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  • What's causing severe back pain with nausea?

    Since my first question was deleted, I'll try again. I have been suffering from something since I was 18 (I'm 42 now). I get an incredible stabbing, burning pain right between my shoulder blades. It gets so bad that it makes me severely nauseous, to the point of vomiting. I have been to doctors and told them of the symptoms and have asked several times about what it could be. I get blown off. They all tell me I just need to lose weight and quit smoking. Okay, I've lost 80 pounds and have cut back the smoking. I'm still getting this awful pain. At times, it has gotten so bad, I end up in the ER for heavy painkillers and something that numbs my tummy so I quit puking.

    I have asked repeatedly for a diagnosis or at least to be taken seriously. I've given up asking medical doctors. Maybe you guys and gals know something they don't. Or at the very least, offer up something I can use the next time I visit the doctor.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • I need the number that has a square root of 165. Help?!?

    I'm playing a numbers game and I thought my answer should be a little more abstract than the others. I know I could probably figure it out, but I think this would be quicker. Thanks :)

    11 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • What are my rights against a hostile tenant?

    About a year ago, a nice lady(or so we thought) moved into our building. We helped fix her fax machine, offered a cup of sugar when she needed it, carried her groceries upstairs for her, that sort of thing. We thought we had a good standing with her until one day, we answered the door for the manager(whom we have a good relationship with) and the lady just happened to be walking by and saw a cat poop on the floor. Our litter box is situated behind the front door because there is nowhere else to put it. Well, the kitty had just finished business and had scratched vigorously dug, and flipped one out of the box. She saw it and I had not cleaned it up just then. We had 4 kitties we claimed as ours. Two days later, we have animal control knocking on our door saying that they have had a report of flea-infested, sickly looking, living with 3 inches of filth(feces, I think the report said) on the floor, cats(7-8) roaming in out of our apartment. Well, every detail of the report she claimed was false and the officer agreed with us. He had inspected our place and the cats and found nothing to be out of order. All is good.

    Later, we found out the the lady was very upset that our cats were not taken from us, my husband thrown in jail and all our possessions burned. She's been spreading vile rumors about us around the neighborhood ever since.

    She had caused nothing but trouble since she moved in. Lots of things have happened since then, including trying to sue the manager because her cats got fleas and worms(her certified letter even states that she 'unwillingly' brought fleas into her home), vandalizing our personnel property(we can't "prove" it was her but "know" it was her), blaming us for the roach problem we had(we didn't have them until she moved in), and hanging a defamatory sign on the breezeway door that said " Cross this property at your own risk. This place is flea, rat and cockroach infested".

    We are fed up with her and her delusions, so is the manager and the owner of the building. The owner has a 3 day cease and desist order if she withholds anything from her rent because the manager refused to pay her demand. I know for a fact that the owner wants her out and wants to give her a 30 day no-cause eviction, but fears it will be seen as a retaliatory action.

    What are my rights against her? Should I be filing police reports? Speaking to an attorney? She has vicious. She upsetting us , the manger, the owner and other tenants. What can we do to speed up the process of getting her the hell out of here?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What would you if you found out the church paid for someone to have IVF(invitro fertilization)?

    I just found out the my church paid for a couple to have an IVF procedure. I believe this money should have gone to better the youth and tech ministries, outreach programs, home groups(bible studies) and other assorted repairs and maintenance. Now the church is broke and can't afford to do these things.

    Worst of all, the the church "leadership" tried to keep this a secret. I'm angry about this! I believe this to be a sore lack of judgment on the part of the leadership.

    In every church I have attended, on the flier handed out by the greeters, the funds are always listed on them. Things like how much is in the church account, what goals need to met for certain projects, special offerings and fundraisers and what the are earmarked for, etc. Never once have a I seen funds so a couple can have a baby.

    I am happy for the couple that they were able to conceive. I should note that the the woman is the assistant pastors daughter. I feel no ill will against the couple, they are nice folks.

    I'm just angry that the church would keep this a secret. $10,000- $12,000 could have been better spent.

    What would you do if you found out this type of thing in your church?

