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  • Anyone have a child diagnosed with PDD who is hyperactive and receiving medication?

    I want to broaden my horizons and get feedback from other parents whose children have PDD and are taking medication for hyperactivity (impulse behaviors and lack of focus among other things). What worked for your child and how is it going with your medicinal treatment program? I'm considering options right now and just looking for more feedback and input from others who have a child with this diagnosis. Please don't answer if you think medication is not necessary because this question is not being asked of you. Thank you!

    2 AnswersSpecial Education10 years ago
  • How would a person know if they were sitting on a goldmine or an oil deposit?

    What if under the land I own there was precious metals or oil? How would I be able to determine that? Is there anyway to know what is under the ground without digging? How deep do metal detectors go or are they only for finding surface items?

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • Why do people refuse to take personal responsibility for their children?

    Mom of slain PA girl says police didn't do enough is the big headline today. That's absurd! What was a 9 year old girl doing walking around an apartment complex by herself in the first place? Why didn't she go home to use the bathroom instead of following that sick man to his home the first time she saw him. Where was the mother the first time? For goodness sakes, I don't even let my children play in my fenced in yard unattended and I would never allow a 9 year old child the freedom to walk around the neighborhood willy nilly and then have the nerve to say the police didn't do enough. I say MOMMY didn't do enough!!!

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What evidence is there that Al Qaeda is behind the rebel uprising in Libya?

    I heard Ghadafi say it and then I heard from some International friends I know that once the rebels overthrow Ghadafi, then Al Qaeda will move in and establish Sharia law. Once that happens Jerusalem will be surrounded by the enemy north, south east and west right? I thought the people wanted to get away from a repressive government system that cripples the economy and leaves the people poor and subjected to harsh rules. Why would the people embrace Sharia law? Will it be forced on them? Help me understand how this fits into the end times scenario. I'm a little confused and hope someone might share a little insight about it. Please be nice and don't call me stupid for asking. Thanks!

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are the neo-nazis of former communist East Germany referred to as "far right extremists?"?

    That's confusing to me. Here in the U.S. a far right extremist would be someone who goes to church every Sunday and tithes 10% of their income while supporting lower taxes and less government control through the democratic process. A far right extremist here is a safe law abiding citizen who has no intentions of hurting anyone. The far right in Eastern Germany is a group who wishes the obliteration of an entire people group and stockpiles weapons and sings hile hitler. So, I realized that maybe I misunderstand and the politics in Germany are somehow different? Or perhaps I really don't understand this spectrum of left vs. right very well or how it may be defined differently in other areas of the world. I mean - I consider myself a far right person but I am most certainly nowhere near close to being a nazi! I'm like on the far opposite of a Nazi. If you take my political views to the extreme - it certainly wouldn't make me more like a Nazi! Maybe there is a chart or a guide that explains this somewhere on the internet. Could someone intelligently point me in the right direction here? I don't want to hear any political bashing of anyone - I'm looking for an intelligent and scholarly kind of answer. Thanks!

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a narrow backless child booster seat?

    OK, so I'm going to have to put 3 kids in the back of my van. There are 3 seatbelts, but the booster seats we were using are so wide that I can't put the seat belts on without a major hassle involving about 30 minutes of time! Grrrrr, why do they make them with all of this extra plastic on the sides in the front of them anyway? I just want to chainsaw the front sides off because then they would work just fine. What did you do in your situation? My oldest is 7 and a half but she has to be in a booster until 8 or 9 in my state or else she could sit in the middle of two of the booster seats. I can't be the only person who has had to deal with this. What did you do?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What happened to the internal DVD/CD RW combo on my laptop?

    Help! I went to try to play a movie and my laptop doesn't even show that the drive exists. I left a movie in it from last night and it won't even open. How can I open it without destryong the drive or my computer?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Have you tried cleaning DVDs/CDs with the banana method?

    I'm wondering if anyone out here has tried this and does it actually work? It can't hurt to try it but I wanted to see if anyone else has really done this with any level of success.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • What could be done to repair my CD/DVD RW combo on my laptop?

    Do you think there is anything that I can try to fix this myself? The CD player works but the CD burner doesn't work and the DVD player won't read or burn. Do you have any ideas as to what the cause could be and if I might fix it myself with a maintenance task of some kind? My laptop is 3 years old now so not under warranty and I know they really only make these things to last 2 years tops now right? But, I can probably get a cd/dvd rw combo device that plugs in the usb port without having to buy a brand new computer right?

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Did you have a baby who died because you got the flu shot?

    If you had a baby who died becaues of the flu shot please describe your experience. I would like to find out what to look for and what happens in that case.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What can I do about this multimedia madness?

    I realized as I was attempting to organize the various files, drawers and areas of the home where miscellaneous stuff collects and I have this massive collection of DVDs, and CDs with both data and music/movie content on them. Most of the cases for these items have been long ago busted. Now, I'm trying to figure out how to best organize the madness. So I threw them all into a pile and how in the world will I every find what I want? What do you think is a good solution for this insanity? I want to be able to have them sit in a case of some kind and easily be able to pull out the title that I want without having to search even though the cases are gone.

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between a fetus said to have SGA and one having IUGR?

    Does the difference between the two have something to do with factors other than the baby's fetal weight? Is one considered more serious of a diagnosis than the other or not?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Have you had this happen to you? What are the right questions to ask the doctor?

    I went to my 36 week appointment where I was told that my 35 week ultrasound showed a fetus small for it's age. He's 3 weeks behind in weight. I didn't think to ask all of the right questions. Does this mean he has IUGR? They said that there is a risk for fetal demise, genetic defects and so on or the baby is just simply small. They weren't really going to tell me anything until I started asking more questions. They said they are going to put me on the monitor 2x per week and the heartbeat sounds good and my water level is good and maternal weight gain is normal. So, did you have an experience like this - what was the result? I'm just looking for a little insight. Are there questions that I need to ask the doctor to help me determine what to do? I mean, all of the research I have done showed that women get put on bed rest to increase blood flow to the uterus if they have an IUGR baby. But, they didn't recommend any changes for me at this time. I guess there is nothing I can do if there is a genetic defect or serious problem going on that would cause fetal demise and my husband's side does have a history of congenital heart defects. I know that, and it's always a risk in being pregnant that things don't go as planned or hoped. But, I just want to hear what has happened to others and see if I can get some insight on what to do and ask the doctor. Thanks!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is the best method for getting rid of earwigs and little black flies?

    What is the best method for ridding a home of earwigs and the little black maggot like flies. They are not regular flies. They are like dirt flies. They are dark grey and small and when I smash them they disintegrate like dust. They seem to like toilets and things that stink. OK - so I know keeping the house clean is the #1 factor and I'm doing that. But, I can't use a fogger and all of the products I see on the market are not designed for killing earwigs and little black flies. I can't use chemical sprays either. Do you have any suggestions that do not require small objects that can easily be picked up and chewed on by children? I can usually get away with ant traps since those can go underneath things where the kids don't even see them. But, they don't have earwig and little black fly traps.

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Are there any social networking sites that allow for a couple or family account?

    I've been trying out Facebook and have realized that they don't allow for accounts to be named and shared for a couple or a family rather than an individual. It is against their policy. I think it's absurd unless you're looking to keep a private account because you have things you want to hide. But, really why should I put my identity out there as an individual when I spend 99% of my time investing myself into my husband and family? I guess it could be useful for work but I really want to use social networking to connect with family and friends. Even when I do have a job, when you have a family - everyone has to know that. You don't hide your real identity as a married person with children to appear single at work! Then, I hear stories of people getting into trouble re-connecting with "old flames" and so it then can be a tool used to destroy a marriage when the couple could have mended the relationship through therapy rather than seeking out a new relationship on facebook. It just doesn't make alot of sense, I mean if my husband and I have different accounts, then we would want to put the same photos and everything out there, they would be duplicate anyway and then - what if there are conflicts with certain relatives or old girlfriends where they only want to connect with him and wouldn't with me? If we had a shared account, then all of those conflicts are just non-issues.

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • How do you set up a Facebook account for a couple rather than an individual?

    I was just reading another question and someone said that they have one account that the two spouses share. If you do that, how do you name your account and how did you set that up? I didn't see a way to do that but it would be great if it is possible. I feel much more comfortable having both of us share an account. I mean I've heard good and bad things about using Facebook but it would make it a ton more fun for our marriage and less dangerous if we simply share. I'm experimenting with Facebook right now and am using my own name but want to use a name that would reflect our relationship or our whole family even. Is that possible to do?

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • I'm using Photoshop 6.0 and I would like to try this effect, how is it done?

    I would like to be able to take a photo of a person and blur out the background the way that a professional camera could if I had one. What is the best method so that it looks natural and I don't make any mistakes?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Am I doing the right thing with my pregnancy information?

    OK - so my parents passed away about a year ago, but I did tell my other relatives and friends about my 5th pregnancy and everyone is happy. My in laws have never been happy about any of our pregnancies. They think we are irresponsible and foolish. But, they do blame me - the wife - for the "problems." Between my husband and I, this is not a problem and we manage things just fine. I normally let my husband "break the bad news" to them since a couple times he didn't say anything and so I did. But, they weren't really happy and usually say something negative which is confounding to me. It does really hurt. So, I decided that I was going to leave it up to my husband this time especially since they are probably going to explode. The thing is - we are not teenagers! We are a happily married couple with great kids and doing well in life. They will be disappointed and I don't want to share their grief and discouragement because I don't feel that way at all! The problem is that we are now almost 8 months pregnant and for whatever reason I have been unable to make most of their gatherings and get togethers. But, my husband still hasn't told his sister who may go ballistic and he hasn't told his mother who will be so worried that she could have a heart attack or seizure. I know this sounds crazy - but even his brother is not going to be thrilled because it changes their game plan of how his side of the family is supposed to be run and what our role is supposed to be within their framework of life. We were supposed to be done, in fact my dear mother in law made a photobook from photos I had given her of the kids into this sweet little book with her handwriting in it because she did that for the other grandchildren. But, she didn't do that until she was sure they were done having kids. She sent it in the mail a few weeks ago. So, the next time we're probably going to see them altogether is on Christmas - which is like only every 2-3 years that all of his family and their kids get together at the same time. I'm afraid it's going to be like WWIII. I don't even want to go but I wasn't going to pressure my husband, I was letting him break the news in his way and in his time, but now I don't even know what to do. They wouldn't dare scream and holler at a woman 2 weeks away from giving birth on Christmas would they? Should I just keep my mouth shut and let them say whatever they want and just let my husband deal with the shrapnel? That's what my plan is. I mean, we'll have to leave on Christmas Day if they start in with the blaming me for "bad" things that are really good things that they should be happy about. But, I'm thinking with my pregnancy hormones, I'm better off keeping my mouth shut and letting him deal with it because if they don't have something positive to say I might go ballistic on them because they are so out of their minds. They are going to say that I pressured him into not saying anything and I actually told him the opposite and he didn't listen. But, I mean I don't hold it against him either - I mean they can be horrible. :( What are your thoughts?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Have you ever had an issue like this while pregnant?

    I'm wondering if it is a sign of pre-clampsia or if it could be as simple as acid reflux. I did something stupid - because I'm 7 months along and I drank 2 caffienated drinks in a day. Now, I know people who have a ton more caffiene than that and they went on to deliver totally healthy babies, so don't hate me. I'm normally not drinking caffienated beverages at all. Anyway, I was getting very angry with a customer service rep who refused to listen and help me. I had reasons to flip my lid. Anyway, my hormonal emotional imbalance kicked in and I got a serious pain in my chest for less than 2 minutes and when I just stopped and breathed and calmed down this went away. If this a sign of high blood pressure? Sometimes, when I laugh really hard or breathe heavy for any reason I can feel it just a little bit for a moment or two. I know I have bad reflux and I am going to bring this up with the doctor. But, I'm really concerned because if I were to go into labor and had that symptom going on - not good - right? My blood pressure was checked last week and I was fine. If you've had anything like that, it would be helpful to hear about your experience. I didn't have any other symptoms and no trouble breathing and I am not touching caffiene the rest of the way even if I do end up narcoleptic.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did you know the President said this, what are your thoughts?

    I was wondering if people noted what was said here. Latinos are supposed to "punish their enemies" by voting. What in the world is he trying to say? That sounds like he's trying to divide the people or say that Latinos and other people groups are enemies. Is he saying anyone who disagrees with him is an enemy? How can he say that about anyone who is an American citizen??? I've never felt hated by my own President. I'm not his enemy if I don't vote for him? Do I misunderstand - what was he trying to say?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago