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smart girl
How do I kiss my man's hairy chest?
I don't want to shave the hair off, I just want to know how to kiss his chest without it being awkward.
9 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoIs the No Child Left Behind Act a good policy?
Why? How could it be better? What should be done?
5 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade agoWhat is the "best" form of civic participation? Why?
41 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade agoCapital Punishment Restrictions?
what restrictions (age, cognitive level, etc.) should be placed on capital punishment (death penalty)? should the restrictions be nation-wide, or controlled more locally? what restrictions should not be in place that already are?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIn your opinion, what are the three most serious problems in the world today?
Why? What should it be like instead? How might this be achieved?
16 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade agoHave you ever wondered what penguins taste like?
What do you think they taste like?
74 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 decades agoAre the minds of the Braniacs being controlled by Yahoo!?
If they answer a question while in the brain, does their answer have to sound good for Yahoo! (example, saying that customer care is good)?
If, after leaving the brain, they modify one of those answers, will it still seem as though Yahoo! is controlling their minds?
What happens to a Braniac in the Purple Brain if the answers given don't please the Yahoo! gods?
5 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agoIf you ever vote "No Best Answer" for a question, why?
a. All of the answers are bad or do not answer the question
b. There is more than one answer that is good, but you don't know which is best
c. You don't like the question and want it deleted
d. You just want the points for voting and don't care what happens to the question
e. Other (please specify in your answer)
21 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agoWhat shirt should I wear with these capris?
I just bought gray camo capris that I love, but I don't know what shirt to wear with them. Plain color t-shirt, pattern, printed t...i need help!
14 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 decades agoCan you give me any suggestions concerning OCD (read details before answering, please)?
i've recently been diagnosed with OCD, but have been suffering from it and depression for many years. i am seeing a therapist, and am going to see a someone about meds soon. i've been going to this therapist for a couple months now, most of that time was to get a diagnosis. now, for the last couple visits, we've really just talked about the same things, and she just gives me the same suggestions, even though i tell her that i've already tried them and they don't work. she's a good therapist, i'm making it sound like she isn't, but she really is, but i feel like i'm not getting better soon enough, and i'm in school, so if i don't start to improve soon, i may fail some classes. our sessions have mostly focused on school work, but should i be talking about something else instead? is this a normal pace for diagnosis and treatment? i thought it was pretty obvious the first day what was wrong, but it took over a month or two for the diagnosis. any suggestions for ways to relieve symptoms?
5 AnswersMental Health2 decades agoHow can I preserve vintage photographs from old scrapbooks?
The pictures are mostly from 1920-50, along with some through 1970, many have writing on the back, some are mounted in those old "magnetic" books that are sticky and not really photo-safe, and the oldest are mounted with photo corners in old scrapbooks (papers aren't acid free). The collection also includes old newspaper clippings and post cards.
I want to preserve the photographs so that no further damage is done to them, and I may put some into a new scrapbook.
8 AnswersHobbies & Crafts2 decades agoWhere can I buy a scrapbook like this?
My grandma and great-grandma both had scrapbooks that were all black, with black pages. They were rectangular, maybe 6-7" high and 12" long. I really like the look and feel of the old books, but have been unable to find any that are similar for my scrapbooking.
4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts2 decades agoMessage too long?
i'm replying to an email sent through answers, it says i have 16 characters to work with, but, when i click send, it tells me that the message is too long and i need to shorten it. then, shorten it and try to send, but it says thee same thing. what's wrong, and how can i fix it?
4 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agoWhat role does race play in society?
How important is race in various cultures? What role does race play in our society? What role has it played and what role should it play?
Does society as a whole need to change its views? How have perceptions changed over years and generations?
Is racism less of a problem than in the past, or are prejudices just hidden better by a society claiming to be socially concious?
13 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades agoWhy do you believe what you do?
Why is your faith (or lack thereof) what it is? What is your faith? Why not something else? For example, if you believe in Jesus as the Son of God, why? If not, why?
36 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades agoQuestion for those who believe that the Bible is the absolute, true Word of God?
Unless you're reading the ORIGINAL writings, which I know you aren't, how do you know that what you're reading is what He really wants? The Bible has been translated and re-translated and there are so many different versions that can have so many different interpretations, how can you possibly really know that the one you're reading is completly true?
28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades agoWhat do you think about this?
How different are the major religions of the world, really? Three of them even worship the same God (these are the Abramic religions, Judiasm, Islam, and Christianity). I also think that most religions are actually worshipping this same God, but in different ways, the ways that are best suited to the culture of the worshippers. Some people may find it easier to worship God one way (Abramic God), and others in a different way (for instance, Hinduism has multiple gods, but they are all part of one whole, which, if you really think about it, isn't very different from the Christian idea of the Holy Trinity). Perhaps it is easier for some to believe in one all-powerful God, and, for others, easier to understand God as a multitude of entities. If God really didn't approve of all the religions that exist now, would they really still exist? Maybe God actually wants everyone to worship Him and believe in Him in different ways.
24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades agoHow geeky are you?
go to take the test, then post your score, please.
24 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades agoap test help, anyone?
any tips for doing well on ap exams, especially the ap us history exam?
5 AnswersOther - Education2 decades ago