    I have already been considering leaving this church in search of something better. Should I, could I, or can I report this to someone? I think this is favoritism at it's worst. If I had asked for help with something like this, I would have been turned down flat.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I would like to explore the darker side of my sexuality. A little more info needed?

    I would like to explore parts of the BDSM lifestyle in a healthy way. I already know that I am not into total submission, domination or punishment. I am interested in the sadomasochistic(mostly the masochism) parts and light bondage. I already know that I do enjoy biting, spanking(I also think I would like whipping), scratching and being held by my wrists or ankles. My husband is accommodating on most things but I would like to get a little deeper. Blindfolds, being tied up, sensory deprivation(excepting asphyxia). How should I approach the subject with my husband in a way that he will comfortable with at least trying to accommodate me? Should I/he talk to someone about how to do it safely? I want it to pleasurable for both of us. I know he's not wanting any of this for himself. I just feel like I am missing some part of my sexuality.

  • Has anyone experienced or heard of a cortisone IV drip?

    A long story short: Back in mid February, I came home from work feeling like I had really worked hard. A little sore and achy in my shoulders and a mild headache. Sunday morning at church, my neck felt like I had slept wrong. Monday night, my husband was trying to massage the knots out of my shoulders. Tuesday morning I woke up and couldn't move my left arm. I was having pain that started in my neck and made my arm go numb. My arm felt very cramped, tingly, and numb in some spots.

    I was referred to a spinal specialist who diagnosed me with a disc bulge at C 6. He put me on oral cortisone for 6 days, and gave prescriptions for pain killers and a muscle relaxant. He offered a cortisone shot at the time but I refused it. He said that if I ever wanted it to give him a call. I also did physical therapy for 4 months. I was doing great until last Monday when I turned my head to brush my hair and I heard something pop in my neck. All the pain and agony is back. He said he could a a cortisone IV that would be about a 20 minute procedure done under light sedation. I have decided to give this a try but I am unable to connect with my doctor to schedule it. Has anyone had this done before? Did it help you?

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How do I delete my yahoo 360 page?

    I haven't even looked at my 360 page for about 5 years now. Can I do this without deleting my entire yahoo account?

    6 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • Baby signing on her own?

    My goddaughter has started to periodically look me in the eyes and pat her own cheek. I can't figure out what she's trying to tell me! I'm pretty good on understanding her different cries, general sounds, body-language, etc. But this one has me stumped. She's just shy of a year old and a very active crawler / "cruiser".

    She usually makes this hand-motion, when she is happy and playing... having a good time, in general. It's never in response to something I say or do, at least, not that I can tell. She has not been actively taught any specific signs and nobody else (immediate family) knows what it means, either.

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What type of yoga would be best for me?

    I have a 3mm disc protrusion at C6. I am in physical therapy to help relieve the pain and numbness. I have also completed my 2nd round of cortizone pills and and am now mostly pain free. I'm trying not to go the cortizone injection or surgery route. I would like to try yoga for strengthening and flexibility. I don't know what kind would be best. I was told by my doctor and therapist not to do anything that would require me to bare weight on my arms or pull at my neck in any way. I am a beginner( as in never done it before) so I am not sure where to start.

    I have asked this question before but did not get the answer I was looking for. Thanks in advance:)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What kind of yoga would be best for me?

    I have a 3mm disc protrusion at C6. I have been in physical therapy to help aleviate the nerve pain and numbness. I would like to try yoga for strengthening and flexibility. Which kind would be best me with this injury? I am also a beginner so I don't know where to start. Thanks:)

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Nape piercing?

    I'm considering getting a nape piercing. How is it done? If you have this done, have you had any trouble with it snagging on clothing or hair? Pain and precautions I should know about?

    3 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • How do you organize your small space?

    We have way, waaaay to much stuff for a small apartment. We have filled our little storage unit to the brim. I know that we should probaby rent a storage unit till we get into a house but, at the prices they charge here($ 150 to $275 a month for a 5x5) they are out of our price range.

    We try and throw out, give away and, donate as much as possible at least 5 times a year.

    I am getting tired of big plastic tubs stacking up along our wall.

