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  • Husband won't take care of himself or anything around him. I need advice?

    My husband has always been a little bit neglectful of his hygiene and cleanliness, and his surroundings, but I used to wave it off as a "fratboy" lifestyle in his mid 20s. But, we've been together for 7 years now, and it's like pulling teeth for him to change.

    He wears a single outfit all week long, sometimes goes days without brushing his teach or showering, doesn't wash his hands after going #2, only shaves once a week (but has rough dark stubble after 2 days) doesn't wash his laundry, and doesn't even bring the dog ever on a walk, or want to have sex. it's a hassle just to get him to bring his coffee cup in to the kitchen after using it. The bedroom always wreaks from his body odours and dirty dishes on his side of the bed. I have do constantly do the sheets, because he promises to do them but never does. I have to shower in the morning because I'm worried the smells have gotten on to me.

    He's not depressed or upset...we've had many a conversation and figured out that this isn't the cause. He's just used to living this way and has done so for over a decade. But, it's getting to a point that I always feel that I have to exert more of my energy to get him to do the bare minimum that it would be for him just to do things. I'm sick of having to remind and pester him to shower...and ask him a dozen and a half times to shave.

    I've tried the withholding kisses and sex thing (because honestly sometimes its simply gross), but he doesn't care. I've tried the ease-him-into-it approach. I've tried the explain-why-he should-do -the-bare-minimum approach. I've tried the's my last straw approach...

    Once in a while he'll get better for a day or two after lots of effort, but he always goes back.

    I just don't know what else to do!!!

    (I exercise several times a week, clean myself and my surroundings, wear makeup, and do my best to be clean and hygienic)

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • What's a nicer word for "hr"?

    I'm trying to come up with a slogan for a HR company, but can't use the words HR (human resources), people or workforce. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • What words come to mind about electricity?

    I mean positive










    Any ideas on others?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • What other songs can I add to this playlist?

    I'm making a fun, party/workout playlist and need some more songs. I really don't like katy perry, lady gaga, shakira, etc. Any ideas of other songs in the same style/feel as these?:

    Pause - Pitbull

    Mr. Saxobeat - Alexandra Sran

    Danzo Kuduro - Don Omar

    Calabria - Enur ft. Natasha

    La La Land - Green Velvet

    Thanks for any suggestions!!

    1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years ago
  • What is the proper way of writing this (grammatically)?

    "The following will be served in a random order for our feasting pleasure:"

    Is it:

    The following will be served in a random order, for our feasting pleasure:


    The following will be served in a random order, and is for our feasting pleasure:

    or something else?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Where can I listen to university/college business degree lectures for free?

    I don't really care about the diploma or accredition or teachers. I would just love to read all books and find recordings/podcasts of the lectures that someone who would get a B.A. or (even better) and MBA would get.

    I can find lots of stuff on philosophy, psychology, history, 101 classes, etc, for podcasts, but none for business, management and professional writing.

    Any ideas?

  • What thing looks like one certain thing when you're only shown a part of it...?

    And a totally different thing when you see it whole.

    (i.e. if you zoom into a part of a kiwi, it might look like an animal's fur. But, zoomed out it looks like a kiwi)

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Any advice on what I could do?

    My friendships don't last more than 2 years, people always disregard things I say, and I somehow manage to screw up everything I ever do. I try to analyze myself and figure out ways to become a better person, but somehow I always fail.

    I don't lie, cheat, whine (except I guess right now), steal or deceive...I just end up having everyone important leave me or distance themselves.

    I try to be cheerful and optimistic around others (but not too over the top). I've tried being funny, caring, focused on other, a doesn't seem to do any good.

    I don't even think that I like me. I don't even feel like a real person anymore. I can't name a single thing I do like about myself.

    I don't even know who I am anymore.

    I just don't know even where to start to try to start liking myself and then having friendships/relationships with other that have mutual respect and care.

    It's been 15 years like this, and nothing's changes. I went to a therapist and they told me that there's nothing wrong with me. But, obviously there is and I want to fix it. I'm just not good at being a person. I don't know why I haven't been able to fix my problems. This yahoo answer is kind of like grasping at straws for me, since other things haven't worked.

    1 AnswerCommunity Service9 years ago
  • How do I start getting better?

    I'm just not good at being a person.

    My friendships don't last more than 2 years, people always disregard things I say, and I somehow manage to screw up everything I ever do. I try to analyze myself and figure out ways to become a better person, but somehow I always fail.

    I don't lie, cheat, whine (except I guess right now), steal or deceive...I just end up having everyone important leave me or distance themselves.

    I try to be cheerful and optimistic around others (but not too over the top). I've tried being funny, caring, focused on other, a doesn't seem to do any good.

    I don't even think that I like me. I don't even feel like a real person anymore. I can't name a single thing I do like about myself.

    I don't even know who I am anymore.

    I just don't know even where to start to try to start liking myself and then having friendships/relationships with other that have mutual respect and care.

    It's been 15 years like this, and nothing's changes. I went to a therapist and they told me that there's nothing wrong with me. But, obviously there is and I want to fix it.

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • How do you know if you should have kids?

    I'm in my thirties, married, have travelled the world, own a house..etc. etc.

