.

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Cold Weather on Game Day: What's in the Fanny Packs Many of the Players are Wearing?

    In yesterday's Bears/Vikings game, a lot of the guys had little fanny packs on and would stick their hands inside them. It was frigid at Soldier Field. Is there some kind of warming unit or something inside?

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • On a long pass play, are all the yards gained counted as passing yards?

    For example, if a pass is completed for 20 yards, and the receiver gains another 30 on the ground, are the total yards gained counted as passing yards or a combination of both?

    16 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Audrey Hepburn and GAP - Love her, Love/Hate the Ad?

    I'm curious to read your opinions. Wish she could express her own here.

    16 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Latest Trend in Television Shows: Hand-Held Cameras! Am I the Only One Feeling Seasick?

    Over the past year, I've noticed a lot of TV shows taping with hand-held cameras. The finished broadcast looks - to me - shaky and distracting. Sometimes it's so erratic, I feel like I'm either on a ship on high seas, or the cameraman's meds have just kicked in.

    Is this supposed to suggest realism, or just make you run to the john to toss your cookies during the actual program instead of during the paid commercials?

    Seriously, can someone explain why this technique of taping has become so prevalent, because I hate it!

    5 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago