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  • Question about Bare Minerals?

    I just bought the starter kit and applied it after watching the how-to DVD. It looks great and I know if I keep using it, I'll get even better at applying it. Okay, here's the question, does it come off a lot on your clothes or your hands? I touch my face subconsciously during the day and want to know if this will be a problem. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Who wishes Katherine Heigl would just shut up and count her blessings?

    First she rags on Isaiah Washington, making a very bad situation worse. Yes, he was very wrong, but she shouldn't have added her snide comments. Then she insults "Knocked Up" the movie that basically made her a movie star and now she is bashing Grey's Anatomy by saying she doesn't want to be nominated for an emmy because Grey's writing for her character sucked this year. Talk about biting the hands that feed her. What a jerk. What are your thoughts?

    8 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Which is healthier, hot chocolate or coffee?

    Background: I drink one cup of coffee in the morning every day. My friend just made a comment to me about weening myself off of coffee, like I am some addicted fiend. But she drinks hot chocolate all day. With all the sugar, fat and caffiene thats in the hot chocolate, I would think my one cup of black coffee with cream is healthier for me than ther 3 or 4 hot chocolates is for her. Does someone have some facts about which is healthier? Thanks!

    5 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Hollywood and Politics?

    I hear a lot of stuff from the Right about Hollywood interfering in Politics and being a bad influence on the voting public.

    My observation is the irony that almost all former entertainers who decide to go into politics run as Republicans. Why do you think that is the case and how do you think these actors reconcile thier previous occupation with thier party who seem not to like it?

    I wanted to know if anyone else noticed and thought it was ironic.

    Sonny Bono, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Ronald Reagan, Fred Thompson (was a Republican Senator first), George Murphy are a few, I am sure if I dig I can find more.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who is the only actor to star in two movies that have won 11 Academy Awards each?

    Hint: It happened in the last 10 years.

    I want the name of the actor, the name of the movies, and the name of the characters he played in both films.

    Ten points to the first correct answer. Good Luck!

    10 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Who saw last night's Survivor?

    I think it was some of the best gameplay and the most dramatic tribal council in all the years Survivor has been on the air. I laughed when Alex's plan fell apart. They gave up the immunity idol and got nothing for it. Brilliant plan. I hope Earl's alliance takes it. Any thoughts?

    7 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Pluralization of the phrase "Power of Attorney"?

    Is it "Powers of Attorney" or "Power of Attorneys"?


    Words & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Is there an acoustic version of Coldplay's "Yellow" available for purchase?

    Its going to be a first dance at a wedding and the bride is looking for an acoustic version. Thanks!

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • What is happening with the song "Unwritten"?

    Ok, I used to love that song but they use it to advertise every single chick flick and TV show on the air today. Every time you turn around, they are using it to show some girl spinning around with flowers in her hair. It turned a song I really liked into an annoyance.

    What's everyone else's opinions about this? Are there any other songs that you liked that have been overused so much that you now hope you never hear it again?

    Thanks for your answers!!!!

    4 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Did anyone believe that people were getting a little better about race until they came on to Yahoo! Answers?

    Not that I am naive, I know there is racism everywhere and that sucks big time. limits our abilities to pick the best and the brightest to propel our country forward. But some of the dumbest, rudest, ridiculous questions about race are asked constantly on this site. Are people TRULY that ignorant? God I hope these people are just trying to get a reaction because it scares me to think that there is still such ignorance in this country. The next generation is supposed to be SMARTER than the last. What is happening?

    10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Season finale of "Dexter" Like it or disappointed by it?

    I lOVED IT. But I have a million questions and can't wait until next season. Has anyone read the books? Are they like the show? THANKS!

    8 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Suvivor fans, did you catch Parvati?

    Who else noticed that Parvati's last name is Shallow? Okay stop laughing I am serious. I could not watch the rest of the show because they were laughing so hard at how ironic that name is. Parvati Shallow -- Model Boxer.. LOLOLOLOLOL Way too funny! I am glad Yul won, but I wanted Ozzy to win. I thought he played cleanest. Mainly because he kept his mouth shut and kept winning.

    Don't believe me about Parvati?

    6 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • BMW christmas commercial who loves it?

    The other half of the question is doesn't it make you sad that they play it SO MUCH that when Christmas finally comes around you will be absolutely hating those kids screaming over that toy?

    1 AnswerTelevision1 decade ago
  • Gen Xers only. How cool is ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas?

    Which one of those Rankin/Bass Shows do you like the best?

    My favorite is "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" Heat Mister and Snow Mister are the BEST! But I also love "The Year without a Santa Claus" that Burgerneister was MEAN.

    5 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Aquarians married to Aquarians?

    I just want to know your experience. I am about to marry an Aquarian.

    5 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Do you think Paris Hilton's quitting the Billboard Awards is an attempt at some positive publicity?

    I saw a clip on TMZ of her and her drunk/high friends spouting some pretty nasty stuff about Lindsay Lohan and I am wondering would she REALLY quit over some thinly veiled award show jokes? Anyone heard award show jokes ever? They are usually harmless so, is this hipocracy or an attempt to make herself look like she has 4 or 5 brain cells that actually work?

    Here is the clip of her with her friends being "so hot" I guess:

    Here's the article saying why she quit the Billboard awards:

    10 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Dexter fans, tell me what you like best about the show?

    Who is your favorite character, besides Dexter? What do you think will happen next?

    My answers : Michael C. Hall is what's best about the show. I love Sgt Doakes cause he is the only one who thinks Dexter is weird. and next, the Ice Truck Killer gets Dexter's sister. Not killing her, just an arm or a leg..

    7 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Now that we are close to midseason, which new TV show do you love?

    Heroes, Ugly Betty and Dexter are my top 3.

    16 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • What new show will get cancelled first this season?

    There are some good ones. But Smith bored me and I feel asleep TWICE on Brothers and Sisters.

    9 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Do you think Congress should have given themselves yet another raise?

    For the third year in a row Congress gave themselves another raise. With our country so deeply in debt and the failure of our legislation to check our executive branch when needed and consistently provide laws that ensure the well being of our country, do you think they deserve it?

    4 AnswersGovernment2 decades ago