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Is this lice or dandruff?

my daughters school called today and said that she may have lice. but they weren't sure. when she came home i could see tiny little white things but but couldn't tell. i could easily pull them out of her hair with my fingers (no nails) when i called the dr she said it was probably just dandruff.. i check everyone else and nobody in the family has anything like this... we all use the same combs & brushes too.. now im just paranoid that she does have lice but hubby said to listen to that dr. and that she doesn't have lice ... is the lice really hard to pull out?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've gone through this nightmare with my children when they contacted it from classmates at school. The nits, (eggs) are usually planted just above the hairline or scalp on the hair shaft. If they haven't hatched, they'll be a yellowish, light gold in color. Hatched eggs will be white. If you have eggs, then you have adult lice. They are difficult to see, but you can see them if you look close. Dandruff flakes will usually just fall if shaken and is easily removed. Nits aren't. Your child also will have an itchy scalp. So if you see her scratching alot, that could be a sign. The whole thing really IS a nuisance but can be easily dealt with. There are remedies over the counter that are effective. If it turns out to be lice, then you should wash all bedding thoroughly, hair brushes too. Trust me it happens to're not the only one. The thing is....lice LOVES clean hair. Go figure.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi.You MUST wash her hair, leave some conditioner on and comb through with nit comb.You will see head-lice if there are any.The little white bits may well just be dandruff but if not, don't let her become infested with them.The little white bits are what I think are called the 'nits' and this is the empty egg case where there were attached to the head.I have read different things as to where they lay eggs, but one of them said that they lay just under the skin surface, and so by the time you see them an inch or so down the hair shaft, it could be a sign that they have been there for a month or so already.Yuk I know, but life!

    My daughter has had them twice, it is awful, but, its nothing to be ashamed of, and to anyone who says ooh my kid hasn't got them, they are probably the ones that have let this problem become epidemic!

    Hedrin is brilliant stuff, it doesn't smell, and its easy to use, you don't need to comb each section, just make sure you get it on every strand of hair, and it goes a long way.Just follow the instructions, if you do find any and repeat the process the following week.It should be available on prescription!! It works in a different way to other chemically based products.Interesting to read about online. If you haven't ever seen head-lice before, it is a bit of a shock when you do see them.Nape of the neck and behind the ears seem to be favoured residence, don't know how they know where they are supposed to be.

    Also, if one has them, treat the whole household.

    My daughter knows the score now, and everyday her hair is plaited or tied back, often in a low bun, and once she even wore one of those head bands that atually have a bigger cloth bit to the back, to look kinda like a head square. . .oh don't know what you call them but all the kids were wearing them last summer.I t doesn't stop them but it does lessen the chances of getting them.

    Source(s): Experience!
  • 1 decade ago

    I suggest a change of doctors. How can your doc evaluate without seeing the child? If there is a lice outbreak at your child's school, or they suspect she has it they should be sending letters home and taking greater precautions. Lice jump from child to child in grade school like wildfire. They attach themselves to the hair shaft and lay thousands of eggs. You may have pulled off a nit. They are not often easily removed, but I doubt it is dandruff. Dandruff begins in the scalp. It FLAKES. It should be easy to determine if your child has dandruff. Simply look at her scalp. Take a comb and lightly scratch the scalp. If flakes dislodge, it is dandruff.

    Until you know, I suggest isolating her combs, pillows and bedding. Unless you want the whole family infested.

  • 1 decade ago

    You may not be looking correctly at her hair. You're eye will train to see the stuff once you learn about it. Put some lotion (even conditioner)in a section, rub around, comb thru. LOOK AT COMB WITH LOTION you should see the nasty bugs..............Little brown specs with legs. THEN READ UP. A fabulous trick, once your rid of them, is to buy a hair hold gel that contains "Petroletum". Use generously throughout the school year.(2x week ). Keeps lice away. Cheap.

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  • it could be eggs. you should never even in a family use the same combs and brushes. each should have there own. is she always scratching her head. you will have to wash sheets,blankets and pillows. and get stuff for head lice and wash her hair. go to the drug store and get stuff to wash her hair. also watch everyone in the family also because they fly from one to the other

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've never had lice so I wouldnt know so I'm going with everyone else and saying eggs

  • 1 decade ago

    check the nape of kids neck and behind ears for nits (eggs) stuck to hair shaft. look for actual bugs crawling. dr cannot diagnose without seeing kid. pick through all her hair. look under bright light and magnifying glass to be positive. school should have a lice light and magnifier. suprised they were not sure. borax soap in hot water is fabulous for elimination.

  • 1 decade ago

    White specks could be eggs. Has her scalp been itchy and has she noticed anything falling out of her hair when scratching; things that look like they got stumpy, little legs?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Could be eggs. If they don't move, they are either flakes or eggs.

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