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Decreased fetal movement 20 weeks?

I'm almost 21 weeks(Saturday) I was feeling really strong movements up until Tuesday now they are not as strong, more like butterflies and bumps, Is this normal? What could cause this? I had an appointment on Tuesday and the heartrate was 156 and strong, doctors said if it continues to come in next week, should I be worried?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would not worry too much. If you are make an appointment

    asap. Tell your Doctor your NOT waiting a week.

    As long as you feel movements every few hours.

    Source(s): Great new chat site for Moms and Moms to be. Lots of topics TTC, Newborns, Food, General, Preschool/Toddler, News etc. Join us!
  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't worry too much. I'm 26 weeks. My baby is so active. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't sleep, but there have been a couple of times where he wouldn't move all day and the next day, back to normal. I had my OB appointment today and his heartbeat is strong. My OB said that he's really active. I don't think you should worry too much, but I guess you'll know for sure if you feel the same by next week.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    NO everything sounds fine. At 20 weeks the baby is still pretty small, so maybe he changed positions and is facing towards your back, which is why you are feeling it less. I got the same way with my son at 20 weeks, because I felt him alot for a week or 2 everyday lots, and the I was hardly feeling him. I called the dr, and that is what they told me. Also, you can try to drink some really cold ice water, or aplle juice, and lay should start to feel him move within 45 min or less. Don't worry, maybe he is just having a sleepy period and aboutto go through a growth spurt. My dr told me this happens as well. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Completely normal. They are running out of room and starting to get in sleep patterns. As long as you are still feeling the butterflies and kicking, then everything should be just fine. If it helps, your risk of miscarriage went way down after the 1st trimester. Most babies at this point are on their way to being healthy full term babies. I forgot the percentage, but it is very low on the risk of miscarriage at this point. Good luck to you! 156 is a strong heart rate!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think that is normal, because im 6 months pregnant, and when i turned around 21 weeks, the baby got lazy and I didn't feel it as much, for some reason when I drank Choclate milk, it would start moving, But I wouldn't worry to much, us expecting moms are always worrying.

  • CMA
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    ummm...i would be worried just because its my baby but, there's not alot you can worry about. The Dr. just needs to know that the baby is not moving that much anymore so they can run some tests and maybe even do another ultrasound. Here is a website on some information about decreased fetal movement..

    good luck...don't will stress the baby and thats NOT good.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't worry. But, you can always drink something sugary like OJ or soda and lay on your left side. (Or, just lay on your left side) You'll feel the movements pick up. :))

    As baby gets bigger movements will decrease. And, when they do move it gets more and more painful.

  • 1 decade ago

    no--its normal for babies to move alot one day and not alot the next. my baby is very active in the early hours of the day and slows down more in the afternoon--at night he hardly moves.

    As long as u feel the baby move I think everything is ok

  • 1 decade ago

    NO i'm 20 weeks and i still haven't felt my baby move yet my doctor said it was normal but everything is fine and i'm sure you and your baby are too

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you can feel the baby once about every hour you should be OK my son got lazy after about 25 weeks and it would make me worry all the time. i hope everything turns out OK.

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