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I'm 31 years old, I live in Arkansas, Married for 13 years with a 7 year old daughter and I'm 4 months pregnant due in March 07'. *"UPDATE"* I lost a baby girl 6 months ago at 20 weeks(she was due in Sept.) and I am now 16 weeks pregnant... Found out 10/10/06 we are going to have a BOY, we are so excited and blessed.

  • Soap fans, do you feel like this sometimes?

    I love my soaps, I have for the past year or so after the pregnancy and birth of my son, stay at home mom/ care for elderly grandfather w/ alztimers, so those 2 1/2 hours I look forward to daily, mainly at night on DVR when everyone is alseep... But I find myself starting to dislike the fact that nothing good ever happens, no happy endings(not for long) anyway, like on as the world turns, Will and Gwen want a baby, loose baby, artificial incim doesn't work, then meddling mother screws there hopes for adoption, all to finally get the baby, and now it looks that Sophie will change her mind. It all makes my head hurt and I wonder why there can't be some happy endings!

    11 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • As the world turns... Do you really think Dusty is dead and gone for good?

    Was shocked to see him die.... They didn't try and lead up to it or anything, they even showed it for the next day preview... I think it's kinda fishy! Anyone else think so?

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Caring for grandfather w/ Alzheimer's question about finances..?

    I have been caring for him for the past 2 years in my parents home during the day, 5 days a week b/c my parents both work and he has no one else to do it. My dad has power of attorney over him, he is retired militarybut wasn't high enough in rank to go to the VA home and doesn't make enough with social security to go to a private home, I was told that I could be paid for his care ( i have no idea how or if it's true) by the state, Is this true? If so how do I go about doing it? Thanks

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Guiding light question..Jonthan and Tammy question? please?

    I'm a "new" watcher of the show... Love it but kinda confussed.. If Reva and Cassie are sisters, that would make Jonathan and Tammy cousins right, or are they? what did I miss as far as their kinship? I love the show been wathcnit about 6 months

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Fetal movement @ 23 weeks?

    I'm 23 weeks and the baby isn't as active as he was 2 weeks ago, I feel him move maybe 3-4 times a day at the most, i have a fetal heart monitor I rented from and the baby's heatr rate is always good around 150 bpm. My doc says as long as the heart rate is good then movement isn't that important, I was wondering if anyone else went thru this at almost 6 months, I lost a baby at 20 weeks due to an umbilical cord accident so I worry about the movement, I already know to drink something sweet or cold but it doesn't really work, any advice would be great, thanks

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who went home last night on dancing with the stars?

    I was at church so I missed it, who went home?

    Who do you think will win the contest?

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Adults with ADD?

    I'm 31 years old and pregnant so i can't take medication now but after I have this baby I want to start it back, I was diagnosed with it at 24 years old, I had the MRI and several test, I was put on Adderall which almost ruined my life, The med worked but the side affects including lavish spending, almost cost me my marriage, I was addicted to it and the way it made me feel. I realized on the meds that I could live a more effective life, I was better at everything, I just couldn't take the medication. I would like to know what if any new medication is out there with out the crazy side effects, Medication that really works. I will go back to see my doctor for this after my baby arrives in March, I'd like to have options to talk with him about :Thanks

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Fetal heart monitor, which one is the best to rent?

    I lost a baby at 20 weeks and now I'm 21 weeks, my doctor suggested renting a fetal heart monitor online, he didn't say what the best one was so I wnated to know from you guys which is the best one, any ideas? Thanks

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question about urine and pregnancy?

    I'm 21 weeks pregnant, I went to labor and delivery over the weekend with the stomach bug, they checked my urine and said I might have an infection, they did a culture and it came back negative and sent me home, my question is what could have caused my urine to show positive for infection but culture to be negative, Thanks

    I will call and as my regular OB Monday just wondering if this has happened to you guys before

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Decreased fetal movement 20 weeks?

    I'm almost 21 weeks(Saturday) I was feeling really strong movements up until Tuesday now they are not as strong, more like butterflies and bumps, Is this normal? What could cause this? I had an appointment on Tuesday and the heartrate was 156 and strong, doctors said if it continues to come in next week, should I be worried?

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • IUD's, How do they work?

    I have read on a website (against IUD's) that they do not keep you from ovulating, they keep the 1 week old fertalized egg from implanting into the uterus, id that true? Has anyone heard this before? How do they work exactly?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What's the deal with IUD's? Are they safe?

    My OB says they have a new one out that last 5 years, I have heard from a few friends they are not, what is your take on them? Thanks

    P.S. I'm currently 5 months pregnant at 31 years old but not wanting my tubes just yet

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question about getting tubes tied?

    I'm 31 years old and have a 7 year old daughter and currently 20 weeks pregnant. When my son is born my daughter will be 8 years old, I'm pretty sure I want my tubes tied after this, but if I decide that in 3 years I want to have another baby(just a thought) how hard/painful is it to have the reversal done? I'll be around 34 years old, does it usually work having it reversed? Thanks

    8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy and constipation, 20 weeks?

    Does anyone have any safe remedies to releive constipation while pregnant.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Fetal movement, can to much fetal movement be bad?

    Or does that just mean an active baby?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who went home last night on Dancing with the stars?

    I was at church and missed it, Thanks!

    5 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • what Is the new show "Jericho" about?

    What is it about and what do you think is actually going on in that town? I miss it b/c of church I always catch the tale end of it! It looks pretty good.

    2 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Dancing with the stars, who's going home tonight?

    Who did the best last night?

    Who did the worst?

    Who surprised you the most?

    6 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Rush Limbaugh, have you read about his remarks against Michael J Fox?

    He's pretty much making fun of him, saying he's acting or off his meds, ! thing is for sure he would no what it's like to be having withdraws from medication!! Are you not sick of him, why do many ppl keep supporting this guy, he's a hyporite!! Reguardless of your thoughts of stem cell research, you have to addmitt that was just wrong!!

    13 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Negative political adds, what do you think?

    Do they really sway you either way or do they make you look down at the person lowering themselves to do such an add? I ask b/c I live in Little Rock, Ar and the race is heating up for Govenor, Mike Beebe and Asa Hutchinson are really going at it. The latest this morning was a campaign full of children speaking down againt Mike Beebe, kinda made Asa look really bad, and he's my choice to win. What is your take in your state?

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago