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Peppy Lover Gal

Favorite Answers24%
  • Real Estate Short Sale... Are we bankrupt?

    First of all, I live in a state where it takes one to buy and two to sell.

    The house I bought 3 years ago was sold under extremely false pretenses -- so much so the county wants to condemn the property (at no fault of my own). It went from a value of 179k to 60k because of non disclosed sinkholes 4-5 feet deep all around the house. The previous "owner" was an "investor" with the property for 2 years.

    The city allowed it to be built on a dump and we are 1 of 6 houses affected (only 1 of the 6 are paying their mortgage still). We found a real estate broker who specialized in short sales with our particular lender. We were under the impression by multiple brokers that the only thing my husband would have to put his name on is the final closing documents. Unfortunately, the documents the broker's assistant gave us says they need HIS tax returns and HIS financials. I said I would claim bankruptcy before were filed the short sale since it's in my name or do whatever it take. He is convinced that BOTH of our credit and financials are ruined.... that he has to liquidate all of his money in addition to mine and we will be left completely bankrupt. We live in MN but does ANYONE know anything about this? Must he file bankruptcy with me (since he is not on the mortgage OR title) and will we loose everything? I cant sleep or eat I am so scared. Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Which Undergrad Degree Would you prefer your physician to have?

    I'm graduating from my pre-med program and am lucky enough to be able to create the title on my degree since I focused on multiple majors.

    Considering that exceptional bedside skills, empathy, understanding and manners are essential for a good physician of any kind. -- If your doctor had an undergrad degree focused in these areas, which of the following would you like to see most on their wall, and why?

    1. Social Development and Ethical Engagement

    2. Human-Social Evolution and Ethical Engagement

    3. The Human Experience of Social Development and Ethics

    4. Social Development and Ethics within The Human Experience

    5. Social Development and Ethical Engagement in the Humanities

    The upswing on medical school admissions is to focus on potential physicians with real life training and education in skills that will help them relate to and understand their patients. I do have a minor in physical sciences and biology in case you are wondering.


  • hcG hormones... Pregnancy Test?

    I am 11 days past ovulation, generally I expect my aunt flo to visit day 16. I had my normal yearly this morning at the dr and asked her to run a blood panel for hcG, She repeatedly warned me it would possibly result in a false negative becasue I was still 4-5 days from my period. She tested it and it was 02 --- i know doctor's offices generally use 05 as a standard for a positive test and at home tests range from 15-65, depending on the test.

    Could this 02 reading be a possibility leading to the BFP? I've been lightly spotting with light brown and pinkish spotting (very light) for about 18 hours). No red.


    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • best FREE fertility-pregnancy website?

    Hi. My husband and I are TTC (trying to conceive) and I am looking for a super user friendly site to track all of my temps, tests, symptoms, etc. I'm looking for a site that lets me as much possible help as possible... ie, % likelihood of pregnancy (based on symptoms, dates and times of intercourse, etc.

    I really love but their VIP access is $120 a year, sometimes they offer $50 specials; but I am a full time medical student (which means I don't work) so every single penny matters.

    Any tips, hints or ideas for the best websites to track all of my TTC stuff and (hopefully sooner than later) pregnancy information week by week.

    THANKS so much!!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • College Chemistry NON-Homework question?

    I just finished my bachelors degree but needed to take a couple extra classes separately to get into the school I want for post baccalaureate work. One of them is college chem. I am in the middle of taking it right now in an incredibly advanced 6 week session. We go through 4 chapters and 2 full (3 hour) labs per week. 70% of the class is failing by "regular" standards, and I am one of them. I have a couple days left to drop the class and re-take it next semester with a 15 week course. I am a biology and social development major so I know science isn't a problem, but math IS, and chemistry is kicking my butt.

    I am at the point where I will not get any refund back if I drop it, but, it will not affect my transcript negatively yet. I have friends willing to help me study, which is great, but by continuing with this class I am studying from 4pm-2am 5 days a week on top of school, averaging 3 hours of sleep, needing to take anti-anxiety medications (that I am prescribed) and unable to go to the one week family reunion for our entire family that only happens once every 5 years. (Maybe that sounds like a silly reason, but I missed it last time too and I was devastated.)

    Considering I'm desperately putting in an easy 60 hours a week to keep burning the midnight oil and stressing myself to tears do I just drop the class and re-take it in the fall or keep pushing ahead? If I drop it, It means paying for it twice (which really isn't in my budget), but it would mean a likely A- instead of a C second time around. My other concern is that I'd feel like a failure if I quit. I am not a quitter and have never quit a class before.

    Any help or advice? BTW- I'm 32, so I'm not your average college kid.


    2 AnswersChemistry9 years ago
  • Homeowners Insurance- They're Refusing to pay?

    My homeowners insurance company (which has been paid on time, every month for years and with no claims) is giving me a really hard time with a claim I am trying to get them to pay.

    During a severe storm the soil around my central air conditioner eroded into a 5'x4' sink hole. Water has already began draining into my basement directly below the hole and is starting to mold my interior basement walls. During this time my AC unit fell into the hole (likely avoidable had they agreed to fix it right away). Now I need a new AC unit too!

    We've lived in this home for exactly 2 years. At the time of purchase we hired a general city inspector, a city landscape inspector, an independent home inspector AND had 2 separate home loan inspectors go through the house. ALL of the above said it was in excellent condition just 2 years ago. That there is my "proof" this is more than an erosion over time that is due to poor landscaping; especially when the city grounds/landscape inspector approved it before purchase.

    I say that because of my original inspectors all agreeing it was safe and not of concern just 2 years ago, plus, it was caused/occured by a storm/natural disaster, AND that it has caused interior structure damage to my home (plus I have flood insurance) that THEY (insurance) are required to pay.

    THEY say it is considered a landscaping error/problem only and that they are not responsible for a penny of it. (How, then would 5 separate, independent inspectors not see this underlying problem? My neighbors don't have the problem and we are only 50' apart on either side).

    In the last two weeks since I submitted the original claim a second (almost the same size) sinkhole formed 5 feet from the first one after our first snow. Again, water is seeping in and damaging out foundation in quantitative amounts. An insurance adjuster who was here for a separate claim seen the before and after of the sink holes. You can also see the nearly 3' drop of ground on the side of the house from where the house was painted last year and where the cinder blocks show now.

    The local offices of our insurance company have closed. The nearest office is 2 hours away now, and they have to send out of state inspectors in to view our property. Also, every time we talk (daily) they have me talk to a random call center rep (not an involved or personal rep) and I cannot get the same message to anyone in the company at any time. I have nobody to call since all of the local offices are closed and the 2 hour away office doesn't know me from Joe Schmoe... in fact, they just refer me to the 1-800 call center.

    We have pulled our cars from this policy as a result but I need to find a way to get some action taken and for them to be responsible. HELP PLEASE. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. (P.S. asking to speak to a manager or supervisor has gotten us nowhere either in immediate assistance or returned calls).

    Thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • What should I charge for my professional photography services?

    I've been a professional portrait (and published) master-level photographer for 15 years. I used to own a very successful independent company and worked in the high (field) ranks for two large national photography companies for 6 years.

    However, due to a life change, I recently went back to school to pursue my dream, and in the process, I acquired a (non-photography based job) which lead to an independent (contractor) ongoing contract with the company I was working for (but in a completely different aspect than my social-work and educational based job). They (new company) want me to do all of their staff photos, including editing and copyright releases, as well as producing product/advertising shots for their websites and print work (with releases) and some other here and there items.

    Because I (began) work for them in a completely different aspect I'm totally befuddled what to charge them. I know what I would charge a client that called me off the street for these services, but they are offering me a contract of at least a year, the ability to sell my services (separately) as an additional service to our clients and will give me full credentials on all of their uses. The last thing I want to do is upset them with prices they are not used to (it's a new business who has never used professional photographic services and was planning on using stock photography from online).

    I am extremely lucky to have gotten this position with this company and can't risk it by my contractual pricing/plans for my separate work turning them off.

    Normally, I charge the following:

    Single business shot used for advertising or corporate occasions: (6-10 taken, 1 chosen by client) with very basic touch-ups, 1-8x10 or 11x14 print and a single digital "negative" of their chosen image (while I still hold original rights and uses). For this I charge $150.00-$200 per person, per image depending on the circumstances. It uses no more than 30 minutes total time per session and 30 minutes editing and ordering their prints. I charge for additional images or significant editing at an additional charge.

    Company business shots (5-15 employees individually only, with same amenities/qualifications as listed above for each individual employee). I charge between $120-$150 per person, per image depending on amount and time involved. Again, I offer additional images or editing at an additional retail charges.

    Third- They have requested product/commercial shots for use in both print and online advertising of products or items for sale by the company: This is a small company (less than 10 employees, and would require less than 12 separate product/commercial set ups). I account for 20 minutes and 7-9 images (with varying artistic lighting or backgrounds) per product. On these images I do absolutely bare minimum editing. I provide no prints unless requested, but I do provide full size, raw images in color, black and white and sepia (of 3 separate images per product) for use in any/all marketing purposes with copyright release (but while I still hold original rights and uses contracts for my own use): Normally, with 10 or more items I charge $100.00 per base image chosen/purchased or $150.00 per base image chosen when 2-6 images (total) are purchased.Other national companies have dropped their jaw at this pricing. But now I do this for fun, not as my primary financial resource, and I am doing it as a favor to my boss.

    I will also be providing optional additional services to our clients as an "extra" service. I would charge them my standard retail pricing (where prices are just for time/labor and minimal editing. All prints, negatives, etc are an additional cost per client). <-- What would be the appropriate "cut" the company should receive on my (only) sitting fees (as I consider prints/negs/editing to be talent based on my skills, not their referrals). The base sitting fees range from $75-$300, with a $125pp sitting fee average per client before any of my private commission products. They are giving me complete rights to all images I shoot for them and for their clients (yes, we have contracts and model releases).

    Am I ridiculously low/off for these prices? Or am I high? Retail studios in my area charge $110.00 per person for a 10 minute sitting consisting of 6 head and shoulders images taken, no editing, 1 choice of image in a medium res jpg file and immediate purchase and decision is required with them.

    Any ideas what I should charge for these services for the company directly? And what about the percentage to them (company) for my "referral fee" (which could be on up to 100 clients per year, easily) for each outside sitting.

    THANKS Fellow Photogs, You rock!!!

    5 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • used car negotiations- Whats realistic and FAIR- Help please?

    I'm looking at buying a used SUV. I haven't bought a vehicle of any sort since 2003 and am feeling overwhelmed by all my choices, let alone all the sales people. Many of the dealerships around us have "no haggle" pricing which implies that their list price is the bottom price (doubt it). However, some are willing to bargain. I am very comfortable bargaining back and forth and have done my research. How much (percent wise) is fair for me to ask for off (since you have got to "start low") when looking to buy? Keep in mind, its the end of the month (quota time) and it's a used car.

    Lastly, do you think this amount changes if I place an order at a "no haggle" dealership. I won't be getting a loan from the dealership so on their end, its essentially all cash in their pocket. Extra tips or ideas are great. THANKS!

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling10 years ago
  • Ridiculous parental behavior- When do you throw etiquette out the window?

    I am 30 years old. My parents have been divorced since I was 20. Their divorce process was horribly nasty and went on for years; because of this the feelings my father and sister have for my mother exceed even what most would term hate.

    I was "Daddy's Little Princess" until I was in college, but due to the fact that I refused to conform to some extremely mentally unhealthy practices my father and sister became focused on, I had to make the very difficult choice to limit my contact with them.

    My mother was very abusive growing up, but has recently (last two years) been trying to slowly make amends with me.

    I got married last month and invited all of them to the wedding. I knew it was a risky move, but felt it was really important to have my whole family there, hoped desperately that their independent love for me would prevail for just one day, and I assumed they would just sit on opposite sides of the room.

    At my wedding, upon seeing my mother in the audience at the ceremony my father and sister left!

    They didn't even stay to wish me congratulations or call or even email after. They literally snuck out the back (opposite) door, and handed off a generic card (with no gift, but that is not important to me) to another guest to put on the gift table. My mother stayed the entire night and was one of the last to leave.

    I am so disgusted by the behavior of my father and sister, and hurt beyond belief that they were too selfish over their hate to even stay through the wedding and receiving line. (I would have even been ok with them leaving before the reception if they just stayed for the beginning).

    All of this being said, am I still obligated to send them a thank you card for their "attendance" and their card?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Where is the best place to get discount FL theme park tickets?

    Where is the best place online (or in person) to get cheap/discounted Disney and Universal Studios theme park tickets for Florida on short notice?

    2 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • Can u help my cookies not stick?

    I have been trying to bake chocolate chip cookies for the holidays and every single time they stick to the pan. I am using a non-stick dark pan. I have tried to use 3 different types of non-stick spray, parchment paper (with and without spray) and just the non-stick pan alone. Every single time the cookies stick to the pan or the paper. The dough is refrigerated up until baking time. Any ideas or help please?

    17 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Needs help from a Minnesota Travel Agent!?

    HELP! Looking for a very good local (MN/Twin Cities) travel agent to plan accommodations and items for a semi-complex, rather high expectations large group for a Caribbean wedding. Anyone know anyone good!?!

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Do I alter my wedding plans for my Fiance's sister?

    My fiance and I are getting married next year. The place we are going to have it is in the Carribean. It is going to be a destination wedding. The resort is also adults only. This wouldn't be a problem except my Fiance's sister has a toddler. Of course I want her there and to be a part of it (children are allowed on the property for weddings and receptions only) but she would have to stay somewhere else for sleeping/staying accommodations because of the baby.

    A part of me says to just completely change the whole wedding (and even consider having it local so we don't worry about the wedding just for his sister), and the other part of me says "But, it is OUR wedding and it is OUR dream to have it here..."

    I think I would be upset with myself if I let her baby change our entire wedding dream but I couldn't bear for her to feel left out.

    This is the ONLY child that needs to be considered out of our entire guest list but my Fiance' is close to his sister and I don't want to upset her.

    24 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Breaking news to my father about my new beau.....?

    I met this amazing man online and I am completely smitten with him. We have talked on the phone for over a month now and we are meeting for the first time this weekend. I am a completely legal adult (25) and have been meeting people online since I was 15 years old. My dad knows about my online life and has never said anything other than "be careful". However, the problem is this... the guy I am totally smitten with lives all the way across the country. I am flying out to see him this weekend. My sister knows about him and the trip and is being cautiously supportive but my very overprotective father will have a coronary when I tell him. Any ideas how to gently break this to him? I leave in 36 hours. HELP!

    6 AnswersFamily2 decades ago
  • Do I date a guy who loves me but doenst have the same relationship goals?

    I am dating a guy who I really care about and he really cares about me but recently told me we have comepletely different relationship goals. I want to get married someday and he is COMPLETELY against it. He thinks marriage is a sham and just causes heartache. I'm scared to get deeper in love with him if we dont have the same potential end goal. What do I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • How do I choose between 2 great guys?

    I am casually dating two guys and I have come to an intersection in the relationships where I need to choose between them as they now each want to be exclusive with me.

    One of them lives 20 mins away, he and I have AMAZING physical, verbal and sexual chemistry, hes sweet, hot as heck and we have a good deal in common, especially my absolutely most favorite hobby.

    The second guy is devoted, intelligent, VERY, VERY successful, sincere, sweet and attractive but is moving out of state next month and I would only be able to see him maybe every other week if one of us flies out to see eachother. I'm petrified of a long-distance relationship although I have sucessfully carried one on before when I was younger.

    Both guys are great and I am leaning towards guy #1 but I feel so pressured to make a decision quickly and I want to make the right one. Any suggestions?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • HOW and WHEN do you have the "exclusive" talk?

    If I am dating a guy I like and we haven't had the "exclusive" talk, HOW do I bring that up without worrying about seeming clingy or having him think I am rushing into something? Of course I wouldnt bring it up if I didn't think he felt the same way. Whats the best way to do it?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • When does "dating" turn into something "exclusive" and how do you know?

    I am 25 and in the middle of last year got out of a 7 1/2 year relationship. I am now single again and this whole dating thing is boggling my mind because I haven't done it since high school. I don't understand at what point I am supposed to consider myself "exclusive" to someone else. None of the guys I've gone out with have come out and said "OK, I only want to date you" but then again they act like they are my bf in every other way. Do I just come out and ask them or what do I need to do? This has happened twice since I became single and I am confused.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago