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Favorite Answers21%
  • Math equations...Help me with formula please?

    Cost of a long distance phone call is represented by funtion C(m)=0.15m+1.2

    m equals the length of call in minutes

    For 8.70 how many minutes would m be? I need help writing the formula (how do you find the answer)? Timely response please

    3 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • What does notwwithstanding mean?

    Notwithstanding the Thur. periods of possession during the reg. school term and weekend periods of possession ORDERED for Ms. X, it is explicitly ORDERED Mr. X shall have a superior right of possession of the child as follows:

    Does this mean that Ms. X should have the child Thur. for the same period and weekend periods of possession all the same -as during the school term?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Can you use the antibiotic perscription Cephalexin for toothaches.?

    I have a massive tooth ache and I am BROKE. I have ibuprofen and that helps me cope with the pain, but I can't take them for the rest of my life. I need the infection to go away. Will Cephalexin work? I don't want to take it if it isn't going to work, it will work for something later I am sure. Man if it will work I need to know. Please tell me.

    14 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How can I retrieve something that has been deleted off my computer. Including out of the trash bin? PleaseHELP

    I tried organizing some photos today. I threw a lot away. Along the way I tossed out some that I had NO IDEA were there. They mean so much to me. I have been upset. Frantically running searches, too upset to wait. I try looking myself. NO LUCK> I've thought to cross my fingers, I prayed.I can't believe it... They were my last trip to Astroworld, which has closed, and my two oldest kids first trip there (only trip there). I captured several good kodak moments and they have vanished... Please HELP ME>

    2 AnswersOther - Computers2 decades ago
  • Do you have a bad neighbor? explain?

    I moved to my new place in Aug. My neighbor's hus. has been nice. She is a complete ***. Today she basically said she doesn't want to try to be nice neighbors, she tried that before and got sh.. on. Basically she isn't even trying to be friendly w/ me.

    6 AnswersEtiquette2 decades ago
  • Are you watching American Idol this season?

    Is it just me- I think the grey haired guy (the one with the Harmonica) is really humble. His energy while he is singing is deep. Lost in the harmony, dancing to the melody.. with a nice voice. I don't know if he will be a final pick for me. I don't call in anyway. Who is your pick? Who do you think will win?

    17 AnswersTelevision2 decades ago
  • I have wndws XP and I am trying to delete some old files. I am getting an error. What do I do?

    I was able to delete several sub files, from one main file, but one file reamians. I tried dragging it, and right click deleting it. I keep getting a message that someone else is using it. No one is using it. It is like over a year old. How do I delete it and it's main folder.

    6 AnswersOther - Computers2 decades ago
  • Can you help me now?

    I use yahoo for e mails, I recieve a lot of pictures per e mail. I need to be able to save them all at one time to my computer (not to Yahoo photos). I can't create text docs there. Please help. How do I save them all at one time? I have 75 pics on one email right now, it is driving me crazy. i need to do this for work.

    5 AnswersOther - Computers2 decades ago
  • Do you think it is an outrage that a police officer is relieved of duty for giving a personal opinion while...

    ..on the job? A Houston police officer faced reprocutions for saying attention needed to be made to Houston's policy on Police Car chases in Houston. He was relieved (I think). The police cheif is now asking for cameras to be placed in apt. complexes, streets, and in some homes to help with the cities low police to public ratio. Houston has far less officers, and high crime rates. What do you think?

    1 AnswerOther - News & Events2 decades ago
  • Things don't add up. I can't make sense of it... Why would someone lie to you?

    husband wife co. hires salesman in need of wk. for contract labor. The jobs were steady, the $ right. Friendships being built. We loaned $ in advance, and all was paid back. Then the lies..He told us he had a big job, that fell through. (we didn't need the wk. to make it). Then some other deal, that too fell through. Then he was selling land and would pay us some of that $. You guessed it fell through too. Next he is saying he has leukemia cancer. No wool over my eyes. I did research and he hasn't complained of common or abnormal symptoms. He said he is in stage 3 of 4. National Cancer Inst. says this cancer is not categorized with stages. It is a cancer you always will have, but after treatment your symptoms are minimal. Why would he lie about so many things, when all we have done is help him, and be honest with him? Suddenly he wants to quit, and he wants to hold our equip. until we pay him off.We never gave him a reason to believe we would try to cheat him for $. What do you think?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • Part 2-To believe or not to believe...?

    The co. that I have is owned and operated by my husband and myself. We get help with family and homeless when we need it. We happened to meet this guy while buying vehicles for our work. We gave him our # and several mo. later he called us desperate for wk. He and his girlfriend were both not working. He has done everything we asked him to, and does a good job, and makes good $. Since about mid of our work relationship he started making empty job promises. Big money jobs. We have been led on before and we'll just agree with him, but aren't expecting much. Just a couple wks ago he said he just went to the Dr. for a little pain and fatigue. Then he has this diagnosis. A form of Leukemia, and I felt like woah at 1st, he made a very big deal out of it. I would too, but after reading about it the statistics are good- and it is an either you have it or you don't you're getting treatment or your not, or you had succesful treatment and it has returned. There are no levels 1-4. Why lie about it

    5 AnswersCancer2 decades ago
  • Taxes and child support.?

    My boyfriend started a co. w/ the financial support of my family. This is our 2nd year. I work with him, and do all of the clerical stuff for the co. We live together and have 4 kids living with us. He has 3 kids outside of our relationship. I know his taxes can be held for nonpayment of child support, but if we were to get married (it is a plan), will they be able to take my earnings as well since we will file joint return? Do you have to file a joint return if you are married? What if the co. is in both of our names (a partnership) will they be able to garnish wages if the check is also in my name? He isn't trying to avoid child support, in Tx. they aren't very understanding if you get behind.

    Thanks for the help.

    2 AnswersUnited States2 decades ago
  • When someone sends me photos on yahoo email how can I save all of them to my computer at once vs. back & forth

    I work on houses that are foreclosed and am required to take bef and after photos of all work performed, with a min. of 3 photos and max up to 100's sometimes. It is so time consuming saving them one at a time to my comp. how can I save them all at once? Thanks for your help.

    3 AnswersOther - Computers2 decades ago
  • SORRY. Please help.?

    I tried to answer a question 4 times ea. time it didn't allow me to. I am able to answer, but it said someone already voted best answer, but there is no vote... I typed Blah to just see of it would accept a short answer, and it did. I WAS gonna edit and explain, but it won't let me explaian. What is up with that?

    By the way God speaks to us through his teachings in the New Testament of the Bible. The more you read the more intune you are with your relationship with God. The more you understand God and his teachings, and the more you are involved as a believer the more you will want to be a better person, because of the sacrifice he made. Hope that helps.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • What is the name of your favorite southern entree, and recipe?

    I am from the south and there are a variety of great foods incorporated into "soul food". I am looking for easy recipes that taste good, that still qualify as "made with love". I need more variety in my life.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades ago
  • I recently asked- how can people not believe in God? I have a new question...?

    Why are so many people that don't believe in God, looking at questions in religion? Are the questions posted somewhere else too? I don't look down on any one that doesn't believe what I believe, or that have different beliefs than I do. I believe because it is positive and that has been one of most valuable lessons. By the way, I know there is no fat man in a red suit coming down the chimney Christmas Eve to bring me gifts or even tidings of good joy, I do believe in Santa Clause however, just cause it is fun. Thanks for answering.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • If you changed a thing or two about yourself what would it/they be? Why?

    I think people would want to change a negative thing about themselves, but I think most people will answer a feature (teeth, boobs, weight). I just wonder what is most important to people that answer the question.

    I'd change my smoking habit- so I could spend more time with my kids. I go outside to smoke. If it takes me on average 5 min to smoke a cig, and I smoke a pack a day... That is an hour and 40 min I could be spending with my kids. It is hard. Advise- don't start smoking. Appreciate the answers.

    6 AnswersOther - Business & Finance2 decades ago
  • How can people not believe in God or a higher power?

    People recognize that they are living and part of that is dying. People strive to be happy. They hope for the best, and when things go wrong unbelievers are the 1st ones to say, "God damn it." If it is human nature to sin, and human nature to survive, human nature to be happy... How does believing in God hamper that? It doesn't. You can still be the imperfect person that you are today and believe in God. You don't get into Heaven by the good things you do, because for just as much good you do here you do that much bad (that is also human nature). It is just as bad to lie as it is to steal. So, in that it doesn't even "cramp your style" why do people that strive for happiness opt for negtiveness by still not believing. It doesn't hurt anyone to be positive. To follow the ten comandments. To have some faith. To be the above average person that gets to live the above average life in Heaven, for just believing, and living your life asking for forgiveness for the bad things that you've done

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • What's been the most valuable lesson in your life- one you'll be sure to pass to your kids, or a good friend?

    detailed responses appreciated. It's okay to have more than one.

    4 AnswersFriends2 decades ago