    So, everyone is telling my husband and I that we should have a baby. The thing is, I just don't know if I want one. I don't feel strongly against having one, and hear from people that I'll regret not having one when I'm old. I really only have a year or two to decide, until it might be too late.

    4 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • What would you do if someone did this to you?

    The person that used to be my closest friend is breaking my heart.

    She constantly has a friend, or roommate, or coworker that she makes out to be a villian. So, she lies to make people feel sorry for her and cheer her up...she can't handle any kind of criticism and must always play the victim.

    The problem is that she's so good at lying and overexaggerating, that it takes years to find out how she is. It took me 3 years to find out that she was blaming me for things I wasn't even really involved with, and doing the same to half a dozen others. Like, she'd go crying behing my back to half the people in our social circle, saying that I was yelling at her, when I simply told her "I can't talk on the phone right now" . Or how she got ridiculously drunk the night before my wedding and barged into my bathroom while I was trying to relax in my pre-wedding bath and refused to let me sleep....only to later tell everyone it was me that kept her up all night!

    Anyway, people are oblivious, or constantly walking on eggshells around her because they're scared (if she goes off the deep end in lies and rumours off of nothing) what would she do if you actually said something bad to her.

    Well, I had enough of being treated badly by her and called her out on a couple of her lies that were hurting me and my reputation. It sent her into a spiral of attacking my reputation to virtually all of our shared friends. Only a small handful have mentioned it to me and say she's false-crying about exaggerated things that happened, or straight out lying.

    I simply don't know what to do. I'm relatively new in the city, and she is too, so our friends are almost totally shared. They would have no reason to not beleive her when she's lying and crying about others. When she used to tell me her stories, I beleived people actually were doing all these horrible things.

    No one else that she's done it to is willing to speak up because they're too worried about her reaction.

    And going around telling everyone the truth about her...well...wouldn't that be stooping to her level? If I ignore it, them she'll keep thinking it's ok to do this to people and I could lose my only friend network in my city.

    We're in our late 20s and I haven't had to deal with anything this crazy since high I have no idea what to do.

    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • What would you do if someone did this to you?

    I have a "best friend", who's breaking my heart.

    She turns everything into a pity party about her, even if the topic was about something else. She also constantly has a friend, or room mate, or coworker that she makes out to be a villian. So, she lies to make people feel sorry for her and cheer her up...she can't handle any kind of criticism and must always play the victim.

    The problem is that she's so good at lying and overexaggerating, that it takes years to find out how she is. It took me 3 years to find out that she was blaming me for things I wasn't even really involved with, and doing the same to half a dozen others. Like, she'd go crying behing my back to half the people in our social circle, saying that I was yelling at her, when I simply told her "I can't talk on the phone right now" . Or how she got ridiculously drunk the night before my wedding and barged into my bathroom while I was trying to relax in my pre-wedding bath and refused to let me sleep....only to later tell everyone it was me that kept her up all night!

    Anyway, either people are oblivious, or constantly walking on eggshells around her because they're scared (if she goes off the deep end in lies and rumours off of nothing) what would she do if you actually said something bad to her.

    Well, I had enough of being treated badly by her and called her out on a couple of her lies that were hurting me and my reputation. It sent her into a spiral of attacking my reputation to virtually all of our shared friends. Only a small handful have mentioned it to me and say she's fake-crying about massively exaggerated things that happened, or straight out lies.

    I simply don't know what to do. Most of our mutual friends are somewhat new, so would have no reason to not beleive her when she's lying and crying to get pity. When she used to tell me her stories, I beleived people actually were doing all these horrible things.

    No one else that she's done it to is willing to speak up because they're so scared about her playing games and ruining them (she's really good at disception)

    And going around telling everyone the truth about her...well...wouldn't that be stooping to her level? If I ignore it, them she'll keep thinking it's ok to do this to people.

    We're in our late 20s and I feel like I'm back in high school!

    4 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • What would employers like to see more?

    If applying for a job, a potential employer would prefer a candidate with:

    A bachelor degree from a local university


    A university certificate from Harvard university


    (If applying for a general business job)

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Finish this sentence...?

    They were happily protected from it by....

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Where can I find out how to make a web-to-voip website like these?

    I'm willing to invest however many hours to learn how to do this. Any help would be infinitely appreciated, since my own research have proven fruitless.

  • I have a sewer smell coming from my vents and renos that might be making me sick. Who do I call?

    The longer I spend in my house, I get worse and worse headaches, dizziness, watery eyes, exhaustion which fades away if I spend time away from my place. It's gettting so bad that I have to miss work every Monday.

    I'm pretty sure it's something in my house that's causing it. The thing is, I don't know who to call (please don't say ghostbusters).

    The problem could be from

    -A strong sewage smell coming from my vents when my furnace turns on,

    -A foul smell coming from the basement somewhere

    -Fumes coming from my road (due to insane traffic in the mornings and after work),

    -Renovations on my 80 year old house that we're doing (tearing down walls),

    -Dust/fumes from the highway (which is a half block away),

    -My husky/german shepherd dog

    The thing is, I don't know who to call to investigate. The air tester's (here in Ottawa) only test for mold and VOC. Plumbers only check the pipes. HVAC only check the systems themselves. I can't afford to spend thousands of dollars right now on testing, so I need to hire the right type of professional

    Who should I call first?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago