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My mom lets her dog bite my child. How would you handle this?
It doesn't break the skin, so she and her husband think it's okay. My son gets hysterical every time he gets bit, which I don't blame him. I'm not okay with it, and have stopped letting her stay here. She doesn't do anything to keep it away. If she would at least keep it locked up or on a leash, I would be fine with her staying at my house. But she thinks we're being ridiculous and should be okay with this. I've told her that some dogs are not good with children, but she won't even acknowledge this.
I've decided that we just can't stay at her house and she just can't stay here. I think it's really odd she's choosing her dog over her own grandchild, but it's what she's doing. I know that if my dog were biting her, she wouldn't be okay with it, so I'm not sure why she thinks it's okay the other way around.
She invited us to her house for Thanksgiving and I told her we'd only go for the day. But still, I'll have to worry about my son being bit even then. Should I just stop seeing her altogether?
12 AnswersGrade-Schooler10 years agoHow do you respond to parents who make you feel like you have to defend your parenting decisions?
I know I let a parent get under my skin yesterday. And I should have just walked away when she was basically attacking my choice for something about my child, that I know is right for him. But she did the opposite for her child. And in the future, I will just walk away, instead of getting into a disagreement with her. Just curious what other parents do in situations where you feel verbally attacked by other parents.
11 AnswersParenting1 decade agoHow do I handle problems with my mother?
I'm an adult with a family of my own, and my mother is mad that no one saw her ON her birthday. Mind you, she was here three days before her birthday for five days. And I asked her to stay longer so we could see her on her birthday. But she said she had to leave. And then now is mad I didn't drive two hours three days later, to celebrate with her.
But it's very stressful when my mother is around. Yet I let her stay at my house whenever she wants. But seeing her three days later is more stress than I could handle. So I wasn't going to drive out there when she was just here. And I told her she doesn't appreciate that I let her stay here whenever she wants for as long as she wants, and that she's making me feel that because I didn't see her on ONE day, I'm no longer doing anything for her. And she refuses to acknowledge I do anything for her, because of that one day. I'm so frustrated and sad, it's beyond words.
Anyone else deal with this too?
3 AnswersFamily1 decade agoHow do I handle the stress I'm feeling about letting my spouse back into my life?
We took a week off because things were getting out of hand. He's got depression, which led to anger, which involved drinking, etc. He is in therapy. Getting on meds for his depression. And I am not ready to walk away just yet. But I am so hurt, it's almost causing a panic attack in me as I think about him coming back. And I'm not sure how I will handle these emotions when he's here, without making things worse for us.
We are in marriage counseling. And I saw her today. And she said I have to let go of my anger and not blame. And that as I can see now, will be easier said than done. Any suggestions are welcome!
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoAnyone else make their spouse take a break?
I am so unhappy in my marriage, that I asked him to stay away for at least a week. He can come see our son, but really, stay somewhere else so we can think about what's going on. There are so many issues I think I'm fed up with. So really, a break is better than handing him divorce papers. He's got depression, anger, smokes pot or drinks daily, never sleeps in my bed, I can go on and on, but need I? I can hardly take the pain, and the funny thing is he only sees his pain he's in, not the pain he's causing. Ugh!
26 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDid you choose public or private school for your child's grammar school? And why?
My public school for my son is one of the top in my city, let alone my state. But I still can't decide if I should send him to private. I guess I like the small amount of students at a private school. It seems like it's a closer community. But not sure if that's the best reason to pay for education he can get for free, that seems to be even better than the private school.
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoHow come our heart hurts when a relationship isn't working?
I obviously understand the fact that's it's painful to love someone if you have to say good-bye, end things, etc. But "what" hurts? It's an emotional thing. So how does that "hurt"? How come we can't just say to ourselves, okay, this isn't working. Move on. Our head can say that, but how can a heart feel emotional pain?
11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow do you handle a family member regarding plans?
My sis in law, does this thing where we make plans, and then she asks me about three more times if I'm sure we're keeping our plans. And no matter how many times I agree, she asks again. And if I don't validate "yes" to every time she asks, then she thinks our plans are canceled. It's really driving me up the wall. I figure if I tell someone we have plans, then we do. And I'm not used to having to tell someone over and over, yes, we have plans! How would you handle this?
3 AnswersFamily1 decade agoanyone married to someone with clinical depression?
Just wondering how you handle their bouts of depression at its worse stages. My husband is on Lexapro now, and we go to counseling together, which has helped immensely. It has saved our marriage. But at times like this, it's really hard on me. I know it's hard on him too. But I just hate the moods that he brings to our home. Any good advice would be welcome.
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agopot smokers who are parents, please answer.?
My husband smokes, and I don't agree with doing it in the home when you have kids. I understand we disagree on this, and have given him a lot of leeway to let him do what he says he needs to calm his anxiety. That said, why can't he understand that this also goes against my nature? I get annoyed that pot smokers think everyone should see it their way. I don't expect everyone not to smoke. So why should he expect me to think it's okay? Mind you, I smoked when I was younger. But don't feel the need to do it any more.
20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow many came from parents in a bad marriage?
That also resulted in you ending up in a stressful or bad marriage yourself? Just curious how many of us choose the same pattern. Or did any of you feel like you broke the pattern.
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoCould the ghost I saw last night have been my son's guardian angel?
I've seen ghosts before, but just not in this house. I tend to have psychic powers, but tried to turn them off when I had my son years ago. And recently they've become stronger again. And yesterday my son was injured, but not bad. It could have been much worse. So I kept telling my son his angels were watching him and we need to thank them. So when I was going to bed, the ghost or spirit rushed past me and disappeared.
I'm just wondering if this was one of my son's angels, because why of all days, did I see a ghost now when it's been years and in this house, where I'm sure there aren't any.
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago