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  • Excel problem with a shared file. Help!!!!?

    We have a sales report that is shared among a number of reps. We all use Excel 2007. When one of the reps saves a cell in one color it appears a darker different color to everyone else. It is just one person's computer that is doing this. Any ideas on what's up?

    When he pulls up the color palette it is a pale blue. It appears dark blue to all of us. We can then go in and change it to that exact pale blue on the palette. As soon as he saves though it turns back to dark blue for everyone else.

    I know the colors don't seem important, put on all of charting, graphing, sales tools, on everything we are represented by a color. We can't just change it.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • New aquarium set up disaster?

    I am not a novice, I am familiar with water chemistry, cycling, fish less cycling...

    I recently moved across the country and set back up our two 55 gallon tanks. One we set up immediately- we have two large fish and they did fine. The actually spawned a few days after setting it up.

    In my other tank we were switching to live plants. So, we purchased a canister filter, different light, changed substrate. Essentially started over. We set everything up and added a few tetras to begin cycling. I did everything I have done in the past, BUT within about 15 minutes all of the fish died. Literally 15 minutes after they were transferred they all dropped dead.

    I have tested everything and can't figure it out. They weren't in the tank long enough to even create a spike water chemistry. The water is the same that we use with our other tanks- no problem.

    I am at a loss. I have driftwood from before that had dried out but is in there now- could it have become toxic?Help!?

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Moving to Manhattan Kansas- good pet stores?

    We are moving from MI. Looking for a store with Discus, South American and African Cichlids and live plants.

    We are only bringing a few fish with us and will need to restock when we get down.

    We are willing to drive for good stock and a responsible dealer.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Therapy dogs?

    I have a small dog who is trained very well. She is wonderful with all different types of people and has a ton of tricks she knows that make everyone smile and laugh. I want to bring her to retirement homes.

    Does she have to be certified as a therapy dog? If she does, how does one go about doing that?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Removing algae...?

    My fish tanks sits in filtered sunlight. It is enough to get quite a bit of algae growth. i have snails in my coldwater and a chinese algae eater in my tropical. They keep the hair algae and soft algae under control.

    I have both a magnetic algae scraper and a algae brush. I use both on a regular basis.

    None the less i have developed a super strain of algae. It is barely visible unless you are up close. I am afraid that it will just keep getting worse.

    I have used a lot of elbow grease and this stuff will not come off.

    Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Boston parking...?

    We will be visiting Boston for 4 days. We will be driving to MA but are going to stay at a hotel about 15 miles outside of the city. Is there a taxi system that we could use to take us in to the city or a place that we can stay that is close to cheap public transport?

    We have not decided on a hotel any recommendations are welcome. We have found things in our price range ($70-100) are about 10-20 miles away.

    4 AnswersBoston1 decade ago
  • Winter solstice...?

    Can anyone think of any art projects for 5-11 year olds that would be appropriate for winter solstice.

    There will be around 50 kids. No candles allowed.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • winter solstice...?

    Can anyone think of any art projects for 5-11 year olds that would be appropriate for winter solstice.

    There will be around 50 kids. No candles allowed.

    8 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • celebrating winter solstice...?

    Can anyone think of any art projects that would be appropriate for 5-11 year olds that have to do with winter solstice?

    There will be about 50 kids. No candles are allowed.

    3 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • O.k. ready to problem solve...?

    I was vegan and diagnosed with a severe allergy to nuts and beans. Including soy. I ended up in the hospital 3 times before we figured out what was wrong. My doctor told me I needed to change my diet- obviously- the hospitals nice and all but...Anyways- I started eating free range eggs for protein. I am concerned about the choloesterol. Does anyone know where the protein is and where the cholesteral is? I have heard that the chol. is in the yolk and the protein is in the white- that just seems too easy.

    Also, does anyone know of any strange places to find protein? I found a bread for atkins people (which I feel a little weird buying).

    Remember- N

    No soy= no tofu, veggie burgers, crumbles

    No Beans= no hummus, bean dip, veggie chili...

    9 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Goldfish hobbyists...or aquascapers?

    Has anyone successfully kept their Goldies with live plants?

    Is there a substrate they are less likely to dig through?

    What type of plants are best in the cooler water?

    What type of lighting have you had success with?

    Is replacing plants that your fish destroy a continuous investment- I have a 75, after the initial planting- how much should I expect to spend monthly on replacing plants they shred?

    Has anyone mixed fake and live plants together?

    What fertilizers have you had success with?

    I prefer to keep substrate over the bottom of the tank- it is my aesthetic preference- no bare bottom tank suggestions please- it's just my preference.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Bettas...?

    Why do people think that bettas are killing machines? If you do any research at all then you would find that bettas are pretty much push-overs as far as aggressive fish go. There is tons of information about them and what proper tank mates would be. They are often kept with community tropical fish.

    How did they get such a ridiculous reputation?

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Jesus and Heaven?

    Someone posted a question asking if Jesus was the only way to heaven? The overwhelming majority says yes. Does anyone else find that really sad.

    If that is true then everything that I believe in is dubbed irrelevant by God. Loving, patience, simplicity, and understanding. I leave a life based on those principles and apparently heaven is an elite club- membership required. None of my convictions lead me to "members-only" institutions- it never occured to me til' now that heaven may be one. It simply seems counter-intuitive that a God would care about such trivial things. It seems more like something people created in God to set themselves apart. To appear closer to God then someone else.

    At the same time what if they are right. Doesn't that make life so much sadder. Everything good means so much less- everything seems duller.... I'm rambling. I am sad and rambling about a God I don't believe in.

    I just want to believe in a supreme goodness and complete mercy. Does that exist anywhere?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • What is your favorite summer read???

    Nothing too heavy. I want to relax with something. I don't want to analyze it.

    14 AnswersBooks & Authors2 decades ago
  • i'm trying to remember...?

    my boyfriend brought home a baby deer mouse he found in the parking lot. i have been feeding it formula and crushed rabbit pellets. he just opened his eyes and now whenever i walk over to his cage he crawls up to the top. if i put my hand in, he wraps himself around one of my fingers and wont let go. i know i am supposed to release him once he gets fat and healthy but i can't remember why. he seems happy where he is- or am i just seeing what i want to see? he's curled up in my hand asleep right now. sooo cute.

    11 AnswersOther - Pets2 decades ago
  • Why does the time on my laptop keep changing?

    I know how to set the time and save it. It will be fine for weeks and then it's 4 hours off. I am the only one who uses it. Does letting the battery run down have something to do with it?

    5 AnswersOther - Computers2 decades ago
  • Why do people think <1 inch per 1 gallon> applies to the babies???

    Seriously- If I see one more post saying a goldfish can live in a five gallon, or 3 can live in a ten gallon- I'm going to scream! Would you put baby cichlids in a ten gallon too? 1 inch= 1 gallon should be applied to the ADULT size. If you are going to use the excuse that community tropical fish are at about their adult size in the store, so it's an easy mistake. That's fine. Just give advice on community tropical fish then. Stop giving people advice that puts other species in inhumane living conditions.

    I really needed that.

    3 AnswersFish2 decades ago