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I am a college student, for a BA in Education in Illinois. I am an avid theater person, with intrest in Imporv and Musicals, including an improv group i founded. I am a manager at a local Ice Cream store, and worked in movie theaters for 2+ years. I love History, Science, Politics, Architecture/intearior design and just about anything worth talking about. Except spelling, i know I suck at it, and trying to improve.

  • How do i respond to a text claiming I did an ilegal hit and run, which I did not commit.?

    The night of 10/21, i received a text message from someone who i do not know, claiming i hit there car and there are damages to the vehicle. They claim they want me to pay for damages otherwise this will go to court.

    I have not committed any such crime, and there is no details of location, date, etc. of incident, or description of vehicle i "hit". I know I did not hit anyone as I would always stop and check. I suspect this is fraud, or some friend of my brother trying to scam me out of money or scare me.

    What legal action should I take, how do i handle, and who needs to be contacted.

    On a side note, they described my car, and licence number, and somehow have my personal cell phone, which seems odd since I do not recognize the number and since I allegedly hit and ran, there was no notes with contact information left, or anything of the sort.

    I have already, without admitting any guilt, request them to state the date, time, and location of this alleged incident, and explication how they got my number. Is there even a way to find a phone number by just a licence plate? Side question.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • What might be causing the coughing fits at work?

    I recently started at a new job, at a call center. While at work, and only at work I tend to develop strong dry coughs. They do not happen in the break room, outside, at home, in the car, or even at my last job. At first i consider it being the fact that I'm working a call center where I am talking all day, but i talk on the phone at home, and been working costumer service where I was interacting with people all day, so i doubt it's the talking.

    The cough is a dry one, which produces no "flem". I tried drinking water which helps for a short time (a few minutes or so) but has no long term effect.

    What are some possible causes of this dry cough which happens only at work.

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • How and where do I find sponser and investors?

    So, the ultimate question, i tough one I know. Links and websites or organizations would be greatly welcomed.

    I want to try and start a local community theater, likely for non-profit as i do not think a for profit theater would last too long and there are more grants and such for non-profit.

    I want to focus on doing both plays and musicals, which are invited for the community, locals and aspiring actors can audition, nothing equity.

    The mission statement is two fold; to provide educational and practical experience to interested members of the community in the theatrical arts inluding actors, directors, creative talent, backstage members, and writers. Also to produce productions which will promote discussion and both social and historical issues facing both the community and society as a whole.

    I would hopefully like to work with local community part districts, school districts, and businesses and connect with them.

    I'd also like to try and do workshops, classes, and even a summer camp to work with children, teens, and adults, once things are going well.

    Advise and links would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment7 years ago
  • How can i protect myself for wistleblowing on my boss?

    So, I work in a restaurant which is owned under a franchisee agreement. I suspect the owners (my boss) has been hiding or failing to report sales to both the IRS and the company, violating the law by not paying taxes and her agreement by not paying royalties on all sales.

    She conducts off site, cash only events where she sells product under the company name, but does not record the sales or enter them into the registers or sales reports, therefore pocketing the cash without taxes or royalties paid.

    I now suspect that she is manipulating the sales reports to hide sales from the company due to a dispute over an unpaid royalties dispute.

    It's hard to provide paper evidence and all financial records are kept off site at her house. Making proving this almost impossible, without receipts or a trail. I do however know on one occasion I entered in the sales from a cash event and was told to remove the sales from the system as it was "her money" and was not to be recorded as sales. Further supporting my beliefs.

    I want to report this, but I don't know how. I am still dependent on the job for income, so cannot afford to lose this position, and without much in the form of evidence to the event, other then e-mails and event records showing the off site events to back up my claim. (I would assume an audit would request receipts from the event sales, but since cash only there would be none to prove).

    Any legal advice would be helpful. I think what she is doing is wrong, and simply leaving would not solve the issue, I want to see justice and these practices put to an end. I can provide more details upon request.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • where can i sell old bennie babies and barbie dolls in Chicago that isn't ebay?

    My wife and i are looking to sell our old Bennie Baby and Barbie collection, not sure if there is anything valuable or not, but they are taking up space, and we need the money more then dolls and toys. There are a few we will hold on too, but most are for sale.

    We don't want to deal with e-bay or online buyers, dont have time, and some of stuff is in storage at another house, rather get it all done in one trip.

    does anyone know of collectors, or stores where we can bring out stuff and either sell it, or at least get estimate values if we do need to sell on e-bay.

    thanks in advance

    4 AnswersToys7 years ago
  • Is it legal to withold all paychecks.?

    My boss is a small business owner. We are supposed to be paid every other tuesday. But she constantly fails to approve payroll, request managers to edit hours to lower pay, and refuses to release checks for all employees. What are options to correct this?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Is it acceptable for guys to wear long socks? why or why not.?

    Please explain reason. I am looking at guys fashion in high school or college. It seems to slowly becoming accepted again. Would you accept and under what reasons.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Starter engage issue, what might be the problem?

    Okay, i own a 2005 Kia Rio, with automatic transmission.

    I have a new battery, and a new starter installed. And the Ignition switch has tested fine.

    When i turn the key, the starter wont engage, not even a clicking sound. The fans and other electrical Components turn on.

    If i continually turn the key to ignite, on a rear occasion, the starter will engage and the engine starts. But this once over the course of a week, with repeated checking.

    We ran a jumper from the battery straight to the starter, so, the power goes from battery to starter, and back to battery, not connected to the rest of engine. However, the fans still come on? This is logically impossible, I know. The starter is still not engaging, not even the clicking sound.

    If i test the starter outside of the car, it does engage.

    I don't think the engine is locked up, because as i said, on rear occasions it will engage, and start, but that's one time then dead again.

    When i turn the key the first time, after sitting for a few hours or overnight, i get a single click but nothing after that, and doesn't repeat clicking.

    At this point i am guessing some form of electrical issue, but not sure where to check or what to look for?

    We tested relay, battery, and fuse, they are hot and a test light proves power is completing 12V to the starter, so guessing an AMP issue?

    Any advise, troubleshooting, or help would be greatly welcomed.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • starter wont engage, has full power, what else could it be?

    I have a starter that wont engage, it has been bench pressed, and runs, but in the car it wont even click. At this point we bipassed the ignition system and have the battery hooked up via jumper wire to the starter, which is grounded, we checked the power and have a full 12V running, but in the car, it bipasses the starter, and leads right to the rest of the electric systems. We dont know, it did this once before and after a week, it started again, but a few days later, died, new battery and starter installed.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • What might cause my nose to becoming partally blocked?

    This hasn't been a major health concern yet, as i can still breath normally, except in rear instances of exercise or stress, when i need to breath from mouth. I also use to notice that when i was eating, people commented that it sounded like i was wheezing, but this has not happened in some time,

    What I've noticed is that when i breath from the nose, only one nasal passage seems to be inhaling and exhaling, the other one will release a low flow if i close the working one, but it's a weak airflow.

    The other interesting part is that the blocked passages charges, sometimes it's the left nasal passage, other times the right, this changes happens without warning, and there is no pattern to the change.

    I guess i'm asking if someone knows of the medical condition that might cause this, and even if it isn't causing breathing issues at this time, could here be an underlying medical issue. I just want to get some advice before seeing a doctor about this, i do plan to speak to my doctor during my next visit, but would like to try and get some answers or Information before i do, so i can have some knowledge when i talk to him

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Errors on parking ticket?

    The car has a VIN, it wasn't recorded on the ticket.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • alternator belt squeals on kia rio?

    Okay, i know the easy answer is the tighten the belt, but it has ben tightened as far as it can go, and still squeals. This happens when i first start, if i run the Ac/Heat, or randomly during travel. I know it's loose. I have replaced the belt twice now, as well as the alternator.

