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Mother of 4 children- ages 6, 4, 3, and 15 months. Very busy, however, very happy. In my free time(ha,ha), Ilike to read, knit, and bake. My husband and I have been together since I was 16- I'm now 31.
I need to know what to wear.?
I am going to the Drom in New York City. I have never been there. Has anybody ever been there? What do I wear? Is it casual, like skinny jeans, or is it fancy like a dress?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories7 years agoNeed help with cantaloupes in my garden?
How can you tell when cantaloupes are ripe and ready to be picked?
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoCan I pre cook carrots for a roast beef?
Whenever I make roast beef I put carrots and potatoes around the roast. The problem is the carrots always come out crunchy. Can I cook the carrots a bit first?
15 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoI Have an evergreen outside that I want to decorate for the birds, what should I put on it?
I already thought of popcorn, but what else can I string on maybe yarn or something? Dried fruit? Grapes?
5 AnswersBirds1 decade agohow do you keep a 2 yr old from pulling earrings out?
My daughter's 2, and she's always pulling her earrings out. I've tried everything, hoops, posts, screw backs. Nothing works. the last time I bought new ones and put them in it hurt her to put them in her ears and she cried. Thought that would be a good detterant for not pulling them out, that didn't work either. *Note*For those who would tell me mabey she shouldn't have earrings, I'm looking for a real solution, thanks.
7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoI need a live in nanny for a week.?
I have 3 kids ages 5, 3, and 2. On June 19, I go in for a c section. I will be gone from the 19 through the 24 or 25.I live with my mom and dad in law and I don't feel they are able to provide for the needs of my children while I'm away. My hubbie currently dosen't live with us, so I need a care provider. Also I might need help for a while when I come home and I think it would be better for my kids if I mabey had the same nanny when I come home, she just wouldn't live at my home after. I live on Long Island New York, suffolk county. I've never even hired a babysitter and feel this is bigger. My parents would be there to help when necessary, but she would be doing all the feeding, diaper/pullup changing, mabey a bath once, and park or outside activities. I would value any help anyone could give me.
5 AnswersParenting1 decade agohelp with my diet for my 4th pregnancy?
i'm seriously considering breast feeding this child so my o.b. has told me he wants me on a high protein, low fat, low charbohydrates diet. Please help as I'm more of a junk food, mcd, tacobell kinda girl. What are some good things to eat? What should I stay away from? Thanks!
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agowhy can't i visit this one web site?
I can visit any website out there, except one. I want to open the spintop games website. The website is this: Now, whenever I get a newsletter from them, I click on the link and it tries to go to it. It takes a long time to think about it then tells me the web page can not be displayed. If I go to any other site, no problems. I've tried looking it up on a yahoo search and trying to go to it that way, I've tried to change my security settings... but no luck. Any suggestions?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agobirthday party for 5 yr olds?
i live in Suffolk County, Long Island. I want to throw a b-day party for my daughter who turns 5 in January. I tried this place Wood kingdom in Farmingdale, but they wanted $350.00 for a hour and and a half!! WAY too expensive! Any other suggestions? It would have to be an indoor party based on the time of year. Also, I don't want to do McDonalds as we've been to a party there, it wasen't that great so I'd like to do something else. I'm looking for other suggestions besides Chuckey Cheeses.
8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agotrouble with my messenger?
i cant talk to any of my friends because the screen is like a dark blue. i can see that someone has popped up, but i can't read what they wrote. i can see what i write when it down in the area where i type, but after i hit enter, it's gone. on of my friends called and said that he can read what i wrote, so i know my message is getting through. i just can't read any of them.
6 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade agochanging my password?
some one is siging into my yahoo messenger on another computer( i think mabey my husband) how do i change my password?
4 AnswersPassword and Sign In1 decade agowant to pierce my nose...?
do i get it pierced at at tatoo shop or like at the mall. also, does anybody have any idea about how much it costs?
8 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoI'm looking to buy a female Tri color beagle puppy. Any ideas where I can get one?
I would like a breeder, no puppy mill puppies. Also it would be nice to know that the puppies parents aren't their mother and brother if you know what I mean.The breader deffinatley has to be on Long Island, New York, as I can't travel or pay flight expenses. Plus, I'd like to see it before I buy it.
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow do I find a babysitter?
I have a 4yr. a 2yr and a 18 monthold. Sometimes I need a babysitter during the day so I can go to the doctor with one of them, so it can't be a kid in school, not to mention I don't think I would trust a kid in school.
8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agore-breaking hymen?
Before everyone thinks I'm a stupid moron, read first,k. I haven't had sex in about 5 months. Sometimes I have it right before I get my period and then there's blood on the condom. But, I always have my period for like 4 days at least after, you know? Last night, same thing happened, but after about an hr, no blood and today, no period at all. I mean as far as I learned in health class, that only happens once, but it's kinda freaking me out. answers plz? And again, sorry for the embarrassing question.
6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoHow do I get my name added to my friend's myspace page?
I got a request from her to be added to my page, but I can't figure out how to request to be added to her page. She sent me an invitation, but it seemed to be a invitation to join myspace all together, not just to her page. I filled it out anyway, and it wouldn't let me do it. Her profile is set to private, and I can't figure out how to put in my request!
1 AnswerInternet1 decade agoI want to set up an account for my daughter?
She's 4. I want to give her a couple of my games to play, and I want to get rid of icons on the desk top she dosen't need. Also I would like to give her my screen savers and backrounds. How do I do all that? I tried to make her an administrator, and picking them up from her side, but I can't find them.
5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agogot a new guinney pig?
she makes her little piggy noises when i hold her. she's only 6 weeks, she sits still enough when i hold her, is she scared or just happy? also have about a dozen more questions as i've never owned one. is there a good website telling me all about them?
3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoI need advice about divorce.?
I have 3 kids ages 1,2, and 3. My husband has been abusive and controling for years. He's already been in jail for an overnight when I called the police because he hit me a bunch and then cut my finger open when I tried to call the police. As of January 3rd, he is going to jail for 4 months. He says he didn't do it, but my heart tells me he did. My question for all divorced single moms is this: Would it be better to leave while he's away so the kids will already be used to him being gone, or should I wait some more. I see this as my opportunity to finally be free. Also, I'm scared because he has told me in the past that if I leave him, he'll kill me, and I wouldn't be surprised if he means it. Please help?!
20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago