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  • I need help on how to get my 10 year old to behave in school?

    I have a 10 year old son, that for the most part is an awesome kid, when he is at home at least. Ever since kindergarten though, he has had an issue with behaving in school. He refuses to follow rules, plays around when the teacher is in the middle of lessons, back talks and gives attitude towards the teachers and administrators, gets in verbal and sometimes physical altercations with other students, throws temper tantrums where he yells, screams and cries loudly, etc.

    Every year this has been an isssue, then last year, he actually faced expulsion from the school because he put cleaning fluid in his teachers water bottle. I got them to drop it down to academic probation, but if he screws up at ALL this year, he will be expelled.

    My husband and I have tried everything we can think of to get him to stop acting this way in school. We have taken away privelages, rewarded our other children for their good behavior to show him how awesome his life could be if he behaved, we took him out of his extra curricular activities until he straightens up, etc...nothing seems to work. We even tried home schooling him for a while, but his younger siblings made that almost impossible.

    My biggest issue is, he is so well behaved at home! He hardly ever gets into trouble and is definitely my most well behaved. I have never seen one of the temper tantrums his teachers keep telling me about, mostly because when he is home, he never even cries. It's like he is two different children!

    I have talked to his teachers over the years to see if maybe he is being bullied or treated unfairly by the other students and from what I gather, he is actually the bully and makes everyone else's life miserable! But at home he is calm, collective and sweet. When I confront him about it though he always says he was just playing around or blames someone else. Or I get the all-time favorite kid answer of "I dunno, I just did".

    We don't know what else to do to get him to stop. We feel like we are running head first into a brick wall. He gets in trouble one more time and their going to kick him out of the district, and he doesn't even care! Funny thing about all this is he is an A/B student and has some of the highest test scores in his grade level, which I find very surprising since I don't know when he actually has the time to learn anything!

    We need ideas...please help!

    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Could my cat know I'm pregnant?

    A little over two years ago, Maggie (a black tabby cat) entered our lives and became part of our family. Maggie enjoys a good petting, but for the most part, prefers not to be held and would rather curl up by herself. Don't get me wrong, she would lay on me every once and a while, but for the most part she enjoyed her space. Until a few weeks ago that is...

    As she has figured out that I am the bearer of food, Maggie has always had a sweetness towards me, but lately she is driving me insane with her constant need to not only be with me, but on me! If I am sitting, Maggie is in my lap. If I am laying down, she is actually trying to lay on my stomach like a hen would lay on her eggs.

    She follows me around like a shadow as well and I'm getting to the point where I am feeling suffocated by my cat! I need a little bit of space and she is refusing to allow me to have it. When my husband or I remove her from laying on me she immediately moves to come right back.

    We just found out last night that we are expecting a child, and were wondering if this might possibly be the reason for Maggie's extreme change in behavior? If it is, am I going to have to deal with this over clingy cat for the next nine months? Does anyone know any websites where I might possibly read up on this kind of behavior?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I just had my dog fixed on Monday and I am concerned that he has a large lump above the incision?

    It is noon here and the vet that fixed him is closed from 12-1 for lunch. I've never had a male dog before him, so I don't know if this is normal with a neuter or if I should be extremely concerned and take him straight to an animal emergency care hospital. Should I pack him up and go now, wait for my vets office (the ones who preformed the operation) to open back up, or is this normal and I'm just being a spaz?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How long does it take to defrost a pinkie mouse for a snake?

    My snake, as of right now, only eats live pinkies, but I wanted to see if I could get him to eat a frozen one because I was told that it would be better for him, expecially when he hit eating fuzzies, since the mice can hold disease.

    So, I know I have to put them in hot water for a little bit, but I am not sure how long. They are large pinkies (almost fuzzies)

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • I am trying to find out the name of a song sang by a female country singer?

    It's been years since I have heard this song, and I have only heard it once. I know it was a country song, sang by a female singer.

    Its about her little girl (I think in the song they say 8 years old, but I'm not sure) dying in a hospital bed and in the song, the singer is talking to god about her little girl and how she wished he would take her instead of the child and if he has to take her, make it easy on her....

    Does ANYONE out there know what I'm talking about???

    4 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • do goldfish take naps?

    Ok. my son started out two weeks ago with four fish. As of today, he only has one. (the rest went "back to the pet store to visist their friends". )

    Anyway...Today I changed the water in the bowl out. The way I did it was by keeping water in a large bowl right next to the fish bowl to get them the same temp and then draining the original water, rinsing the rocks and then replacing the water with the other water I had sitting in the room next to the fish bowl.

    So, here is the problem...The fish is at the bottom of the tank. If I go after it with the net, it moves, but then goes back to the bottom of the bowl again and lays there as if in shock.

    So... here is my question, do fish sleep at the bottom of the bowl at night, or is this fish getting ready to die?

    I need to know because the soonest I can replace the damn thing is Saturday and I need to know whether or not to make some excuse to my child on what happened to his fish. I don't want to ruin his thanksgiving...

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I got two teeth pulled over two weeks ago...?

    I had two teeth pulled over two weeks ago. One was a wisdom tooth and one was a molar. They were right next to eachother.

    So here is my problem, I still have an open socket in my gum that is about an inch long (it looks like the surgeon made one long cut to take both teeth out). It doesn't look like it is healing at all!!!

    It doesn't hurt at all, it is just annoying as all get out since I still have to get up constantly and clean it out.

    So, my question is, how long does it take for the sockets to close up if you don't get stitches? Should I be worried at all?

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How do I find out how many times a family member of mine has been married?

    I know of three times that she has been married, but family members have told me that there are more. She denies it completely and I want to know if she is telling me the truth. She lived in Neenah, WI and I tried looking for answers through the yahoo search engine, but got no results. What can I do now?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago
  • I haven't recieved something I have ordered online...what do I do?

    I ordered $63.30 worth of baseball cards from on March 3rd 2006. The payment went right through and on my bank statement it says "Marks Baseball Zone". I still haven't recieved my cards and have attempted to email them quite a few times with no response. I don't know what to do in this situation. I tried looking it up online for a phone number, but all I have is the state it is based in. (IL) I have run in to nothing but dead roads. What do I do now? Please Help!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance2 decades ago