    Any advice?

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • How have you dealt with pain so intense that nothing seems to help?

    At first I thought it might be that I slept funny and had a bit of a stiff neck. By the next day, my hand and my arm was in tingles and any movement would make my hand go numb. The next day when I woke up, I could no longer move my arm and I have what only can be described as a ripping pain that goes from the base of skull to the bottom of my shoulder blade.

    I have been to the doctor and have been prescribed muscle relaxers and Tylenol 4( with codine). I have also been refered to an orthopedist. The drugs only make me loopy and don't do much for the pain. I have been using a heating pad and ice packs and doing some minor stretching exercises with no luck. How you deal with this? The only reason I'm typing now is because I took 2 Tylenol 4's.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • It's normal for a piercing to ache for week right?

    I had my tragus pierced last week. Mind you, it's my first piercing in about 18 years so I'm a little rusty on how it's supposed to feel. I'm taking care of it just like I was told to. I don't sleep or talk on the phone on that side(I wouldn't hear ya anyway. Hearing loss on that side). I have not snagged my hairbrush on it. It's not infected but looks kinda bruised. Just a constant ache. Dull ache, but still an ache. Normal right? I'd call my shop in the AM but they are closed for the holiday. Thanks:)

    9 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Do you feel obligated to listen to the type of music you do?

    Is it obligation from such things as ethnic background, religion or geographical area? I know I will raise a few hackles over this question. I mean no offense to anyone. I apologize to anyone who may be offended by this. It's that, in my area, I hear only to types of music. I won't say which ones. Just curious. I listen to all types of music. Everything from Metallica to Mozart. I love it all. Some more than others but still all types.

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • How can I help my kitty cope with the loss of his brother?

    I recently had to put one of my kitties to rest. He was very ill and I know I did the best thing for him. My remaining kitty keeps calling for his brother and seems depressed. I give him lots of love and extra attention. Is there anything extra I can do for him? It's so sad listening to him meowl and cry and searching for his missing littermate.

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Who would I talk to about multi-person home ownership?

    I am looking to buy a home but the only way I can afford it is to have a family member basically go in "halves" with me. I have spoken with numerous agents but all they want to do is sell me house. They give me no info on how to go about owning a home with someone else. I don't have much of a down and my family member would provide a healthy down so I can have mortgage payments that I can afford. Should I decide to sell, they would get their investment back. How do I go about this? Who do I contact? The only info I have found on the web relates to vacation and second homes. I would be a first time buyer. HELP!

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • How do you cope with someone who has depression and they won't do anything to help it?

    My husband suffers from depression. He knows this and flat out refuses to seek help. He says it will make him feel less of a man. He goes so far as to turn the channel when an ad comes on the TV for depression. He's always angry/upset/enraged/complaining or whining about some horrible that's happened to him. Or how everyone is against him, thinks he's stupid and that he's an awful person. He has a terrible sense of self-esteem. I can count on 2 hands the number of times I have seen a genuine smile from him.

    I have tried to as supportive as I can, boost his ego when needed but I feel that my efforts are being ignored. I have talked to a professional about myself on occasion as well as the pastor of my church. I'm falling apart because the man I love is going to pieces. How do you cope? What's your secrets?

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Ice packs and itching?

    My fresh tatt(some color work) of 10 days is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Healing and peeling and stuff. The dang thing woke me up at 5 am itching like mad! I finally got up and put an icepack on it for about 5 mins. It still itched but I was able to get back to sleep. Yes, I put lotion on to keep it from getting dry and following all my aftercare instructions. So I guess my question is: Has anyone else found relief with an ice pack for itchy tatts? My back tatt was not this And no, I DO NOT scratch..I slap.

    1 AnswerTattoos1 decade ago
  • Are there any cat owners in or near Concord California who know the blood type of their cat?

    Please! If you know the blood type of your cat (I need type B), please come to the emergency vet hospital on Monument Blvd. Your cat could help my cats life. He is in desperate need of a blood transfusion. If you can help, please let the vet techs know you are there for Asher. Thank you! PLease help!

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago