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I am a preacher's daughter. In fact my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were all pastors. I love Jesus!

  • What is the PC way of declaring "husband & wife" at the end of a wedding ceremony when one spouse is non-binary?

    My "son" Anthony and Emily have been together for 10 years in a traditional male-female relationship. They are getting married in two weeks and Anthony recently came out to the family as pansexual and requesting non-binary pronouns. At a family dinner, a specific member of the family made some very ugly comments about the LGBTQ community. That was very hurtful to Anthony and once we got home alone, he revealed his pansexuality to me and later to the rest of the family. Apparently, Emily has known for years and she is totally fine with it.

    So here s the issue, I m totally clueless when it comes to politically correct terminology. I am performing the wedding and want it to be the most amazing day of their lives. I have asked Anthony what term he would prefer instead of husband and he s not quite sure, so we are looking for suggestions. I want the ceremony to be as special as possible and to honor his gender identity. Creative suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    If you can t be helpful, just keep scrolling. Their special day will not be ruined by trolls!

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • Can coffee have a delayed reaction?

    I normally don't drink coffee because it makes me drowsy. This may be due to being ADHD. (I was very hyper as a child but they didn't diagnose kids with ADHD in the 70's so I'm not sure...) My son is ADHD and if I give him caffeine he can relax and go to sleep.

    Yesterday, a good friend came to breakfast at my house so I made a pot of coffee. I usually don't drink coffee because it doesn't do me any good. Instead of giving me an energy boost, I get drowsy. BUT, I bought a yummy caramel creamer and the coffee was so good, I drank several large cups thinking I don't have to work and I can just take a nap after she leaves.

    I was fine most of the day, but by about 9pm I started feeling irritable and fidgety. By midnight I was just about crawling out of my skin! My husband said I was acting like a tweaker, lol.

    So, my question is, how long does caffeine stay in your system & do you think this could have been a result of coffee overload?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • How do you get two extremely shy dogs to interact?

    I have a 5 year old, Tuffy, Yorkie/Shih Tzu female and was recently asked to take a 1 1/2 yr old, Cocoa, Yorkie/Shih Tzu/Dachshund mix female because her older siblings were picking on her and she has several scars to prove it...

    Tuffy my 5yr old was badly abused before I got her at the age of 6 weeks, huge open wound from back of her ear to her shoulder and both eyes were blistered, so she is very shy and submissive and Cocoa was being bullied by other dogs so she too is extremely shy and submissive. The day we brought her home she refused to go in the house until all of the humans went in...

    I really want these girls to be friends and interact, but they are both extremely shy. They didn't even sniff each other's buts until day 3, lol. I am walking them daily, but I have no idea how to get them to play together. Any ideas on how to get them to interact will be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • How many generations would it take to go back to the Revolutionary War?

    My cousin recently sent my dad an email stating that some author was going to be doing a book signing at the home of my great grandfather X5. He went on to say that the exact address of the book signing was on census reports that he had that proved that our great-grandfather X5 and great-uncle X5 lived at that address and also fought in the Revolutionary War. All of this can be proved by historical records as far as the census that was taken at the time, but I am thinking that it isn't enough "greats" to go back that far. So I'm just wondering, how many generations would it take to be a relative from the 1775-1783 Revolutionary War? The census reports are very hard to dig thru because I don't have the originals, only emailed copies that my dad sent me and I was getting a headache trying to follow the bloodline to a specific relative. Any math or genealogy wiz's out there that could help me out?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Someone recommended I get a Brazilian blowout for my wedding...?

    Getting married in 10 days and a friend suggested I get a Brazilian blow out. I have naturally wavy hair and usually spend about an hour blow drying it straight and then use a fat curling iron to get big loose curls. All together it takes almost two hours to get my hair the way I want it for my wedding (It's really long and thick). My question is, if I do the blow out how does that effect using a curling iron on it? Will it still hold curl?

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Do wedding invitations have to include bride & groom's full legal names?

    None of my friends know me by my legal name which is Cheryl I have been called Cheri my entire life. So when I send out wedding invitations does etiquette dictate that I have to write my full legal name on them?

    14 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Would it be too weird to have a snowflake theme for a November wedding?

    We originally planned to do a winter wedding in dark purple & silver with a snowflake theme. We have decided to move the date up to November 9 but now I think the idea of snowflake decor might seem odd to some people...what do you think?

    6 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • What would be a fancy NON alcoholic drink that is also easy to serve a t a wedding?

    The majority of our friends and family do NOT drink at all. We will have a nice sparkling drink for the toast, but I want to do something special to give my guests that will be yummy but not be a total pain to serve. One friend suggested strawberry lemonade but that doesn't really excite me...any ideas of an easy NON alcoholic drink that tastes really yummy?

    We live in California so we can get virtually any fruit you can think of relatively cheap. The wedding colors are going to be royal purple and silver. We have not yet set the date, but are looking at a winter wedding with sparkling lights and snowflakes as part of the decor...

    4 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • What do you think of a New Year's Eve wedding?

    We are considering New Year's Eve for our wedding day because the first time he said "I Love You" was on New Year's Eve. My only concern is that it falls on a Tuesday this year, but most people don't work on New Year's Day...

    7 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Is it ok to show the groom a picture of the wedding dress?

    I just found the perfect dress and am wondering if he will like it. Do you think it's ok to show my fiance a picture in the catalog of the gown I am intending to buy? I'm not superstitious at all, just asking other people's opinions.

    11 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Why are my answers not showing up?

    I noticed in my email inbox that I have 7 answers to my question here in YA, but when I try to go see them it shows that I have no do I see what people have written to my question?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • I have had an allergic reaction to several narcotic pain medicines...?

    I have had a severe allergic reaction to Codeine, Vicoden, Percocet, Darvocet, & Morphine...When in the ER for migraines I was given Demerol without any adverse reactions and when being treated for an infected gallbladder, I was given Dilauded successfully as well.

    So my question is, is there anything in the same family as either Dilauded or Demerol that is not as strong as these heavy duty drugs??? I need to have 2 wisdom teeth extracted next week and am concerned that I will be in pain and not able to take anything for it that will be stronger than Ibuprofen. I have tried to ask these types of questions to doctors that were treating me and the first thing they think is that I am drug seeking because I am questioning them about the strongest narcotic drugs available. This is not the case...I want to know if there is something in the same level of pain relief as Vicoden or Codeine that is not going to make me break out in hives and make my throat swell shut. It just happens that the only two narcotic pain relievers that I have successfully taken are way stronger than what is necessary for the procedure that I am about to have...If anyone has knowledge of a pain reliever that would be appropriate for treating tooth extraction that is not in the Vicoden family please let me know. Thank you.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • How do I get Google Play to allow me to re-install previously installed apps?

    I had to do a factory reset on my Android phone and now Google Play won't allow me to re-install the free aps that I had before because it keeps telling me that I already have it installed...Help!!!

    2 AnswersGoogle8 years ago
  • If someone asked you out even though they are married would you tell their spouse?

    I used to date this guy off and on when we were young. We always had an open relationship,great sex, never committed. He recently contacted me on FB and after talking for a couple of days he admits that he is angry with his wife for cheating on him and wants to know if I will have sex with him to help him pay her back. I don't know this woman and I haven't seen him in about 15 years. If he was single, I would totally go out with him again, but since he's married I said NO!

    My question is, should I tell his wife? Why or why not?

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Christians...If God is the greatest thing we can experience in the whole world...?

    Then why don't we act like it? Why do so many of us act like it's a chore to go to church or read our Bible? Like we're too busy for Him? The God who created the universe chooses to love us and longs for us to love Him in return. So why do we so many times act like we don't have time for Him? Is He your absolute #1 top priority?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What is your favorite home remedy for a cold?

    Woke up 3 days ago with my ears and nose all plugged up and a sore throat. Now I'm dizzy and have a nasty cough on top of that. Been taking DayQuil/NyQuil Day and night for 3 days and it's running out. Still feel like I got hit by a bus...exhausted, achy and congested. I live in California and it's like 100F this whole week. Have no idea how I ended up getting sick since I haven't had a cold in YEARS! Anyway, I would like to try something other than medicine to help me feel better. It's really hot, so the idea of hot soup or tea just isn't appealing :(

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • If my normal body temp is 97.1 how do I know when I have a fever?

    I very rarely get sick, but when I do it usually hits me really hard. The last time was about 7 years ago and I ended up in the hospital for 5 days with an IV full of Potassium! That day when I went to the ER the nurse took my temp twice because it was only 95F and she thought her thermometer was broken! Normally I only sleep about 6hrs per night and feel great! I've been sleeping off and on all day and still feel like I need a nap. The AC is blowing ice cold air but I keep waking up sweaty. I'm dizzy, congested and have a sore throat and cough. Took my temp and it's only 98.5. but I am on DayQuil which has Tylenol in it. Feel like I got hit by a bus!

  • What is your opinion of Ex-sex?

    I was feeling really sad because my 91yr old grandfather passed away yesterday. I felt like I needed to call my ex-husband and let him know about his passing. He was a part of my family for many years and really loved my grandfather. Plus we are not the type of divorced people who hate each other and don't get along. After the initial pain of the divorce, we had a good long talk and now we are back to being friends. When I called him he was also sad and wanted to know if he could come over. My kids are grown and out of the house and I didn't want to be alone, so i said yes. He ended up spending the night.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Is it ok for a girl to be the one to give a guy the first kiss?

    We have gone out 4 times and he texts me afterward to tell me he enjoyed spending time with me. Then he texts me every morning to say good morning and several times throughout the day just to see how my day's going, but he still has not tried to kiss me. I've never been the one to make the first move and don't really know how...

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago