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  • I am looking for a counted cross stitch pattern - please help! (time sensitive)?

    Hey, a few years ago, I made an adorable little bib for my nephew. I got the pattern out of one of those pattern booklets that are about the size of a folder but don't have any actual pages in them.

    Anyway, the pattern was a fork, knife and spoon, and the handles were blue and white checked. It was *maybe* 3" tall at the most...

    I tried to recreate it from memory and it just doesn't look right to me. If you have this pattern or one similar, please please please help me.

    If you can't help me with that one, I'd like anything simple that I could put on a baby bib. It seems like everyone I know is pregnant right now.

    (if you have this pattern and can scan it, you can email it to my yahoo email account...)

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Gardening Question - I need to know of a plant that requires specific soil makeup that could be analized....?

    Okay, I'm writing a story, but I need a little info for an important clue to the story.

    One of the characters needs to be obsessed with a certain kind of house plant. But the plant needs to have very specific soil requirements so that if some of this soil was found somewhere it could be forensically analized to the point that the forensics team could identify the plant from the dirt left behind.

    Serious answers only please, this is really important to me.

    If you could provide helpful links, I would really appreciate it!

    8 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I am trying to find a recipe for a tye-dyed cake?

    About June or early July of last year, I found a recipe in one of those little women's magazines that look like tabloids... (You know, the weeklies that have the thin glossy newsprint like pages.... ) Anyway, the recipe was for a cake that looked tyedyed when baked...

    I know that you dyed the batter multiple colors and scooped it in the pan a little at a time so that when it baked it looked like dye.... Anyway... it wasn't a normal cake batter, it had sour cream and something else in it...

    I'm trying to find the recipe... Please help! I want to make it for my family reunion this weekend.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Help removing a LAYER of wallpaper?

    Okay, before you tell me all the normal methods, please read my question....

    In my computer room, the previous owner had wallpaperd halfway up the wall and put a border across the top of the wallpaper (and part of the wall)... We assumed the top half on the walls, which was white, was painted... Today I started trying to remove it so I could repaint. The border is half on the white "wall" and is coming off almost whole.. The matching wallpaper will not come off for anything. So I was trying to pull it off around the light switch and realized when I gouged the wall that the white "wall" is a layer of wallpaper over top of a layer of wallpaper over top of (i'm guessing) the wall.

    What I would like to happen in a perfect world is that I want the ugly crap to off and leave the white stuff that we all thought was wall. If I use all the normal techniques (My fave is vinegar and water... it's better than downey)... will it pull all the layers off? Or will the rest be okay?

    5 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Charmed Fans... I have a question about Paige/Sam....?

    Okay... So in one of the early episodes of Charmed, pre Paige, the three were at the pier killing the thing that killed their mother when Sam got killed by the thing....

    Except that once Paige came, they hunted down her father..... Wasn't he already dead? ???????

    Somebody explain.... I missed a few episodes, and I never saw that story line explained.

    10 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Companies who don't advertise?

    I'm working on a report and am having trouble finding the resources I need... Basically, my paper is about successful companies that do so without advertising... So I need information on one of two things. Either, name some more companies who don't advertise (or who haven't in 15 or more years) or links to sites that discuss why companies don't advertise.

    Companies I'm using so far are RC Cola, Cadbury, Peeps...... any more?? I'm sure there are quite a few, but am trouble finding resources... Most of the searches I try pull up parts of words in three or four sentances so they aren't really about what I need....

    7 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • I need help with Statistics for my midterm which is due very very soon....?

    I'm losing my mind! Whoever wrote this textbook should have to die by having them flung at him... Anyway.. Here are the probs I am having trouble with:

    1 - if you have 200 green apples and 800 red ones, what is the probability of getting at most 3 green apples if you pull five from the bucket?

    2 - mean and standard deviation of the following distribution:


    0.10 | 1

    0.25 | 2

    0.40 | 3

    0.15 | 4

    0.10 | 5

    3- given a table of events... P(N)=? P(P&N)=? P (P|N)=?

    But how do I know what N or P are? ???

    Good Poor Total

    A 63 27 90

    Not A 32 78 110

    Total 95 105 200

    I don't expect anyone to solve the probs for me, but is there anyone who can explain to me how to do this???

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • My kitten's eye is all gunky.... two questions?

    Okay... So I'm the proud great-grandmother to a litter of adorable 8(ish) week old kittens... I broughtlittle Brynn out of the barn and home with me. Her left eye is all gunky. My fiancee said it was hay fever, but now that she's out of the hay, it's not going away (Although I haven't bathed her and she still smells like hay... we did wash her face though)...

    Any ideas how to clean it up/get rid of it?

    And is it really hay fever?

    15 AnswersCats2 decades ago
  • Storage Ideas, Anyone?

    So here's the deal.. I have an apartment that I just moved into and it's fairly decently sized... Except that the layout sucks and the storage is almost non existant. (This place doesn't even have a silverwear drawer!)

    I have one - yes, one - closet that I can put things in, but not everything I have is stuff that I want to keep in boxes and shove in a closet. Anybody have any ideas of good storage solutions that won't leave my stuff in a closet collecting dust and unaccessable?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden2 decades ago
  • Anybody ever make a ring out of a quarter?

    I'm trying to make a ring out of a quarter.

    My friend said to drill a hole the proper size in the middle, then you bang the crap out of it with a spoon to make it look more like a ring.

    Anybody ever try this?

    Know any good tips?

    Is there a preferred way to do this?

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)2 decades ago
  • Did God abandon earth? Trying to find a specific essay I read online...?

    I'm trying to find an essay that I read a few years ago... In this, the author claimed that God was disgusted with humanity and thus abandoned Earth. Among the author's list of reasons/proof was the 1906 San Francisico earthquake and a number of other things.

    I know I read it online.. But I recall just stumbling across it accidentally... If anybody happens to know anything I'd appreciate it!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Germany WWI?

    I am researching in great detail Germany's involvement in WWI. I need anything I can get about this time period, this culture, etc, for a book that I am trying to write. If anybody has any information on websites where I can find battles, information about the army at that time, etc... Or anybody wants to just post a huge list of info for me, that would be fine too. The more information I can get, the better it would be for me. I'm having trouble finding good sources because I don't know specific things to do searches on, and I can't read German very well.

    Please help me as much as you can!

    4 AnswersHistory2 decades ago