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How are chest freezers different from refrigerators ( insulation ? )?
I'd like to make my small refrigerator more efficient. If I add several inches of insulation to the sides of the refrigerator, will it then become as efficient as a chest freezer ( while closed of course ).
I have a small 3.1 cu. ft. Frigidaire model that is a real power hog. ( 354 kWh per year )
Can I add more insulation to the sides, or would this be a bad idea ?
I notice the sides of the unit get warm to the touch when i cover the refrigerator with several blankets ( as a test.)
I would convert the unit to be a chest refrigerator, but I am worried that I would lose the freezer function on the top of the unit if I tipped it on its back.
Thanks !
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoHow much should I make after 7+ years at Lowes?
I've worked for Lowes ( like Home Depot ) for nearly 7 1/2 years.
I work as a stocker in the Austin,Texas area, and make 11.13 an hour.
I have experience working as a c.s.a. in a department as well. ( I switched back to stocking due to better hours. )
I'm a model employee - never late, and staying late to get the job done. I give 100 % every day. If I am told to do something, the job gets done.
I am however aware that I make the same wage as those that just start at Lowes.
I have not had a review* in around 4 + years. ( *This is where the boss talks to you about job performance, and they give you your raise )
I'm a very weak person when it comes to my rights, and they take advantage of this.
What should I actually be making wage wise ?
Thanks in advance.
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoDoes the HP D2545 printer need a chip re-setter ?
Does the HP D2545 printer need a chip re-setter ?
I filled the cartridges with ink.
The cartridge light on the printer is blinking for the color ( telling me that the thing is empty ) , but the black took O.K. .
The color cartridge is full, but the printer is still not working.
Even if I try to print in gray-scale, the printer will not do anything.
I know that Epson printers need chip resetters, but I was hoping that this HP didn't need one.
2 AnswersPrinters1 decade agoAnti-virus programs don't see my viruses?
I have run three or four opensource anti virus programs, and they all say that my computer is fine. Yahoo Anti-Spy actually finds a lot of junk each time I run a search, but it is all just tracking cookies. The rest don't even see the tracking cookies.
What is a good open-source anti-virus program that really works for finding the really bad stuff, like Trojans, and hijackers ?
My computer is running very, very slowly and very strange at times ( everything freezes )
Windows XP , Internet Explorer 8, firewall enabled
8 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoHow do I get Yahoo Anti-Spy to block cookies and other junk it finds by default?
How do I get Yahoo Anti-Spy to block cookies and other junk it finds by default ?
Each time that I run the program, it finds the same stuff.
I would like to block these so I don't have to remove them constantly.
Thanks !
1 AnswerSecurity1 decade agoWhere is God during child rape ?
If God is all seeing and all knowing, does God just sit there and watch as kids are molested ?
If God allows these things to happen "because he must give the molester free will to sin" , why must the child be involved ?
If God wants so badly to judge people on whether they will choose to do the sin or not, why involve the kid ? To me, this seems selfish on Gods' part.
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy did the X-15 have a wedge shaped tail ( versus an airfoil )?
Past a certain point, such as hypersonic speeds, is an airfoil no longer the ideal shape to have on a wing ( or tail )
I notice that the tail sections of the X-15 were very thick, and had the wedge shape, whereas the wings were thin like those of an F-104.
Why is this ?
1 AnswerEngineering1 decade agoIs God truly all knowing ( Adams' sin )?
Regarding the God of the Old Testament, why did God allow Satan into the Garden of Eden, knowing full well that this would end up resulting in Adams' sin ?
Did God know from the beginning that He was damning all of Mankind ?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSo why didn't Jesus cast the first stone ?
This has been answered before by another poster, but I wanted to add to it.
So if God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are actually one and the same, then that would mean that Jesus actually created the Old Testament laws.
( Since Jesus " always was " )
If Jesus is somehow separate from God the Father, then that would mean that Jesus is just following the Old Testament God.
Either way, not casting the stone did not change the fact that the original rule was given.
It's strange how that stoning people in society today is considered cruel, yet when " God " says do it, it becomes something right and good.
If a person did some of the things that the O.T. God did, that PERSON would be considered evil.
How do these actions become condoned simply because they are from " God ".
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCut-away drawing or aerial view of Jagannath Puri temple ?
I'm trying to find views of the Jagannath Puri temple other than the standard shot that you always see in photographs.
I'm building a four foot tall model of the temple, but need more information to go from, such as a floorplan or cutaway image ( or aerial view )
Thank you .
3 AnswersOther - India1 decade agoWhat rating would biodiesel cars get : SULEV,LEV, or worse ?
( I know that the rating would probably change depending on the type of substance used to make the fuel, as well as the amount of the fuel used - or Miles Per Gallon. )
2 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade agoRadomes on fighter jets pale yellow - why ? ( F-14 Tomcats )?
I notice that the F-14 Tomcat and others such as the F-18 have pale yellow at the front of their nose cones.
Why is this ?
Also, most F-14s had a radome that was two colors : white with pale yellow at the front.
( I have also seen one F-14 that had a white radome with gull grey at the front where the yellow usually is .)
Then there are other F-14s that completely paint the entire nose of the aircraft.
So what was it - just style, or was there actually a function to it ?
One other question about the F-14 : Will one ever fly at an airshow again, or have they all been scrapped ?
4 AnswersAircraft1 decade agoHow would a person know if they are retarded ?
How can I trust my own perception of myself ?
Would an I.Q. test show whether or not a person is mentally slow, or would it just take that person longer to comprehend what is on the test ?
Does an anarexic person really see a fat person when they look in the mirror ? Is the mind really so strong that it can twist a persons' perception of themselves so much that they do not realize that they have a problem ?
I would think that this could be true when you witness alchoholics and drugees. They can't see that they have a problem untill someone tells them.
I perceive myself as normal - perhaps in someways intelligent, yet I am begining to suspect that this is not the case at all.
I think back on the classes that I had to take for the 'slow' kids.
I think back on all the times I was called stupid and retard. Was it really just kids being mean, or am I really just too stupid to comprehend that they were right ?
4 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoWhere in the Austin, Texas area can I recycle plastics such as # 3,4,5,7 well as steel cans ?
As far as I can tell, curbside recycling only takes newspaper ( no cardboard ) and only # 1and # 2 plastics.
Thanks for any help folks !
2 AnswersGreen Living1 decade agoHatchback more aero than sedan ? ( Wake drag )?
I have a '93 Civic hatchback with a factory claimed .Cd of .31.
The coupe version of the same car has a .32 .cd .
How can this be since the coupe has a smaller wake ?
I would think that since the wake on the hatchback is greater, it would create more drag.
( There is a larger volume of turbulent air spilling off the back of the hatchback design. )
1 AnswerEngineering1 decade agoE-85 in non flex - fuel cars ?
What is the highest Ethonol mix that I can run in a '93 Honda Civic ?
What would happen if I did try and run E-85 ?
What kind of damage would occur ?
11 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade agoHow can I improve my cars emissions rating ? ( '93 Civic ) Can I use any parts from a newer Civic ?
I know I can drive less, ride the bus etc., but for those times that I have to drive, I'd like to have a cleaner car. From what I understand, a newer Civic engine is totally different ( even a '97 or so versus my '93 ) and I would have to change out all the wiring.
So .... have the engines really changed all THAT much ?
The people that I spoke with made it sound as if I were trying to shoe-horn a big block Chevy or a Hybrid powertrain into the car ( in terms of complexity )
In short, what all has changed to newer motors that have given them a cleaner rating ?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoWhy are humans the only animals that need clothes ?
8 AnswersBiology2 decades ago