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  • Is it common for a suicide to break up survivors marriages?

    My daughter's Brother in law killed himself around New Years, jumping off a bridge. Her husband irrationaly seems to blame himself and her for not being there for him, and has decided to leave her.

    Is this a common after effect? Any advice?

    The boys parents both died when they were young, probably something that contributed to the brother's sadness. She was all the close family he had, and it seems so crazy for him to turn on her!

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What is the best route from Tucson to Lubbock, TX?

    We are driving to see family this holiday and we'll stop in Tucson for a day (and night), then drive to Lubbock, TX. Has anyone actually made that trip, and know which is the best way to go? Mapquest blithely suggests cutting across New Mexico and Texas on local roads, but I'm not sure that would really work. Flying would be too expensive.


    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Renting a car, which is more comfortable, full size car or midsize SUV?

    We are thinking of renting a car to go from California to the Grand Canyon--so lots of sitting! There will be 4 adults and 1 small child, plus luggage.

    The rental website shows a full size car and mid size SUV both hold 5 adults, plus luggage, and they are roughly the same price. Just know that if we make the wrong decision we will have plenty of time to regret it!


    2 AnswersOther - Car Makes1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember a coffee commerical where they poured coffee into a cup and it even filled above the cup?

    They must have had a plastic cup inside the coffee mug or something, but it looked like they poured the coffee and about a half cup extra kept filling above the cup, as though there were extra cup there. (Of course in real life it would just have spilled over.)

    I don't know what brand it was, but I always wished my mom would have bought it because I thought it would really happen! This commercial would probably have been made in the early 60's.

    I've asked other people, and they remember the commercial but not what company it was.


    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Our cat stopped using the litter box.?

    We have a cat who was always very clean and loved going in her litter box (litteraly--she would watch when I cleaned it and thought it was fascinating!)

    She was outside and got a large cut on her side--and the vet had to stitch her up. He gives excellent care--blood test before operating, pain medicine, antibiotics and everything. But no estimate before-- anyway it ended up being over $700! That wiped us out.

    She is very healthy now, I'm sure her side is perfectly well. The problem is she has loose bowel movements (it doesn't smell horrible, like when you're sick, just loose and runny), and she goes anywhere. Her litter box is there, or sometimes we're sitting in the living room and she could even ask to go out, but goes under the table. My husband wants her to be an outside cat now, but she really likes being with us, I'm afraid she wouldn't have much attention out there. We're broke now, and don't want to go back to that vet! Is there anything to do for her?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • reversing problem--transmission or brakes?

    I have a 98 Volvo station wagon--it works ok except when I put it in reverse the engine kind of races and even though you put on the brakes real hard it wanted to keep going. This happened today backing out of the driveway, and I almost hit the neighbors fence! Scary!

    Do you think this is the transmission going out? Or does it sound like the brakes? They seem ok otherwise.


    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Do you know anything about a company called "All American Roadside Assistance"?

    It's supposed to be a company that organizations use for fundraisers--like you would sell candy for your school, or magazines--instead you would give out flyers for their service and people buy it like a regular roadside assistance program, and they would send you $10 for each membership.

    If you buy candy and its no good you'd just throw it out. What I wonder about this company is do they actually provide the roadside service when you need it, and do they actually send what they owe to your group?

    I do the fundraising for our school, which is why I ask. I pay for roadside assistance (Driver's Elite-and used it) for my self and my daughter's family, and am thinking of getting it for my son, so I know that in theory this could be a useful fundraiser, but I also don't want to get everyone messed up, stuck on the side of the road, and broke because they bought something that didn't work. I looked on the internet but don't see anything about it except it's own ads

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Do you tip at a buffet like Home Town Buffet?

    It's not a fast food place, and the people there work hard to keep your table cleared. Should you leave a tip? How much?

    7 AnswersOther - Dining Out2 decades ago
  • What is a "Sig Alert"?

    When they give the traffic report on the radio they often say there's a "sig alert" but I've never heard them say what that means.

    3 AnswersCommuting2 decades ago