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  • Horror Novel Title, "Children aren't for sifting"?

    GAH....Okay you guys have to try to help me here. I thought that this was a dean koontz novel but it doesn't look like it.

    The premise of the book is that a human couple live in this town where they begin seeing weird, alien like creatures, Eventually they venture out to see if they can find others. They find others in a tavern where the people seem to be sectioning off into groups - one wanting to deal with it now, one wanting to drink and forget and one wanting to avoid it. Some dogs come in to the tavern(or are there already and seemingly communicate with this man and woman. People begin dissapearing( mostly the people unwilling to help or already corrupt) and it is found that often they have either sunk right down through the floor, or up through the ceiling. those going through the ceiling were happy - those going through the floor panicked and tried everything to not go.

    The dogs end up leading the man and woman around the town where they find many children. The town itself is covered in weird plants that when you cut them open have worms in them as if they were half animal, half plant. They are a weird sickly black too. As the man and women and dogs round up the children they begin searching houses - where they find more children who tel them their grandmother was taken up through the ceiling.

    Insert typical horror novel stuff, until they have rounded up so many children. They encounter some sort of demon who when asked why they did not take the children, says "Children are not for sifting". As it turns out it is implied that these "alien demons" are satan and those going upward were going to heaven, those going down to hell. The woman and man protect the children throughout and it is revealed that they were chosen to be teachers for the "new world", as this one is being cleansed. When morning comes, the group finds other groups of a couple of adults and many children.

    I can't remember the stupid name and its driving me INSANE. It was SUCH a great book though - really showcased Satan possibly being confused with aliens, or vice versa. Any ideas folks?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • New Hamster - Names, Treats and other things?

    I have been adopted by a homeless hamster. hes too cute! Not sure how old he is, he doesnt seem to be fully grown yet but is close.

    here is a video of him - ignore my babytalking in the background and being silly!

    So i have some questions. Firstly, he needs a name! I cannot decide.

    Secondly - exactly how much should he eat? He doesnt seem to clean out his seed and pellet dish but once every four or five days. Its a big kind of dish though - about 2inches, 2 and a half in diameter maybe?

    Thirdly - i know to stay away from sugary foods and such. But is a baby fingernail size bit of jam on some whole grain toast really going to hurt him, once a month or so? He seems to enjoy boiled eggs the most, which i know are ok - but how much and how often? And i know they need protein and can have some meats - which are best? I was told cooked boneless skinless chicken breast is good which is what ive been doing - that or just pull a small peice of baked chicken with bone.

    Fourthly - his teeth might be a little on the long side. I have a hard time encouraging him to chew things. He has a wood block, i give him corn on the cob too and he loves that. IS there anything that may encourage him to chew more? He will be visiting the vet to be sure they are ok but in the mean time I am just wondering.

    What recipies does your hammie love?

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • 13 month old boy not talking?

    Okay I am going to try and explain the best I can everything I can.

    I have a 13 month old boy, who is 20 pounds and tall for his age. He is in 50th percentile for height and just over 5th for weight..right now we are still struggling with his eating as he is extremely picky, so he has dropped from 25th percentile for weight (which was at 9 months - it seems that he has become quite active and as yet is not gaining enough calories to gain good weight - the docs told me he is not in any danger or anything, just on the thin side, and that some babies are just like that. I personally would like to see him a little bigger and we are working on the calories and have started pediasure just as a supplement twice a day) to the 5th percentile, or just above that.

    Anyways, he is still growing in height, im not sure exactly how much but everyone says he is tall. He is hitting milestones - he started walking last month. He can almost run now - although its clumsily(very cute too).

    Now, the thing I am concerned about - and i do plan to ask the health nurse at our appointment but wanted input from you guys - is that he doesn't really even have one word yet. He does babble tons, and says what SOUNDS like ma-ma-ma-ma-ma and na-na-na-na-na(nana, I think?) Do these qualify as words, or is he just babbling? He has yet to say a concrete word though, and that worries me.

    However, I am a very quiet person - I try to remember to talk as much as I can around him, but it really is not in my nature to talk alot and sometimes i find myself having been quiet for a good peice of time. As well, he has been a fairly quiet baby from even before he was born. This both worries me and reassures me...

    Before he was born he was what they called "non responsive" a few times on ultrasound - he just didn't want to respond to being poked alot i think lol. He moved plenty, just not when YOU wanted him to... When he was born too he did cry, but not often. Even the nurses said what a good baby he was...Im not sure if that is because I am a very responsive mother(in that i respond to his needs as soon as they become apparent) and we are well bonded from the start(he nursed as soon as he was born!) or if thats indicative of an issue too. As he grew older, he still was not much of a crier or a cranky baby. He has been babbling since he learned it from my best friends little girl at age 4months. This is part of what concerns me, because you would think that if he babbled since then, he would be speaking by now.

    As far as other milestones go, he hit everything physical and social early. He rolled over early, smiled early, laughed early,sat early and crawled early. So everything seems to be good on that end.

    I just am concerned, because Im afraid that this not eating good plus the not talking thing(and actually, not waving yet or really giving kisses or throwing things etc) may be indicative of some type of Failure to thrive issues.. i cringe just saying that because it has such a bad stigma for parents whose children have it.. but i mean I cant force him to eat - he just spits it out..its very frustrating.

    I do make sure to spend a while each day going over words with him - saying them slowly, repeating them etc.. he loves it, he laughs his head off.. but will not repeat. Maybe I should try cursing, LOL. Kids like to do things adults do maybe that will work - JUST KIDDING!!

    We read books, usually 3-5 a day, sometimes more if hes having a cuddly day. We play together, although he doesnt often care to play WITH me - he will wander off and play with his toys by himself, coming back to me every so often for a cuddle, hug or sippy of milk.

    Do you think im over analyzing? Or could there be a problem developing here. I will say i've seemingly been a worry wart before - I think I called the doctor everytime he looked at me crooked for the first six months LOL.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Enlighten me - Exactly what is so wrong with structured immigration?

    Okay - I am not the most politically minded. I know a little, but not much to speak of.

    I hear people thinking time and time again about how immigration is wrong, bad, causes job loss, causes strain on the system etc.

    What I am wondering is why structured immigration(ill explain this in a moment) is so bad for a country.

    What I mean when I say structured immigration is like this:

    Immigration that is regulated - you need to apply and be accepted into the country

    Immigration that makes sure you have the necessary skills to be a good citizen

    For people coming from war torn countries or countries that are third world: Why is this considered so wrong? Is it not a good thing to help out other countries, give people a chance at a better life? I understand that it may be a strain on the system, but could we not create systems to help these people acheive moderate job skills that would be utilized to at least survive in the economy?

    Looking for good information - also open to opinions, but am specifically interested in answers that explain the system strain/job loss problem and other problems with immigration.

    Thanks all! If you have any questions for me just ask and I will update.

    2 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Do stupid/useless/irrelevant answers drive you nuts?

    Im talking about when you see someone ask a question, and people answer with things like "idk" or "i have no idea" or "thats really stupid" or "maybe".... or people who respond with nothing but "hahah your a loser" ect.

    This drives me CRAZY. I know people do it for the points, but it completely undermines the point of the game!

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember this music video?

    It takes place at a high school dance/prom, where and ugly hunchback girl is wandering around being ridiculed. At the end of the video the back of her dress opens and she grows wings from her back. I think it was in the 90s

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • A question about a smiley?

    What does this smiley mean to you:


    I see it as a silly mocking funny face, but my friend sees it as, to quote him:

    you know when a person is sick or feeling blah, how sometimes they let their tongue hang out to the side?

    can anyone settle this?

    6 AnswersOther - Computers2 decades ago
  • what home remidies help mouth sores like chancre sores?

    Nothing is open now. I dont have baking stuff on me like baking soda or anything.

    I have two massive ones and they hurt like a b**** ones in the lip area just inside mouth, and the other is on the left underside of my tounge. Any good ideas?

    7 AnswersOther - General Health Care2 decades ago
  • Question about vaginal fluids for the girls?

    I have ALWAYS had a slightly milky fluid, as long as I can remember(well from the time I was old enough to pay attention to these thngs) Though, sometimes it bothers me and I have built up quite a fear of having a partner notice it and think its weird. I am bisexual, and I have noticed it on other girls I have been with in the past, but I was just looking for confirmation that this is a normal thing and not some weird disease or infection. Again, Ive always had it, nothing has ever come up on tests, its not clumpy or anything - just slightly whiter in colour and a bit more creamy perhaps.

    I am talking about normal everyday lubrication too, not sexual lubrication (which tends to be slightly more clear and more profuse)

    14 AnswersWomen's Health2 decades ago
  • Is there any wiccans in the house?

    Serious responses only, feel free to tell me why wicca is bad or wrong, but back up your reasoning.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • I am looking for a work at home job in Canada?

    I am currently on short term disability and cannot commute to work. Doesnt have to be in Halifax, I will work for anyone anywhere as long as they are willing to employ me.

    I dont want to fill out surveys. I dont want to receive rewards.

    I DO NOT want to run my own business.

    I WILL NOT pay a fee to work for you, I think thats foolish.

    I can do just about anything and have a degree in graphic design and web page development. I am also a freelance writer.

    I am sick to death of being ripped off by companies. I DONT want to run my own business. I dont want to be an affiliate and market your crap. Cause most of it is crap.

    Id just like a nice (if even part time) job that I can do from my computer. I would prefer to not talk on the phone, but I am willing to if I have to.

    Thank you everyone!

    2 AnswersHalifax2 decades ago