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Season finale of "Dexter" Like it or disappointed by it?

I lOVED IT. But I have a million questions and can't wait until next season. Has anyone read the books? Are they like the show? THANKS!

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I thought it was great! I do wish they'd given us more on the family & what went on those two days in the storage container - why was Brian so frightening to everyone, hum? Remember Carmela said it changed Harry "forever"? So what did thise bys do those two days with all those body parts & blood that made them institutionalize Brian immediately? And where was Joe the "Bio-dad"? Was he also Brian's dad? I still have lots I wanna know!

    Did Debra hear anything? ("she knows, she knows") - will that be revealed in next season? I think Doakes & Dex are gonna get into it big time too- I was so glad to see Dex throw him up against that wall! And LaGuerta & the Captain - god, I wanted the ITK to get him! I can't wait till next season & a new killer for Dexter to chase...

  • LORD Z
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Bad ending.

    Yes they are like the books.

    I wanted Rudy to live and be a constant threat Dexter and his adopted sister and girlfriend.

    This had the makings of a great Sherlock Holmes/Jack the Ripper adaptation.

    I liked the show but the ending was no good.

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought it was great. Did anyone realize that Rudy was Dexter's brother before the finale? I had no idea. I thought maybe Rudy's father had been the one who murdered Dexter's mother and was out for Dexter for some reason. I think Debra heard some of it also, she may not realize it yet, but may start remembering. This is one of the best new shows on the tube. I agree with one of the others, Debra kinda gets on my nerves. She's to insecure. One of my favorite characters is Batisita(Spelling). He is too cool.

  • S K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The writing was terrific. I laughed every episode. I don't think we've heard the last from Rudy. He must've left clues about Dexter that will cause him to be hunted next season.

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  • i loved it. i read the first book and it was basically the same , the ending was alittle different . i Love dexter tho. BEST SHOW ever. i read that next season is going to air until late 2007 so that sucks!!

  • 1 decade ago

    this is a great new showtime series! can't wait for the next season. I thought the last episode was awsome!

  • 1 decade ago

    I liked it. I would have liked it more if they had gotten rid of Deb, she gets on my last nerve. Can't wait for season two.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I enjoyed it

    most shows are cliffhangers

    I like the fact that it basically had an ending

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