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I consider myself a Renaissance Man: Thinker, Philosopher, Inventor, and Spiritual Man. My profession is: Investor.
There are names of 16 books of the Bible mentioned in the paragraph below. See how many you can find?
(A preacher found 15 books in 20 minutes, but it took him three weeks to find the 16th one.)
"I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu; kept people looking so hard for facts, and for others, it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the name of the books Were not capitalized. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of our readers. To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help find them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can compete. Relax now, for there really are sixteen names of books of the Bible."
Now copy and paste the paragraph and SHOW each book in LARGE CAPS in the CORRECT sequence, and then list them in order.
Whoever gets the correct answer first, wins.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHidden within the paragraph are sixteen books of the Bible. How many you can find?
(A preacher found 15 books in 20 minutes, but it took him three weeks to find the 16th one.)
"I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu; kept people looking so hard for facts, and for others, it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the name of the books Were not capitalized. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of our readers. To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help find them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can compete. Relax now, for there really are sixteen names of books of the Bible."
Now copy and paste the paragraph and SHOW each book in LARGE CAPS in the CORRECT sequence, and then list them in order.
Whoever gets the correct answer first, wins.
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHidden within the paragraph are sixteen books of the Bible. How many you can find?
(A preacher found 15 books in 20 minutes, but it took him three weeks to find the 16th one.)
"I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu; kept people looking so hard for facts, and for others, it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the name of the books Were not capitalized. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of our readers. To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help find them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can compete. Relax now, for there really are sixteen names of books of the Bible."
Now copy and paste the paragraph and SHOW each book in LARGE CAPS in the CORRECT sequence, and then list them in order.
Whoever gets the correct answer first, wins.
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years agoThe Great Debate: "The Existence of God" Faith? Fact? or Fiction?
To the Theist:
Is the Existence of God Faith or Fact?
If you say "Faith", you are saying that you "Believe" that God exists, but cannot prove it. If you say "Fact", you are saying that you "Know" that God exists, and you can prove it.
It is easy to say that you believe based on what is in the Bible or what you were told, there is nothing wrong with that, but the challenge is to state clearly and concisely what you believe and why you believe it, and make your case logically.
This is the root of Apologetics.
State your position, and prove it.
To the Atheist:
Is the statement, "God doesn't exist" Faith or Fact?
If you say Faith, you are saying that you don't believe that God exists, but you are not certain whether God exists or not. If you say Fact, you are making an absolute statement that "God doesn't exist", and you can prove it.
It is easy to attack Theists and their faith with derogatory remarks, but don't make statements without testable evidence to back it up. You say that there are contradictions in God and in the Bible? What are the contradictions? Where are they? And can you actually prove the contradictions based on actual authoritative analysis using authoritative references and not your own interpretation of what you think are contradictions?
State your position, and prove it.
To Theists and Atheists:
If you are going to respond, don't make the same weak arguments, pithy and disrespectful comments, and canned lines that are always made in the Religion and Spirituality section by both parties.
Thoroughly state your position and BRING IT!
Theism and Atheism are two diametrically opposing points of view that by nature do not agree. But to both parties who are passionate about their position:
If you can't present a logical argument with civility and respect for the other parties' point of view, you really don't have anything that is worth saying, because if you cannot be respectful, you are not worthy of being respected.
One more thing...
Before you give the audience your two cents, save this page in your private watch list, go offline and compose your answer with some real thought behind it, and copy and paste your answer when you have completed it.
I am a Theist and I am open to respectful, thorough, and thoughtful comments from all Atheists. If Yahoo! Answers was a true forum where we could all interact with each other in real time, I would welcome and enjoy a vigorous discussion and debate on the issue of God and all matters pertaining to God.
I WANT to hear your arguments and what you think are hard questions. I only ask that if you are going to ask me questions directly, click on my name and email them to me, and I will respond.
Yahoo! Answers would be a great forum if we all got back to civility and respect for opposing beliefs and points of view; because there is one thing we all agree on:
We all think that we are right. But to both Theists and Atheists, check your self-righteousness at the door.
The point of this exercise is to make your case about what you believe and why you believe it; and to have a discussion, not a fight. If the tone is respectful, the participants will be respectful, and the answers intelligent and respectful.
I want to hear what Atheists have to say because I want to understand.
Thanks to both Theists and Atheists who will participate and submit their answers.
I ask that you all do not attack anyone personally (although I'm sure it may be fun); but give an answer to your audience as if they were someone you highly regarded (whose opinion mattered).
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf your soul mate is a mirror image of your soul, what does your soul mate look like?
Over time, you were attracted to character qualities in others you found attractive. As birds of a feather flock together, so does like minds attract those who think in kind.
The character qualities you were attracted to are in harmony with your own. If you were to think of all of the people you at one time or another "liked", and ask yourself "What was it ABOUT them that I really liked?" And define each character trait that you have consistently been drawn to...
What you will discover is a profile of your soul mate who would possess all of those character qualities.
Perform this thought exercise, and describe your soul mates character qualities you have seen in different people, and write them in detail as a word portrait.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoIf you could do anything and not fail, what would you do?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf you could do anything and not fail, what would you do?
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhat do you believe? Why?
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoI have already posted a question for Atheists, this is a question for Theists?
What convinced you that God physically exists? Can you logically explain how God exists from direct experience?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoA question for Atheists?
Where you ever "A Theist" before you became Atheist? If you were, could you explain the change in your thinking that brought you to the point of declaration that God doesn't exist.
To the other Atheists who doesn't fit in this category of ever being a Theist, your answers are also welcome.
This is your opportunity to tell your story from your point of view, and explain the logic of your thinking.
NOTE: I asked this question before. I am re posting the question for those who haven't seen it.
Thanks to all who responded to the first post. I hoped to get a lot of detailed answers that explained why you think the way you do.
To all who responds, could you forward this question to others because the Yahoo! Answers system will push the question downwards as more people post questions.
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf you could do anything and not fail, what would you do?
3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoGravity is defined as "an acceleration of mass." What causes gravity?
4 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoA question for Atheists?
Where you ever "A Theist" before you became Atheist? If you were, could you explain the change in your thinking that brought you to the point of declaration that God doesn't exist.
To the other Atheists who doesn't fit in this category of ever being a Theist, your answers are also welcome.
This is your opportunity to tell your story from your point of view, and explain the logic of your thinking.
27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan anyone remember the name of that Pop Music Singing Group that sounded like a heavenly choir?
This singing group's music sounded happy, euphoric, and uplifting like the song "Dancing Queen".
The group is a large chorus consisting of both male and female.
I cannot remember the name of this chorus. Can anyone please help?
1 AnswerSinging1 decade agoCan anyone remember the name of that Pop Music Singing Group that sounded like a heavenly choir?
This singing group's music sounded happy, euphoric, and uplifting like the song "Dancing Queen".
The group is a large chorus consisting of both male and female.
I cannot remember the name of this chorus. Can anyone please help?
2 AnswersSinging1 decade agoDoes anyone have the Chicago Sun Times Scratch 2 win numbers for 9/21/09?
3 AnswersGambling1 decade agoWhat is the name of the sound made of wood?
2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago