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who has the worst Mother in Law?

i just found out that my 9 yr old daughter has lice , she was at miL's house last week so i called to let her know.. she said to me yeah i know she has lice she has had it for 3 weeks !!! i was like what? she said well your daughter was "too embarrassed to tell you" so i (MiL) got the shampoo and tried to wash it out!! i said WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? HOW CAN YOU PUT ALL OF US (HUBBY,ME & 4 YR OLD DAUGHTER) IN JEOPARDY OF GETTING THIS... she says to me " i checked the younger daughter and she didn't have it, & if you and hubby get lice , well thats part of being a parent , deal with it!! needless to say she was lucky i was on the phone , so i couldn't STAB her to death. after i tell her how irresponsible she is says to me " how am i irresponsible , i spent 50$ buying that special shampoo for YOUR DAUGHTER and then i spent 2 hours combing her hair , 2 weekends in a row" ..when i ask her why she didn't tell me so i could WASH everything and she says " should of , could of, would of"


This woman has been a thorn in my side since the day i met my dh.. she can't pay her bills ,so we have to HELP HER OUT all the time. we have given her 2 cars, paid off one. last summer she threaten to KILL ME if i turned in her employer (who is TOTAL J4CK4SS & pays her cash under the table) but i gave her 2nd chance bcuz my 9 yr old is so close to her.

Update 2:

my hubby is more p*ssed than i am ... he is sick of b*LLsh*t too. He made the rule that she can't be alone with the girls now..she can't be trusted to watch them. they really don't have that great of a relationship. she was a sh*tty mother and would ship all over the place so others could take care of him bcuz she couldn't afford it. she never fed him, never brought him to dentist. let him quit highschool when he was 16 bcuz she didn't want to deal with waking him up in the morning bcuz she worked nights as a bartender..

Update 3:

i didn't notice bcuz my daughter didn't scratch her head in front of my on purpose & the reason my daughter didn't tell me was bcuz i have been telling her since she started school to not use others ppls combs or brushes and but she still used her friends brushes in school. she just got done being grounded and she thought she would be grounded again and wanted to go ice skating with her friends.. i have a really good relationship with my daughter, but i do discipline her and im not ashamed of it.. ....i also told her not be embarrassed of lice, everybody has had me & hubby both had as kids. but she is still in alittle hot water for not telling us and going behind our backs

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I don't know if she's the worst but she's up there.

    Ok my husband and I move down Were his mother(the ml) lived. She was so nice to me in the beginning. She helped me out and when we had are first fight she was able to calm both of us down so that it didn't get that big.(she was there at the time) Well we were over there one night for dinner and we were having a pivate(what I thought was pivate)conversation in his old room in the basement. We were talking about having a baby and how my bipolar disorder, and going of my meds would effect it. Well we left and went home and forgot about the conversaton.

    Well I found out that I was pregnant a month later. It was not planned but we were happy non the less. I went off all my meds and thing were fine for about a month. Then I had a mood swing and we got into a huge fight. Well his mother came over and said that I was nuts and she wanted my baby a she was going to take me to court and have my rights termnated. She said that she heard everything that we said in the basement the night we were there and that she thought that I was a horrible mother a didn't have the right to have childeren. She started to pack up my hubands things and said that he was going home with her and I was to be left with all the bills. Now you have to remember I was off all my meds and was not working, I was pregnant and had the eomtions to go with it. So I freaked out. I just cried and cried. My husband at that time was mad at me and let her do what she wanted. So I freaked from that as well. I thought a my god I'm going to lose my baby and I have no way to pay any of the bills. Well my husband calmed down and told her to leave. It was not until later that I found out that she has down this to all of her daugter in laws. She has succeded in taking one of her grandchilderen away. So the whole time I was pregnant I worried about loseing to my son. She contuined to come over and do these things. My huband had to letterly throw her out. She would come over say see was goinng to take my child and I would not be part of my sons life. She even came over with a letter saying I was giving up my rights! Ofcorse I didn't sign it. I lived in fear my whole pregnancy. My husband kept telling me that I didn't have to worry that he would never let it happen. It was to the point that he told her not to come over anymore and I sure did not go over there. I was talking to my faily over the phone and telling them what was going on. They wanted to come back home. I had already lost a son due to medical reason and they couldn't bear seeing me go threw anything close to that.

    I couldn't move because we were locked into a leas so I had to just deal with it.

    I gave birth to a healthy 8 pound 6 oz boy and she was not there. BUt everytime she saw me she told me that I was doing everything wrong. I sank into postpartum depression. My husband had enough we moved. We finished out are leas from another city. 3 hours away at my parents place I came out of depression got back on my meds and have never been happier.

    And I don't see hear! Thank god!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like you have a good one there!! Mine is a doozy as well, here is just one thing, my hubbie is in the military . He is gone often, anyway, I got preganant with our second child so I started phoning people to let them know. When I told her the first thing out of her mouth was "Is it my son's"? Nice eh? I nearly jumped through the phone. I am blessed in the fact that we move alot and do not live near her. I feel for you and wish you all the patience in the world!!! Cheers

  • 1 decade ago

    Well your husband is backing you up so that is great and yes little contact now and forever is good. Stop paying her way and stepping in for her get with husband and make a packed not to help her anymore. time for mommy dearest to grow up.

    At least your mother in law did not have you arrested for aggravated kidnapping when you moved out of state with her grandson.

    long story, so good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    at least she got shampoo and tried to get rid of the lice, but you as a parent should of seen or noticed your child itching if shes had this for 3 weeks. its not a sin to get head lice but it is a sin to keep them.whats wrong with the relationship between your 9 year old daughter and you as a parent that shes too embarrassed to tell you? if you are willing to stab her to death then I think you should seek help. tells me that maybe your daughter is afraid to tell you if your that violent .

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  • 1 decade ago

    I feel your pain,I have to watch out when I talk to my mil,My son calls her on the phone,could your daughter do that.If mil wonts to see her grand child let her but take her there and then let her know your busy that you have to go.The more time you both are away from one another it's better.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry to hear that your mother in law is acting like that. You still have to put up with her cause of your husband and children. You need to do your best to not get in fights with her and threatening to kill her won't do you a bit of good. I feel bad for you because my mother in law is a really great mother in law and I love her like my own mother.

  • 1 decade ago

    My mother-in-law now isn't that bad. But my ex's mother...

    She called me a whore the first time she met me. Then, while we were married my ex used to push me around and she said that if I loved him then I would learn to deal w/it. Now we only talk if we have to. Thank God!!

  • 1 decade ago

    sorry u have a bad mother-in-law i think u and ur hubby needs to keep her away from ur mother-in-law for a little bit and tell her if she wonts to see ur daughter than she will go by ur rules

  • 1 decade ago

    My outlaw is awful, but she is my Dh's mom and I have to deal with her. Try to be the bigger person.

  • pooh
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    well I'm sure you want to see her picture on the back of a milk carton, but unfortunalty your stuck with her.

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