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  • what do you think of tattoo artists who don't have tattoos?

    I've been told I should think about becoming a tattoo artist after designing several tattoos for friends and family, and just cut out the middle-man so to speak. Thing is, I have no interest in...well let's just say no interest in assuming the typical physical appearance of just about every tattoo artist I've seen. I have two tattoos, and for personal reasons that's all I want to have. And I think that's how it should be. But do you think clients would misinterpret this as a lack of seriousness about being a tattoo artist? I don't exactly look that part, which is fine with me. But do you think potential clients would be fine with that?

    Please note: Do NOT tell me whether or not I should become a tattoo artist. That is not the question. I've already heard the song and dance about how much work/dedication is required, thanks. Many times.

    8 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • How can Freemasonry ethically justify the exclusion of women as initiates?

    I've been doing some reading and something about this pushed my buttons. I know the story, according to google: any true Freemason can have nothing whatsoever to do with the making of a woman Freemason. By involving himself thus, he has defined himself as a non-mason. I get it.

    What I DON'T get is how they can claim to be devoted to the improvement of character, honesty, honour, integrity and concern for the well-being of all mankind while denying half of God's children the same opportunity to improve themselves. If the Masons have some means by which a soul might improve him/herself, if it is good and right and true, how then is it only of benefit to one gender and not also to the other? What recourse do women have? Are we supposed to be satisfied with a shrug of their shoulders and a foot on the **** as they shove us out the door saying "Good luck with that whole self-improvement thing."? I know, I know, there are groups for the wives/daughters/sisters/etc. of Freemasons, but it is NOT Freemasonry. To my knowledge, any group that allowed women to join was shunned by "mainstream" Freemasonry. The words "knowledge" and "order", in relation to these groups, were used within quotation marks to make it clear that they were not equals.

    What, aside from the keeping of an oath of questionable relevance, is the reason that women are not permitted the same opportunities as men to improve themselves by becoming Masons? I understand the difference between fraternities and sororities, and the value of maintaining the distinction, but why can there not be a fully recognized order of woman Masons?

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Where can I learn to use GPS to create property maps?

    We have a handheld GPS unit and I'd like to learn to use it to create a map of our property. We have a large chunk of property (Ontario) that we're hoping to start farming, but it needs everything. Fences, clearing fields, creating roads, etc. I'd love to have an interactive topo map that we could use to plan. It would be great to be able to walk out to the field, say to yourself, "This looks like a good place to build a pond," hit a button and then you plunk it into the computer. Any good comprehensive DIY tutorial sites out there that I can learn from?

    2 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • How much money do webmasters make?

    I'm thinking about offering to build and maintain a website for a friend of mine in exchange for her lessons. She doesn't have one and needs one. It would be a pretty basic CSS site, with the most complicated element probably being a "contact me" email form. How much would one charge to do something like this? I would scope out an ISP for her, and would maintain it for her as needed, but she would need to cover the actual hosting fees.

    So what do you think is the best approach to this, does it sound like dumb idea, and if it sounds do-able, what would be a reasonable $ value? We want to keep this trade completely fair.

    5 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What is the easiest way to learn to play violin or fiddle?

    I'm interested in learning to play my Grandfather's fiddle, which hasn't been played in over 20 some years. I'm a complete beginner, but a very quick learner. I do NOT want to learn Mary Had a Little Lamb or Ring Around the Rosie. I learn best by having something concrete and challenging to learn from and learning as I go. Or by using "building blocks": learning individual skills, perfecting them and then combining them and creating music as I go. I took a year of piano at 12. That's the extent of my musical education. I don't need a certificate, I don't need formal instruction, I just want to be able to pick up a fiddle and play it competently. I don't mean to trivialize the years of work musicians put into playing; I don't aspire to play the way they do. I just want a good command of some basic techniques that will allow me to play spontaneously. Is it best to learn by mimicking someone who plays well? Books? Play by ear?

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • What should I look for in an antique violin?

    This is a question for violinists and collectors of fine stringed instruments:

    Let's say I was at an auction and an obviously old violin (with a bow and case) was being displayed before it was put up for bid. As a complete novice (who is interested in learning to play and has an appreciation for the history and beauty of these instruments), what should I be looking for when examining the instrument? Please be specific. Don't say "look for good quality" or "make sure it's in good condition". I don't know what good quality or good condition look like. That's what I'm asking. What makes this violin a good or bad investment? What are some signs that it's been well taken care of? Played regularly? Well-made and well-designed? True antique or knock-off? Also, any links to good guides or info pages would be useful.

    4 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • How do I synchronize my iPod??

    These things are supposed to be such marvels of technology, but I'll take my $35 Hong Kong imported POS MP3 player over this thing any day. What software do I need to use to sync this thing? I've got music files (MP3 format) and I tried using MediaPlayer to add them to the iPod, but they don't show up! They're inaccessible through the iPod itself, but when you pull up the Mass Storage Device folder, there they are under Music. What am I doing wrong? Are they the wrong format? How can I get the stupid thing to recognize them? And why the hell isn't this easier??

    12 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What's the best and most reliable way to get lots of traffic on a web site?

    I want to build a web-store for my own products as well as some friends of mine. I know how to make the stuff and build the site. Now. How do I let everyone know where we are? Newspapers? Magazines? Search engines (how do I get listed on those anyway?)? Banner ads? What are some really good (creative) ways to get the word out? And if you can tell me how search engines work and how I can get them to pick me out of a crowd, I'd appreciate it! Thanks people!

    11 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago
  • Pushy horse + new beginner what??

    My new horse is an Appendix (QH and TB cross). And she's a mare. Between the TB breeding, the fact that she's a mare, and a dash of her unique personality, she tends to "test" her riders and handlers. I'm not a very domineering person by nature. Now, her previous owner swears up and down that she's a real doll, and I believe it. She's a real doll...for her. She doesn't put up with her BS. But me...we've gotten to the point where she bunts me out of the way when she walks through and turns toward me, occasionally stepping on my foot as I try to mount her. I just get my foot started in the stirrup and she steps forward. She is 16 yrs old and has been thoroughly used as a trail horse. This is just out and out disrespect!! do I turn this situation around? I've growled at her and tugged, slapped her quarters...nothing. What can I do to give this jerk of a horse a serious wake up call?? It's not funny anymore.

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Who are some good Australian saddlemakers?

    I'd like to know the names of some good Aussie saddlemakers, and where I can find a good quality used Aussie saddle that will fit a very high-withered Appendix. Any good tack-trader sites online?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Safe rigging for a bungee/bungy trampoline?

    I saw this website ( and I immediately wanted one. Only problem is, I'm a DIY'er who can't afford to bring in contractors from overseas to spend 2 days setting one of these up for commercial use. I just want one for private use to put in my "back yard" (we have about 50 acres of hardwood bush). Any engineers out there who can tell me whether it's stupid to try building one of these myself? Anyone know where I can learn more about bungee sports, rigging, safety, equipment, supplies, etc.? What are the most important safety factors? Precautions? No-nos? It looks like a relatively simple device. Surely one could build one for a fraction of the cost. Anyone?

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • Which is better? Truth or silence?

    If you knew the truth of something, yet you knew that the people who needed to hear it were unable to handle the full impact of it without self-inflicting damage to their relationships, lives, souls, etc, would you tell them? On the other hand, if you remain silent, you have to stand by and watch as they slowly poison themselves with a lie.

    I'm talking about anything that you can see someone hurting themselves with. Substance addiction, porn addiction, unresolved emotional conflicts from childhood or previous relationships, cheating, obsessiveness or extreme cult-like religious beliefs, unhealthy co-dependant relationships, etc. You can see a bigger picture than they see themselves, yet you know that they are fragile and may not be able to handle the whole truth. As a moral dilemma, which is more right: Tell the truth and possibly cause further harm, or stay silent and allow them to continue to harm themselves?

    20 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why is swinging worse than cheating?

    To expand on shdwtalker's explanation in my last question:

    "In other words, cheaters tend to accept that they are running afoul of societal norms, and so society treats them like children who have misbehaved, but who know they have misbehaved: with leniency. Swingers do not care that they are running afoul of societal norms, so society treats them like unrepentant, willfully misbehaving children: with severity. "

    It's a foregone conclusion that cheating is wrong and probably the most harmful thing a person can do to himself or to others. So with that in mind, please explain to me (in excruciating detail) why you think it is better to cheat than to swing? IS it actually better to lie to your spouse? Why is so wrong to be truthful...especially when it turns something that could be disastrously negative into a very positive and happy thing? Or is our happiness just a delusion? And is it a delusion because others say it is? 'Cause it sure feels real to us...

    36 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • WHY is swinging "gross"?

    A cheater creates a sexual triangle (or more) of multiple sex partners and he or she is called on their negative they should be...but bring up the notion of swinging - where all parties are consenting adults - and invariably someone calls it "gross". I don't get this. Why is sex outside of marriage considered "understandable" when a person is cheating, yet when they do the same thing consensually, and it's considered slimy and disgusting. And its not just the prospect of STDs. It's the idea of more than two people being present that somehow evokes this sense of disgust. And I don't understand it. Can you explain why sex with another person is "gross" when your own partner is present, but NOT gross if it's one on one or if it's cheating?

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why is it that "atheist" is equated with "lacking morals?" I'm Christian, but I find this confusing!

    I find it strange that, just because a person happens to not believe in God, it is assumed that they do not have morals. Being a Christian, last I heard, did not require a standard. All it requires is a belief that Jesus Christ was indeed the Son of God, that He died in our place to save us from ourselves, and that we do what we can to live positive, loving lives in service to mankind. That's about it. Perfection, unless I am mistaken, was not a requirement. We're all screw-ups. None of us is perfect, no matter what we might think.

    I just don't understand why it is assumed that a person's path is WHO they are. To me, it just means that this is the point they are at in their journey. We all have our journey to make, and Christians are supposed to help one another along it. Why the scorn? Why is this assumption automatic, that they must be immoral without adherence to one particular brand of God or another?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What, in your opinion, is the sexiest accent a man/woman can have?

    Deep southern drawl? British? European French? Canadian French? Maine? Newfoundland? Tennessee? Asian? Spanish? German? Scandinavian? Northern New York? Bronx? Caribbean? African? Australian?

    Be as specific as you can. Tell what your favorite accent(s) is/are and why. For example, if it's not just a British accent but a particular dialect that you think is particularly sexy. explain how and why.

    Looking forward to your answers!

    15 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Can you make wine from wild grapes?

    We have a lot of what looks like wild grape vines growing around our property (we just moved here). We're not too far from the Prince Edward County wine region, so I don't doubt that the soil here is good for grapes. Has anyone had any experience using wild grapes for wine or preserves? The grapes themselves are very small and they seem to grow in small clusters about 3-4 inches across. I have only seen them unripened as I think the birds tend to eat them.

    9 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Therapeutic Touch: what did I do wrong?

    Okay, I "centred" myself in "Mom mode", just wanting to help my daughter rid herself of her sudden massive headache. I placed my hands on the front and back of her head, my left hand to the front, as I feel that's usually the hand that "pulls" and the right hand "pushes". Her skull felt full of confusion, crackling, static, noise...chaos. Prickly. I imagined my hand was like a honeycomb, drawing excess nervous energy outward, essentially "venting" it through my hand. As she told me her headache was going away, I could feel this yucky, heavy energy sort of piling up on the back of my hand, almost wanting to get back in. It felt sort of like she was a planet, and my hand was keeping this "yuck" from getting pulled back in by her gravitational field. Eventually, I pushed it away. Headache was gone, but then my arm and hand hurt. Is this normal? Typical newbie mistake? Channeling the wrong way? What? TT practitioners and those with experience, I'm interested in your thoughts.

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • How do you wrap the body for a slimming seaweed body wrap?

    I have some idea about the recipes and the other requirements, such as keeping the body and room warm to promote sweating...But can anyone explain the actual wrapping technique? What do you use for slimming wraps? Is there something better/wider than tensor bandages? Where do you start wrapping? At the ankles and work your way up? Your arms? Chest, neck, hips... And just how the heck are you supposed to wrap your butt cheeks anyway?? I've tried it, and I can't figure out how to get the bandages in complete contact with the one area that women most want cellulite/fat control: their a**.

    Any tips??

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What do you get when you cross Aperger's and ADHD?

    My son has been diagnosed with ADHD, with a suspicion of Asperger's syndrome thrown in. The Asperger's wasn't not formally diagnosed as such, but the signs/symptoms are undeniable. It's just mild. Needless to say, life has been tough on the poor kid.

    I have found that I can really relate to most of his struggles, as I have experienced them in some form myself. The chronic disorganization of the ADHD sufferer combined with the social retardation of the Asperger's victim. Since I was a child I have always felt I was an "outsider". But for myself, I was also found to be gifted with a high IQ. School work was not hard, I loved to learn, and I crave knowledge. I can focus on things I enjoy with great patience and truly like certain mind-numbing tasks. I can become so absorbed in a book that someone will call me several times before I hear them. But other aspects of my life are a mess! Is it possible that I have all 3?? ADHD, AS, and gifted? If I do, that really sucks.

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago