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  • why does my furnace smell like something is burning?

    i changed the filter on my rheem criterion gas furnace & now when it kicks on, the house smells like something is burning & it is making a weird sound. What am i doing wrong?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My (male)cat befriending neighborhood riff raff!?

    LoL but its true! we started letting our cat outside & he LOVES it! the problem is our neighborhood is SWARMING with stray cats. Now when we let him outside he is bringing back more and more "friends". they all sit on our back porch railling hangin out . Now we can't get rid of them. we have NEVER fed them or anything but try and chase them away. they just sit and wait for him to come outside and they all take off together. i think my feline friend may have joined a gang. LoL what do we do? how can we get rid of them? can we get our village to get rid of them? help? do i just try and keep him inside?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • are there any good CARING Parkinson's Dr in Duluth MN?

    im trying to help my grandfather find a good dr to help with his parkinson's. His current dr is a J4CK4SS!! he is rude to my grandmother and doesn't seem to have enough time to even help my grandparents. so they are trying to find a new one. if anyone can help or knows of any good drs let me know or if anyone can find a good website with a list of some good drs .

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • parkinsons symptoms or dementia?

    my grandfather was diagnosed with parkinsons 2 yrs ago and he has been doing as well as expected. he has a slight tremor with his hands and shuffles alittle when he walks but the meds seem to be working. now last weekend on friday grandma said that grandpa was acting weird. he couldn't remember how to us the cell phone, he seemed confused , he almost went off the road while driving. when grandma asked the dr about it he said "well he seems fine now" is this symptoms of parkinsons? anyone heard of something like this happening???

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • sunburn rash?

    my husband got a sunburn about a week ago. after about 4 days the sunburn turned into red itchy bumps that look like chicken pox. what is this? has this happened to anyone before. his WHOLE back is covered with red bumps.

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • how do i changed the registered name on my pc?

    when i bought my laptop i registered it in my name, now we would like to sell the pc but can't figure out how to change the registered name. i have a HP pavillion laptop.. i tried to call HP but of course English isn't their first language and can't understand me

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • who are you?

    who are you & what do you do?

    tell me 2 interesting facts about you

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • labor laws regarding working for salary?

    my hubby works 48-60 hrs a week and is on salary.. someone told us that he can only be on salary if he is a supervisor (which he isn't.) on his paystub he gets each week it says he works 40 hrs even tho he works much more. when he goes to his boss , he says that if they just paid him for his hours and overtime , the company would go broke.. my hubby has been at this job for 6 yrs and has a love/hate relationship with them.. he make semi good money (around 50,000 yr) and GREAT benefits. is it against the law what they are doing? this is a big company with big contracts (million$$ contracts) Does anyone know if is is true that only supervisors can get salary? if it is true what can we do about it?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • is it BEAViS?

    i think the actor Roger Bart is BEAViS all grown up.... we have found Beavis... Now where is Butthead?

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • anyone watch HBO series ROME?

    anyone watch the season premiere of ROME last night? what did you think? i absolutely LOVE this show. best show we watch right now.

    6 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • who has the worst Mother in Law?

    i just found out that my 9 yr old daughter has lice , she was at miL's house last week so i called to let her know.. she said to me yeah i know she has lice she has had it for 3 weeks !!! i was like what? she said well your daughter was "too embarrassed to tell you" so i (MiL) got the shampoo and tried to wash it out!! i said WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? HOW CAN YOU PUT ALL OF US (HUBBY,ME & 4 YR OLD DAUGHTER) IN JEOPARDY OF GETTING THIS... she says to me " i checked the younger daughter and she didn't have it, & if you and hubby get lice , well thats part of being a parent , deal with it!! needless to say she was lucky i was on the phone , so i couldn't STAB her to death. after i tell her how irresponsible she is says to me " how am i irresponsible , i spent 50$ buying that special shampoo for YOUR DAUGHTER and then i spent 2 hours combing her hair , 2 weekends in a row" ..when i ask her why she didn't tell me so i could WASH everything and she says " should of , could of, would of"

    14 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is this lice or dandruff?

    my daughters school called today and said that she may have lice. but they weren't sure. when she came home i could see tiny little white things but but couldn't tell. i could easily pull them out of her hair with my fingers (no nails) when i called the dr she said it was probably just dandruff.. i check everyone else and nobody in the family has anything like this... we all use the same combs & brushes too.. now im just paranoid that she does have lice but hubby said to listen to that dr. and that she doesn't have lice ... is the lice really hard to pull out?

    11 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • is this lice or dandruff?

    my daughters school called today and said that she may have lice. but they weren't sure. when she came home i could see tiny little white things but but couldn't tell. i could easily pull them out of her hair with my fingers (no nails) when i called the dr she said it was probably just dandruff.. i check everyone else and nobody in the family has anything like this... we all use the same combs & brushes too.. now im just paranoid that she does have lice but hubby said to listen to that dr. and that she doesn't have lice ... is the lice really hard to pull out?

    21 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • anyone else obsessed with death and dying?

    i am constantly worried about death.. i worry that my children , hubby and friends are going to get into an accidents and die or they get a horrible disease and die. i watch death on tv (csi,forensic files etc) alot and im sure that has something to do with it.. also my mother died when i was young and lost 2 close friends to cancer last year. im was just wondering if im alone on this or are there others like me?

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • do you have a juicy secret?

    i want to know your juiciest secret?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • have you ever woke up from a dream that...?

    that bummed you out bcuz it wasn't real? i had a dream last night that was so real that when i woke up and found out it wasn't true i was crushed. i am still bummed out half and hour later....

    8 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • why does my computer screen change color?

    every once in awhile my computer screen will change to a solid color. sometimes it is pink , orange or blue. i can still hear website but can't get out of colored screen. the only thing i can do is power off my computer. i have done system checks, virus checks ... nothing, everything is good. my computer runs great otherwise. does anyone know what this could be... i have a hp pavillion notebook

    9 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • when does the new episodes of sopranos start?

    Does anyone know when the sopranos new episodes start? i thought it was in jan 07

    2 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • 4 yr old daughter with yeast infections?

    my 4 yr old daughter has a problem with yeast infections. we can't seem to get rid of them. we went to the dr and she has med and i give her vineagar/water baths. but it seems EVERYTIME she goes to her grandmas her infections come right back ( she sleeps overnight 1 night ) now she has been on meds for about 2 weeks and her infection seemed to be gone within about 3 days , no redness or discharge. then 1 friggin night at her grandmas and she is all red and has discharge. wtf ?? could grandma be doing something? this is my mother in law and i have confronted her about this and she says " maybe im wiping her too hard after she urinates" or " maybe it is the color toilet paper" after discussing this with hubby (his mother) we have decided that our daughters are not going to their grandmas anymore and won't be able to see her unless supervised. also when we ask our daughter she denies that grandma is "touching" her and i believe her . what do you think?

    14 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • can i find out who someone is by their ip address?

    is their anyway to find out who someone is by their ip address? i looked on and all i get is the name of the internet company their info.

    7 AnswersInternet1 decade ago