    There has been little information, but the mention of a spacer or adjustment piece for the alternator that would allow proper tightening on a Kia Rio, 2005. Does anyone have advice, or Information on this, or a link to Information that would help me, thanks.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion for this idea for a dessert at Taco Bell, Dessert Chalupa?

    I have an idea for a dessert chalupa for Taco Bell, we know the chalupa comes in a fried pita shell. What if they were lightly coated in Cinnamon, and instead of meat, a fruit compost (strawberry, peach, etc.) whipped cream, and maybe nuts, chocolate, sprinkles, powder Sugar, or other dessert type toppings, kinda a dessert taco?

    8 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • Internet error message and restart when trying to close on laptop with (saddly) Vista?

    I think details are needed, we have a laptop, and Windows Vista was the default opperating system. I know most computer people will say thats the first promblem.

    But, every time we try to close Internet Explorer, either by the close/exit option on the menu or clicking the "X' in the corner, it brings up the error message that "Internet Explorer has stopped responding", and asked if we want to restart the program. We know it stopped responding, we told it to stop.

    What are some possible reasons for this, and what are some possible ways to fix this. Please don't ask for system specs, just provide troubleshooting tips, thanks. If you can't help directly, if you have a lint k to a support website or something, please let me know.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • What is the best graphic update on a budget?

    Here is the detail, I know more money means better quality, but I don't have that luxuery. I have an EMachine, out of the box, and many of the games I would play do not run well, it seems to be a graphics or vurtual memory issue, since the HD is only 40% used.

    I would like to find a budget freindly way to allow my computer to handle games (The Sims 2 Line is the main game with this issue) and not break the bank.

    Please don't give me the "Buy a Better Computer", or "Spend 1000.00 for upgrades". I know I won't get the best outcome and more money will bring better and faster options, but cheap is the key.

    I had a freind suggest a new graphics card, which he claims can come as cheap as $20.00, which seems way too cheap for anything of any quality. Any suggestions.

    If anyone knows a FREE way to do this, you would be a hero, but I know that does not exsit.

    Please help, a lost not so comupter savy college student. The computer is Factory issued, no upgrades or changes made.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • 1995 Geo Metro transmission Cost?

    Okay, I have the car and my college's auto shop is willing to replace the transmission at no cost. But I need to provide the parts myself. I give parts, they give labor.

    What I need to know is where I can find a 1995 Automatic Geo Metro 2 Wheel Drive transmission which is in good condition in Chicagoland aria, and at what cost should I expect to pay for the parts. Used are fine, but must work and be useable, no re-building or overhauls/repairs needed or it's uesless as they don't fix trans due to lack of space for tools, they replace them at no cost for students and staff of the college.

    They are trustworthy, and better then trans shops which charge to much so they can stand around a eat dounuts on my doller. I have never seen a machaic at work in a shop in my life, why is that? SO please, don't say take a trans shop or cost of parts and labor.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How do you clean NON-Valuable coins?

    I have some coins, which are NOT valuable, and I would liek to clean them to make them shiny agian. They are pennies and other coins. I'm looking for Home remadies, such as cleaning solutions or home products. THE VALUE of the coins is not an issue, so please no "Don't clean them, it demishies the value" speechs.

    PS Sorry, about poor spelling.

    10 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Does this baby Theory sound Plausible?

    My OC at work came up with this theory, and i was wondering whatyou had to say.

    Tom Cruise and Katie Holms, had a baby right. But no one, not even close family freinds have seen the child. There have been to pictures.

    The birth certificate was not filled out completly, or by the right people with the right infromation, or in the alloted time to be ligit.

    Hollywood trives of tabloids of mothers and children, so where is the baby?

    Okay, the theory at last. The baby was a still birth, born dead. Katie and Tom are now hiding to adopt another child in secret to replace without knowing, or trying to have a replacement child by birth. They don't want the world to know the child died and now hiding till a new child can come into play.

    Some say let the world know, so they can get symithy form the public, but others would Tom and his Scientolgy would most likely be blaimed for anything wrong with the child.

    Do you agree, yes or no, and why?

    PS, Sorry about mispellings.

    10 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago