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Uncertain Soul

Favorite Answers13%
  • What makes people think they can ask such things?

    I've asked two questions on here about two relatives(one's a former relative), who have asked me to stay away from formal family functions, because they are embarrassed of me. But neither of them was hosting the formal event...but they felt they had to keep me away from the event to avoid embarrassment. My sister in law begged me not to attend my cousin's wedding which we're both invited to. It's NOT her wedding!!!!!!! My question is about the balls of these women....because I'd never even think of doing such a thing...I just wouldnt acknowlege the person if we were in the same room...I'd NEVER ask them not to attend something we were both INVITED to. Since the thought of doing this wouldnt occur to me, I was wondering how the thought would occur to some, n what would give them hope for a positive response. These women dont think they're byches, they think I'm one for not understanding politeness.

    3 AnswersEtiquette4 years ago
  • How do you know you are an embarrassment to people?

    Some years ago, I was married, all of us(ex, his family, and I), were invited to my cousin s wedding. Ex s mom said I shouldnt go because I am an embarrassment. I said, I m invited, so I want to go. She said, I was invited because he(my cousin), has manners, and invited me because we re related, so in the same way, I should also be well mannered and not go to his wedding, so I can spare him embarrassment. When I asked her(my ex mother in law), y I was an embarrassment, all she said was; it s simple, look at u, and if u cant figure it out, I m not going to tell u. The reason I ask this, is because I have a sister in law who feels the same way. I feel the one s inviting me to things dont feel this way, so I go to functions, but when I hear things like I hear above, I get confused.

    3 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • why wont women leave each other alone?

    Many women are always asking me about my life. When I tell them about my life, they are dis satisfied, so they tell me how to fix it. When I tell them to leave me alone, they tell my mother she raised a horrible child. what can I do to get them off my back n not complain to my passive agressive mother?

    2 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • Should I not go to a destination wedding I was invited to due to my sister in law forbidding me?

    She wants to go to this wedding. She says she cant go if I'll be there. My presence will ruin her good time. She does not want to be my traveling companion to this event. She doesnt want anyone else to be my companion to this event. I'm traveling with someone else to this event, and she is furious, because people may wonder y I'm not with her and my brother. She doesnt want us on the same flight either. I dont understand this way of thinking. Please do enlighten me.

    1 AnswerFamily4 years ago
  • how would one unsweeten a family sized can of campbells tomato soup?

    I cooked a can of cambells tomato soup as directions stated and it was too sweet. I added basil, cheese, red hot chilli peppers and pickled jalepenos, but it's still too sweet. Idk what to do. I used to buy the small cans and eat that, with cheese and it was delightful. But the big can is just too sweet and I dont know what to do. I even when as far as to add plain yogurt, and a little bit of tamarind juice as well. All I got was a huge bowl of mixed flavor, but the soup was still sweet. I'm reluctantly finishing this can of soup(its sweet, so I'm afraid to give it to my dogs), but I have five more cans I'd like to use, but cant use them if they're all this sweet. CAn I fix this?

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink6 years ago
  • What's this movie featuring robin williams?

    Robin Williams characters, two kids die in a car accident. Two years after this,his character dies in a hit and run accident. Unable to bear the loss of her family, two years later, his character's wife commits suicide. He and his children are in heaven enjoying life because they died naturally, and they saw the actions of their loved one, so william's character knew his wife would go to hell for taking her own life. So he goes to hell to save her, and succeeds. Then the pair decide to live on earth again, but their kids decide to remain in heaven.

    Any idea on what this movie is called, and what year it came out? Thanks.

    7 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • I want to find out how much this would be?

    In march of 2007 the dollar was worth about 44 rupees. I want to know how many dollars 10,000 rupees would equal. Can anyone please set up and possibly solve the conversion for me. IF not, atleast let me know how to get the conversion? All the currency converters I go on calculate the rupee dollar ratio for today, not seven years ago. Thanks for your help.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • How would one potty train a four month old puppies?

    I've got three puppies which are about four months old. We keep them outside on the patio. There's an entrance to the backyard from the patio. They often use the exit to go out and play. But they eat, pee, and poo on the patio. I've rubbed their nose in it...that failed. Someone suggested washing the patio with bleach, and that was done...that failed too. They will actually go and smell their poo and walk away! When we go to catch 'em, they seem to know y we want them, so they run. This implies they know they've done something wrong. Everytime the poo is scooped, it is thrown away in the yard, thinking that animals go by smell, and if they smell their own waste in the yard, they'll poo there...that failed too. I'm outta ideas, but need to train 'em soon. They're harder to train as full grown dogs anyhow. Thanks for the help.

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • where can I find a waste recepticle suitable for rabbits?

    My mom's building a rabbit hutch. We have six rabbits, one's in a rabbit cage, and it's lined with paper underneath, so we can dispose of waste. The others are in a chicken hutch we have, and that has a removable waste pan, that we use. But mom said she went to some stores to find the pan, so she can use it for the rabbit hutch, and said that the stores dont carry them anymore. We want an easy way to dispose of rabbit waste, so the cleaning would be minimal. We plan to keep the rabbits on our patio. The rabbit hutch is planned to have three cubbies, so mom, babies, and dad would have separate resting areas if needed. But we still need easy effective waste management ideas. Please include where to find these items too. Thank You very much for your advice.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • what are the song lyrics to the song?

    featured in the hp commericals? U know, the song they play when they're advertising the computer which is a tablet with a keyboard? I think it's by sarah barrules? I think that's how u spell her name. Plus, that song kinda sounds like the katy perry song roar...the instrumental anyway. Thanks for all your help.

    1 AnswerLyrics7 years ago
  • how do u clean old dirt/grime from dishwasher racks?

    I didn't realize it was dirt, until someone pointed it out to me. We rarely wash dishes using the dish waster, but we do store dishes in them to dry off. Now some of the wrack(which is white), look sort of brownish. I checked for chipping of paint, but didn't find any. Rust is red right? It would come off on dishes or my hand too right? This is y I'm thinking it's dirt. I have no idea how to clean it though. Soap and water with scrubbing wont do...Ive tried in vain. The person who pointed out my dirty dishwasher gave me no pointers either. i'd like it clean...especially since actual dish washing is a rarity for the machine. Please do help me with this. Also, if there are any natural remedies, that would help, thanks.

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • Why is being boring considered a bad thing?

    I'm a boring person. But I'm ok with it. I'm happy being boring. Being out-going just doesnt agree with me. But when i talk to others, the answers I get are: you're not boring. You're one of my closest friends. etc. But that's the end of it. I know I'm an ok conversationalist, and I do choose interesting reading material...but these folks dont really have anything in common with me. We dont hang out in public. But of course, most of what they want to do are more of an active thing, and I'm more passive. Also, even the movies some of my friends like are totally opposite of what I like. I know they're fun...but they dont think I'm boring? By their actions, I know they think this, but they say I'm not, so I think they think being boring is bad. Is being boring bad? If so, y?

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • How long should a person put up with ridicule from an elder and y?

    I've been ridiculed since childhood by this elder. Others tell me it's jealousy because my life is easier than his...thanks to my parents. Yes, my parents came to the US, then once well settled, started a family. Only after that, did dad get citizenship and was able to bring his side over. By then, this elder of mine was married and had a family. But $ was sent home, and he was in the military and was a farmer too, so he wasn't dirt poor, just poor compared to one working in the states. He and his family finally got here about eighteen years ago. He and his wife didn't get good jobs, but the kids are well-educated and married well. They're well settled. I'm not. I have disabilities, but look and talk totally fine. I get govt aid. I have applied for and lost several jobs. This is primarily due to my slow movements and actions. Due to the way I talk and articulate things, people think I'm lazy. They just want to assume I'm faster some days and slower on others on purpose. I could go on and on about my issues, but the issue here is the ridicule. Ok, my parents are educated, my uncle and aunt are not. BUT, to me, that doesn't make them dumb. Actually, they're smart...except they use it to be cunning, instead of getting an education and moving up...instead of seizing the opportunity the US provides. Instead, they choose to ridicule me...a girl who's had all these opportunities, but couldn't accomplish anything. My parents let it slide...citing that that's how they've always been, and that it wont change. But now, I'm scared that when they get me alone, the ridicule will start...and if I don't go to their home, when they want me to, they blame my mom....saying it's because she said so. But in college I lived where they did and would visit. They'd give me food and tell everyone that they know american girls don't cook, and I don't know how, so they gave me food. This is a total lie. Plus, I would visit at tea time. Oh, they didn't like giving me rides to and from the airport either. They'd tell my folks, and I wouldn't mind it, because they're gossips anyway. But a while india when we saw each other...w/o any prompting from me or uncle states I cant come to his city, because if I do, there wont be any room in his home for me. He said he said this because his daughter and her family r always there. That house has four bedrooms. At most, only three would b occupied(Idk if the kids would sleep separate..they're small, but I said 3 rooms just in case). That leaves one empty room. He knows this. So I'm guessing he didn't want me there. So when I did visit his town, I didn't let him know. He found out, and invited me over for dinner. I didn't go...due to the earlier comment. The aunt I was staying with tried her hardest to convince me to go, but I took a stand. Honestly, I would've been a horrible guest if I went, and yes, THAT would be my I didn't go. I heard nothing of it since...but that was blamed on my mom too...though it was MY decision and both folks just stood by me.

    I just want to know if and when the ridicule will stop. Because I really don't know what I've done to them to deserve such hatred. My dad told me to just take it as me giving them one wound for them giving me many throughout my life. If I ever do visit that town again, I only plan to go when invited, for dinner, but probably wont eat. I only say this, because his son-in-law was in my town when I was in his, and the son-in-law, DID come by my, only for that, I owe it to them to make an appearance. i tried to make this as short as possible, sorry.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • How long does an std last in your system?

    I dont know if I have one, or if I'm asymthematic. But my ex husband did indicate that he may, or may not have cheated on me. This was five years ago when I asked him if he had or hadnt. He said he didnt, but could if he wanted, because he knew where to go to find a whorehouse. Plus, he did state a fifteen year old was better than me in bed. So I've been paranoid ever since. But I'm not in a positiion to get tested. I dont drive, the only person who can take me to a dr thinks my paranoia is funny. Y? Idk, was an arranged marriage, and he's a taxi driver in india(they dont have the best reputation), but she trusts him. So even if there's nothing to worry about, I'd rather be safe than sorry, and if there really is nothing to worry about, I'd rather not get tested, so this is y I ask this question. OH, yes, five years ago is the last time I had sex.

    4 AnswersSTDs7 years ago
  • Is the article in The Week magazine true?

    There's an article published which states that to balance the budget, the poorest of the poor will suffer economically. Meaning disabled folks, the elderly, and families with dependant children will suffer the most. Anyone on government assistance will suffer the coming year, because assistance will either cease, or will drastically be reduced. Sometimes people do write articles in a sarcastic type of way just to make eye-openning articles, to make folks think. But the article made sense to me. Now all President Obama has to worry about is his legacy, and to make folks come your way, compromise is almost, always a are the poor in trouble? I know no one really has to do anyone any favors, and the poor are the first to suffer if a recession is at hand, but leaving them totally out of options is just plain cruel. IF what the article states is true, what are these marginalized folks to do? It's simple to say work for a living, but what if there are no jobs? What if a person simply cant compete, and therefore, loses out? I'm not asking about fairness, I'm asking about humanity verses jungle tryanny. There are folks who just got a bad deal in life, so are they just supposed to starve because the budget needs to be balanced? I know the rich work for their earnings, and even finding loopholes takes $ and time, but y shut out the folks who only need a fraction of what the rich make annually, to live on? Just asking for workable solutions. Thanks.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago