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  • Ford Explorer rear door official name?

    Anyone know the official name of the rear door on a Ford explorer on the back of the truck that opens up? I'm trying to find removal instructions and can't think of the name of the door.

    3 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • Thermostat problem or something else?

    I have a 1998 Ford Explorer and have had a problem. The temperature gauge will slowly rise as I'm driving and will go to the top to indicate a hot temperature. I take my foot off the gas, and the gauge goes down. Once the gauge goes down, it will bottom out at the half way mark like always and will stay there, I thought. Until today, when the gauge did it again. It bottomed out, but I had to stop and wait for traffic before I could turn. This caused the problem to start again. Any ideas? Like I said, it goes down when I take my foot off the gas, it hits the half-way mark, and stays there until I stop. It started Monday night, didn't do it at all on Tuesday, and did it again today. And it does it first thing in the morning, and stop usually in less than 5 minutes of driving.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Phone line for fax machine?

    Do fax machines still need a phone line to work, or have they found a way to make it work it with WIFI?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Unlimited mobile-to-mobile?

    I'm looking into getting unlimited mobile-to-mobile for my T-Mobile phone, and I just want to know something. The print says unlimited mobile-to-mobile when calling a phone on the t-mobile service, so does that mean ANYWHERE in the US as long as it's a t-mobile service phone? I don't want to sign up and find out it's for people only in my state or coverage area.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Blu-ray or HD upconversion?

    What's the different between Blu-Ray and HD upconversion DVD players? And which one would look better on a 720P TV?

    2 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Blu-ray output with TV output?

    I have a 720p LCD TV and I am interested in a blu-ray DVD player (not sure which one) and almost all of them say they are 1080p output. Will that work on my TV? I don't want to buy a DVD player and find out it only work with 1080p TVs.

    4 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Hoody's peanuts not in stores?

    This is for people mainly in Oregon but if anyone can answer, that would be helpful. I've noticed that stores are not carrying the big bags of Hoody's Peanuts anymore. What gives? They have some good peanuts, but the stores around here switched to some crappy brand. Did they stop selling the big bags?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Random Disconnects?

    Anyone else having a problem with Yahoo Messenger randomly disconnecting? I'll be typing something on the computer and the program that I'm using will be grayed out like it is in the background and yahoo will be disconnected. It can't be a proxy or an ISP problem because my mom does not have the same problem I do. My connection status had to be set to "Firewall but no Proxies" just so I could connect. Should I try "No Proxies" and see if that works?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • Who sings it?

    Well the radio stations around here are playing Christmas music and there's a version of The First Noel that I like but I can't find who sings it. Its a female artist and the only music is her singing while strumming her guitar. Any idea who sings it?

    3 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Which episode?

    Which episode of Family Guy does Peter narrate his own life and gets knocked out by Lois? I can't find that episode.

    1 AnswerTelevision1 decade ago
  • Food poisoning?

    My brother & I both woke up last night with food poisoning and I was wondering what are some suggestions to help get us feeling better? Besides rest, is there anything we can take to calm our stomachs down?

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Should they require one?

    Why is it that there are people who are against requiring a form of identification when voting? We need identification to do the following:



    Buy Cigarettes

    Buy violent movies/games (in some stores)

    And many other things. Yet when it comes to voting, we're somehow limiting the number of people who can vote? Give me a break. The same people who are screaming "stolen election!" are also against requiring a form of ID to vote. Every election, I hear reports about dead people voting, yet the same people are against this don't want to require IDs. And don't give me the "the poor people can't get an ID" or crap like that because the government could issue them. So why are people against it if it will cut down on voter fraud?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Question for conspiracy people?

    OK all you conspiracy theorists, time to find the one lone brain among all of you, dust it off, and try to use use it. How do you go about saying that Bush planned these attacks yet you also say he's a moron? How is it that someone you make fun of for not being able pronounce "Nuclear" was able to orchestrate such a catastrophic event? If he is really as dumb as you say he is, how was he smart enough to pull this off? And don't give those "you're just a hand puppet for Bush" kind of replies. I want you to supply me evidence of how someone you call an idiot can pull off something do devistating like this?

    And better yet, answer me this: If Bush was behind 9/11, then was Clinton behind the 1993 WTC bombings, the 1998 US Embassy Bombings, and the 2000 USS Cole bombings? All of them were linked to Al Qaeda. Did Clinton mastermind those attacks? Because if Bush set up 9/11, then by all reason Clinton was behind the attacks that happened on his watch.

    12 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Sound problem?

    I just formatted my computer this morning and installed yahoo messenger. When I logged on, I went to change the sounds made when events on messenger happen (sign on/off, receive IM, etc) and none of the sounds seem to be working right. You know that knocking sound it makes when someone comes online? I don't hear it. I hear something completely different. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • Messenger download?

    For some reason, I cannot install yahoo messenger 7.5 using the small (388 KB) file. But a while ago I found on the yahoo website a place where I can download the full messenger (7 MB roughly) but I lost it. Does anyone know where I can download the FULL file for 7.5?

    4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • Video i-pods?

    Will a video i-pod be able to play regular songs with no videos?

    6 AnswersMusic & Music Players2 decades ago
  • Help with the proof?

    I need help in proving the following theorem:

    The minimum number of vertices to connect n edges is n-1.

    Now I know that if you have one vertex then that is called an isolated vertex and therefore has no edges, which holds true for the theorem (since 1-1 = 0). However, I don't know how to prove the rest of the theorem. Say I have 3 vertices. How do I prove that there are at least two edges?.

    5 AnswersMathematics2 decades ago
  • Theorem proof?

    How do you prove this using mathematical induction?

    If k is a positive integer and T is a full binary tree with k internal vertices, then T has a total of 2k + 1 vertices and k + 1 terminal vertices.

    Note: Consider all nodes. Either a node has a parent or not. A terminal node has one degree. Terminal nodes = (2k + 1) - k.

    Does anyone have a proof of this?

    4 AnswersMathematics2 decades ago
  • How to prove this theorem?

    This is really bugging me, how do I prove this theorem?

    The minimum number of vertices to connect n edges is n-1 (we're talking Euler and Hamiltonian circuits from discrete math).

    4 AnswersMathematics2 decades ago
  • Trend Micro?

    Has anyone used the free anti-spyware at I've been infected with mal-ware and was wondering if that could help. ZoneAlarm, SpyBot, Panda Anti-Virus & Ad-Aware all came up negative. Spyware doctor came up with some trojans and fixed them as did HijackThis. Will trendmicro find anything and is it safe?

    6 AnswersSecurity2 decades ago