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4 yr old daughter with yeast infections?

my 4 yr old daughter has a problem with yeast infections. we can't seem to get rid of them. we went to the dr and she has med and i give her vineagar/water baths. but it seems EVERYTIME she goes to her grandmas her infections come right back ( she sleeps overnight 1 night ) now she has been on meds for about 2 weeks and her infection seemed to be gone within about 3 days , no redness or discharge. then 1 friggin night at her grandmas and she is all red and has discharge. wtf ?? could grandma be doing something? this is my mother in law and i have confronted her about this and she says " maybe im wiping her too hard after she urinates" or " maybe it is the color toilet paper" after discussing this with hubby (his mother) we have decided that our daughters are not going to their grandmas anymore and won't be able to see her unless supervised. also when we ask our daughter she denies that grandma is "touching" her and i believe her . what do you think?


there is no man involved w/ grandma. AND I KNOW MY DAUGHTER IS OLD ENOUGH TO WIPE BUT HER DR TOLD US TO START WIPING HER AGAIN BECAUSE OF THE INFECTIONS MAY HAVE STARTED BCUZ OF HER NOT WIPING HERSELF PROPERLY and believe it doens't hurt my hubby's feelings about his mother. he is the one who doesn't want our daughter going to her house. she wasn't exactly mother or the year

Update 2:

we do not over medicate my daughter with antibiotics. she has been on antibiotics 3x her whole life.The meds i was talking about was a yeast infection cream . she does eat active yogurt and we have cut back completely with sugar. we don't even give her juice anymore bcuz of these infections.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If there are not signs of physical damage (which Im sure the doctors have already looked for), dont worry about it someone touched her. Maybe the hygiene routine is different at grandma's. So if you dont feel comfortable with them going there - dont go.

    Some chidlren (especially little girls) have trouble with yeast. Your daughter may be one of them. Especially since it seems to happen in a continuing cycle, I would ask the doctor to test her to see if she has increased yeast in her gut (digestive tract). Just like grown up women - it can go in a cycle especially with antibiotics etc.

    If your daughter will eat yogart - try buying a brand that has high levels of active cultures (this helps put good bacteria in your system that helps hold the bad bacteria -ie yeast- down. You can also buy at the pharmacy (does not need a dr prescription) something called lacto bacillius... you will probably have to ask for it because it will be kept in the refridgerator behind the counter. Or they sell pro-biotic vitamins (just look for some that are in capsules instead of pills and break open the capsule into juice or applesauce for her).

    My niece had horrible yeast infections both urinary and in her ear (yes her ear!). she did the cycle of medicine, 2 weeks ok, then wham back again for two years. We finally got her onto a glutten free- casein free diet which helped ( and used lots and lots of pro-biotics. This worked even better than the anti-fungal medications the doctors (she had been to the MAYO clinic when they lived in Minn and the Children Hospital where they live now) gave. AND after about a year she was able to go back to a regular diet because her gut had been able to heal and balance the good/bad bacterias and has not had an infection for over a year.

    Good Luck!

    Source(s): experience
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): My Yeast Infection Cured :
  • 1 decade ago

    ""Candida albicans: A yeast-like fungal organism found in small amounts in the normal human intestinal tract. Normally kept in check by the body's own helpful bacteria, C. albicans can increase in numbers when this balance is disturbed to cause candidiasis of the intestinal tract, or yeast infections of other parts of the body. C. albicans causes thrush and vaginal infections."

    The grandmother would have to have a yeast infection... and therefore could transfer it to your daughter.. but your daughter is 4 years old and should be able to wipe her own privates when she is done going the bathroom ( maybe suggest to the grandmother she wash her hands before helping her wipe her bum). Some children.. once they get a yeast infection get it more often,,, if they are on meds etc... does your daughter eat youghurt? It has to be the yohurt with the live cultures in it... if not they maybe ask the pharmisist about vitimans.. they are also known as ' yoghurt pills" and she chould take those... it helps with the good bacteria in the intestinal lining.. so the bad dont over grow and cause yeast..... I wouldn't say it is anything the grandma is doing intentionally.... ask your dr next time you are in.. what could be causing this... and why so often.

    Also.. suggest wiping.. front to back.. if she is wiping back to front.. it is bringing all those germs up there.. and therefore could cause an infection....

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay your daughter is 4, she should able to wipe her own parts when going potty, though she may not do the best job. If grandma is in fact wiping her to hard, letting your daughter do this on her own may fix the problem. Then again it could be that your daughter is allergic to the colored toilet paper. Is it scented too? Buy a package of the exact same brand of toilet paper and have your little one use it for the length of time she would have been at grandmas. I know that i have allergies to red dye #40 that cause a rash and swelling on me. Try the toilet paper at home so you can see if that is the cause before you point fingers at grandma.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This is a hard question. Is there a man involved with this Gmom? I would tell you daughter that only mommy or daddy is allowed to touch her around her privates (for applying medicine). And then ask her again what her gmom does. Also, it could be the colored toliet paper. She could have an allergy to them. I would go with her next time and only use white paper and see if that helps.

    Also, colored underwear could be a trigger as well. Try no colored toliet paper and white undies with supervised visits to gmom's for a while and see if that helps. Personally, it doesn't really sound like physical abuse, maybe neglect or unsanitary conditions (not washing her hands). Hope this helps

  • 1 decade ago

    I think its probably not a case of abuse.

    You said she's been on meds, and given that most toddlers and infants these days are pumped full of antibiotics I'd be more likely to assume thats where the issue lies.

    I was on antibiotics off and on as a baby and toddler, as it turns out they cause such an imbalance in the natural bacteria of our bodies that the yeast is easily able to grow out of control. The yeast that causes these infections is needed, and in our systems naturally, but the antibiotic gives it an unfair advantage to the other safe bacteria.

    Tight pants, poor fitting undies, unclean undies, bubble baths, certain soaps, wiping from back to front, EATING SUGAR (this it probably where the issue is at grammas), and the over use of antibiotics to treat sicknesses all results in yeast infections.

  • 6 years ago

    Try Yeast Infection No More :

  • 1 decade ago

    it could be many things. I would do exactly what you are doing to protect your daughter. It may be the toilet paper. But at four years old why cant your daughter wipe herself???? Both of my girls are very capable of doing so. Give it some time. Let her get older, and just be sure you are carefull of everyones feelings. There is probably nothing going on. You are in the right.

    Source(s): mom of two girls and a boy on the way.
  • KathyS
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why is she being wiped after urinating. A 4 year old do that herself. It may be the colored paper.... most companies don't even make it colored anymore for that reason.

    The above poster is right about antibiotics. They weaken the immune system and more infections are likely to occur.

  • 1 decade ago

    i know you mean well but it may not be grandma inappropriately touching her, it may be neglect yes- forgetting to wipe her after using the bathroom or maybe an irritant in the detergent she uses if she does the poor girl's laundry.

    i hate to jump to the conclusion that grandma is touching her.

    'Nasty and difficult to treat, opportunistic infections are triggered by environmental fungi — e.g., aspergilla and cryptococcus — that dwell harmlessly in your body if you are healthy but turn harmful when you are in poor health.'

    so if she had it once, by poor hygiene or whatever else it's there with her now and certain environmental differences at grandma's just might spark it up

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