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  • Sent home early from shift in NYC?


    I'm an hourly employee in NYC, and my regularly scheduled shifts are 8 hours long. NY state law says:

    "§ 142-2.3 Call-in pay.

    An employee who by request or permission of the employer reports for work on any day shall be

    paid for at least four hours, or the number of hours in the regularly scheduled shift, whichever is less, at the basic minimum hourly wage."

    I'm trying to figure out if when I'm scheduled to work 8 hours and am sent home after 2 hours, am I supposed to be paid for 4 hours at my minimum hourly rate ($15/hour) or NY State ($7.25/hour)?


    2 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • How long does tiredness last after cutting out caffeine?

    I've consumed caffeine on a daily basis for 13 years (since I was 12). I just feel tired all the time since I went cold turkey off caffeine two and a half weeks ago. I've increased my fruit, water, and Vitamin B6 intake and gotten 9 hours of sleep a night. In most other health related areas, I feel so much better than I did while drinking caffeine (less headaches, stomach issues, and acid reflux). But I'm so tired and foggy headed, it's starting to interfere with work/school. Does anyone know about how long it takes to be able to feel less tired?

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Police caught guy who stole from me, do I get reimbursed?

    The cops caught the guy who stole my iPhone from me (the guy dropped his ID at the scene). I was told that the guy will probably pay a fine. Will I get any sort of reimbursement for my stolen phone, or am I just out of luck?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Pricked finger on a rose thorn last week, and now it's swollen?

    I pricked the knuckle on my finger on a rose bush last week. It kind of hurt for a day after I pricked it, but then it was fine. Now the knuckle is swollen and kind of hurts. Has this happened to anyone?

    3 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Frozen vegetables left out of freezer okay to eat?

    I accidentally left some sealed packages of frozen vegetables with cheese sauce out for about twelve hours, as well as some frozen mozzarella sticks. Are they still safe to eat?

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Is a Compaq Presario CQ 62-231 NR a good computer?

    I'm looking at buying a new computer, and saw that Staples had a really good deal on these. I can't really afford to pay more than $350 for a new computer. My last few computers have been Acers, which I want to get away from. What are people's thoughts on this Compaq? I have no problem upgrading RAM or something if that's the only issue.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How long should dizziness last after hitting head?

    I passed out on Saturday and hit my head on the floor of my shower. At the hospital, I wasn't diagnosed with a concussion, and no reason was given for my passing out. I felt rather disorientated for a while after. I am still feeling spacey and dizzy, several days later. I've been drinking fluids and eating slightly salty foods, and resting for most of Sunday and today (Tuesday). I went into work yesterday, which was a mistake. How long should I feel dizzy after something like this?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Problems setting up a Linksys Wireless G router with Time Warner internet?

    I'm trying to set up a Linksys wireless g router with my Time Warner internet. The network name keeps popping up and my computer appears to be connected to it. However, I can't get the internet to work. The online light is not on and when I try to connect via the ethernet cord, it's also not working. My computer has given me several errors. The main one is "there may be a problem with your domain name server." One of the other errors suggests turning the router off for 10 seconds and then turning it back on, which I've done several times, as well as restarting my computer. After clicking repair, it will say the problem's fixed. However, I'm still not connecting. I'm on hold with Time Warner, but was wondering if anyone had any ideas of other things to try. Thanks so much!

    4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Working as a pharmacy tech in NYC?

    I'm looking at moving back to NYC, and working as a pharmacy tech. I've been working for the past 6 months at a busy CVS in Ohio, and am certified as a CVS tech (but not nationally certified). I'd like to transfer to a store in NYC. Does anyone have any experience with this, or any idea of what sorts of qualifications they'll want?

    2 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • Is there a page limit for letters you send to people at Marines bootcamp?

    I'm sending my sister some stuff I printed from websites she likes and crosswords while she's at bootcamp. I heard something about a 6 page letter limit. Anyone know if this is true?

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Housebreaking a 3 year old dog without crate training?

    My 3 year old Jack Russell keeps peeing in the house on everything. He'll even pee outside, then come right inside and pee again. Crate training is out of the question, he is absolutely terrified of the crate. Whenever we put him in, he starts crying and shaking, no matter what, even if we stay with him or give him treats/praise. While keeping him on a leash helps while I'm home, when I'm not home, he still goes. He'll even climb on the dining room table and pee. Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had this sort of insect bite/rash before?

    What looks like two bug bites on my inner right thigh. Each has one larger bite, then a bunch of red and purple dots around it. The larger is about 2" x 1" and the other's about 1x1. I also have another bite right under my knee joint. The rashes are itchy, and my leg aches in the area around the bites. Has anyone had something like this in the past who can let me know if it's worth going to the doctor over or if it'll clear up on it's own? Thanks!

    3 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • How to install the SimBlender on the Sims 2 Deluxe Edition on Vista?

    I know that usually you use the Downloads folder, but I can't find it for this edition

  • My back and shoulder keep popping when I move them?

    I fell down the steps a little over a week ago when it was icy, and now my upper/mid-back and shoulders keep popping and cracking when I straighten them. There's some pain and stiffness. I've tried icing them and apply heat, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Anyone ever had this?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Being charged for allowing a vicious animal to run?


    So, I'm having a bit of a dog predicament. In the city (in Ohio) where I live, it's illegal to have pit bull mixes, or dogs that even appear to be pit bull mixes. They're automatically classified as vicious dogs. We've been watching a dog for my dad's friend on and off for about six months. He's (according to his veterinary papers) a boxer/mastiff. He has learned how to jump our fence. Last week, the police and warden took him from our yard (where he was on his leash with my sister), saying he was a pit mix and had to be out of the city in two weeks. I picked him up from the animal shelter. Then the other day, while I was at the bank, my sister let the dog (Duke) out to go to the bathroom. He proceeded to jump the fence. I got home, my sister told me that he'd gotten out, so I went to look for him. I called the warden, who said she'd taken him to animal shelter. So again, I picked him up. A few hours later, the warden and a police officer come to my house and tell me I'm being charged with allowing a vicious animal to run (a first degree misdemeanor). The warden has already told me that there's no way to change his status as a vicious animal, even if we have papers from vets, and the fact he's registered in our county as a boxer/mastiff. If she says he's a pit mix, he's a pit mix. Do:

    1) Does anyone know why am I being charged in the first place? They haven't really explained it to me, and the only things they have to tie my name to Duke's is the fact that I've picked him up from the pound twice.

    2) Is the warden correct in that even if we have documents saying otherwise, her word's what goes in regards to his breed?

    3) I know this is hard to say from the post, but if I'm found guilty, what am I facing?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How would you say the LGBT community sees itself in relation to American society on the whole

    On a whole, how do you think the LGBT community sees itself in relation to overall American society? As outsiders, on the fringe, or included? Are there any studies on this?

  • My dog ate a 5 oz. Hershey's Dark Chocolate bar and some dark chocolate Raisinettes?

    My dog ate a 5 oz. Hershey's Dark Chocolate bar and some dark chocolate Raisinettes. He threw up some chocolate around six hours after eating them. It's now been about 13 hours, and he hasn't thrown up anymore, and I haven't noticed any diarrhea. He's about 17-20 pounds. I called the vet earlier and they said to watch for more puking and diarrhea, which i haven't seen. I'm still worried, he seems much more tired than normal, and is breathing fairly heavily. Should i be concerned?

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog growls at our front door every night around the same time?

    The last few nights, my dog has growled at our front door from on top of the chair near it. He's a 2 year old Jack Russell. It's a very protective and assertive growling. If I try taking him away from it, even a few feet, he freaks. We haven't had any changes in our neighborhood or house that I can think of. It's very unnerving. Has anyone had their dog do this? If so, what caused it?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What are some examples of people who were gay (openly or closeted), but in film/TV, are portrayed as straight?

    Who are some people who were really gay, but films or TV shows portray them as straight?

    Not actors who play straight characters, but historical figures/characters who were gay, but are depicted as straight in films. Like, are Langston Hughes or Oscar Wilde portrayed as straight in any movies? Or Sebastian in Suddenly, Last Summer.