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  • My hamster fell from a good height? Please help!!!!?

    Hi i was cleaning out her cage as usual, and I picked her up and she just shot out of my hands and she fell onto the floor. She was bit stunned and I picked her up fast and checked her over but now she squeaks now all the time she gets picked up?

    I know what you are all going to say to be more careful. But she hasn't come out on her wheel as of yet. And she is usually out by now.

    I keep on disturbing her to make sure she is ok? But she seems fine, she has let me stroke her but thats it!!! To be honest am not surprised she has just let me stroke with a drop like that!!!!

    2 AnswersRodents5 years ago
  • Broken elbow that was done in 2008?

    Hiya I broke my elbow back in 2008 and as usual I went to a&e department and they just put it in plaster, anyway I went to see the consultant in the fracture clinic and he said that he couldn't do anything for me cos it was so messed up it wouldn't be his worth while doing anything to it.

    Anyway over the years it's been getting very sore and it's been locking up and really painfully to do everyday things.

    So am just wondering if anyone can suggest any ideas please.

    Oh my doctor is rubbish and he will just palm me off with some exercises. He is an absolute idiot.

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • I want a tattoo to represent a name?

    Hi i want a tattoo to represent a name with a picture aswell but not sure what sort of picture to get? I didn't know whether to get one that represents the personality of the person or what? This person was loving caring friendly, any suggestions would be so helpful thanks also what a good size peace it will be going on my forearm.

    5 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • GTA 5 help for playstation 3?

    Hi I inserted the new game of gta 5 for the ps 3 it said that it has found a new version of software and i click on ok and then it said please wait it has been like that for 5 mins with a blank screen can anyone help me please thanks

    2 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Hi, I have a problem but not sure what to do?

    Hi, I left the front door unlocked and the house was in darkness and someone opened the door, and I thought it was my mum but it wasn't. When she came in I said to her did you come into the house? So she said no just now, yes stupid to leave the house in darkness and the door unlocked but I have searched the house couldn't find anyone.

    Our neighbours are elderly should I let them know what has happened? And should I call the police? It happened an hour ago now like so he could be long gone, but my main concern is do you think he could try it again or he could be watching the house again?

    Please help? Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • How do u drain a battery on a car?

    Hi my friend wants to know how to drain the battery on the car I obviously haven't got a clue can u suggest anything?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Nissan qashqai n-tec + 1.6 petrol?

    Hi I have a qashqai and I can't get the speed of an 1.6cc engine out of it, I think it is absolutely rubbish car and I am on contract with the car for another 2 years. My question is I only get 30 miles out of it on long runs and urban around city I get about 25 miles out of the car. It is a petrol engine, is there any suggestions you can give me to get more mileage out of the petrol.

    And I don't want get a different car or change the engine I am stuck with this car for another 2years.

    Pease help me thanks

    4 AnswersNissan8 years ago
  • How many tattoos have you all got?

    Hi I have 2 tattoos and I was wondering how many everyone else had?

    19 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • Hi, I am worried about my cat and my aunties cat?

    Hi, my cat has gone off his food and I think he is missing me because I have just come out of hospital and am recovering in my parents house and he has gone off his food. Also my aunties cat has gone the same way he has gone off his food what should I do tell my auntie or what? I don't want to tell my auntie incase she goes and cuts her holiday short because of the cat?

    Any suggestions would be grateful

    1 AnswerCats8 years ago
  • In pain please help need some advice?

    Hi, I will start from the beginning on this whole story, right last year I was experiencing some pain on my left side from my armpit down to my groin, I went to the doctors and he said he wasn't sure what it was. So he prescribed soe tablets which didn't work, he then said that he would send me for a ultra sound, that didn't show anything up.

    Then he said he would sent me for a CT Scan that yet again didn't show anything up, in the end he referred me to the gyno they did allsorts of tests that didn't show anything up.

    Anyway they referred me back to my GP and then he transferred me to a stomach surgeon I had even more tests scans and everything else yet again they couldn't find anything so they referred me over to the pain management team. I finally got an appointment and got to see a doctor he prescribed me morphine patches to take alongside with pregablin.

    I am now on the 300mg on the pregablin I take it one in the morning and one at night, the tabs aren't doing anything my GP just keeps on upping the dosage but. Wont prescribe the morphine patches anyway the pain management team have not said what is up with me, I think it is something to do with a nerve but not sure.

    My question is do you think I should make an appointment with my GP or just wait and see if these tabs will do anything, I am to be honest in a lot of pain I can't sleep and i am just in so much pain because of my side.

    Any suggestions would be grateful.

    oh ps I was told by the hospital I was suppose to take the tablets with the morphine patches and my GP won't do that because he said that he needs to sort out what type of side affects am getting off the tabs. Which am not getting any side affects off the tablets which are the pregablin.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Hi, I my leg just drags behind me?

    Hi a few months ago I could barely walk, and it was absolutely killing me, after the pain I was trying to walk it off but I couldn't and now I literally drag it behind me, I can't lift it in or out of the car I trip over with it, all the time, it has wrecked my shoes which am not bothered but my main concern is, is this serious, my leg is aching and it just a dead weight. Can anyone give me any suggestions please.

    I will be grateful if you could help me as I am extremely worried

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Hi, I have got 1 tattoo and want another one but?

    Hi, I am 37 years old, and I am wanting another tattoo I mentioned it to my mum which she said no but the reason for her saying no is because she for one doesn't like them but because it is me and her she prefers us to discuss everything all the time, you know like whatever I decide to do she to likes to know what I am up to and we have that mother daughter relationship and I don't wanna hurt her feelings and just going ahead without her knowing because I would think that is mean of me to do that.

    Also I know its my life but I feel that I should keep my mum in the loop of what am doing it is a drag at times but you know I would love to get another tattoo but I don't want to hurt my mothers feelings.

    What do you guys think get it done and hide the tatt or just come right out and tell her that I want one and just discuss it with her?

    I will be grateful of any suggestions but please don't be nasty I am after serious answers only.

    PS Because my grandad died over 30 years ago my cousins don't remember there granddad as they are too wrapped up in there self so I thought that if I got a tattoo with some sort of picture of my grandad and done it that way just to be remember him because my cousins don't do anything as in remember him in anyway.

    3 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • I have a problem with a friend?

    Hi, my friend had called round on Friday night, and she slept over cos we had a few drinks, anyway she stayed last night as well. Anyway on Friday night she kept on going to the loo all the time, and I asked her if she was ok, and she said she was fine.

    When she got up to go to the loo there was a wet patch left on the sofa, just remember my sofa is a cream colour, and when I had a closer look it was covered in blood she obviously been turning it over to cover the marks.

    Anyway when she came out of the toilet I decided to confront her and I said to her go into my bedroom you will see a tampon and a sanitary towel, she said she was ok. I said to her well don't sit down until u get yourself sorted out.

    Anyway in the end she said am going to bed and I said to her not before u have had a shower and cleaned yourself up. She eventually agreed but she said she is not going to wear a tampon or anything and I said to her u need to look it is wrecking my sofa.

    After she had her shower I said to her she had better go home because I needed to sort everything out like the cushions the shower, the toilet that was in a mess.

    Anyway she said that she had a very very bad period and she always has them like that and it is cheaper just to use toilet paper and rip towels in half to cover herself up.

    But it didn't work for my sofa I can't get the stains out. My question is what can I do about it cos I don't want her to come round to my house again in case it happens again.

    Any ideas what to do cos she wants to Come round again tomorrow

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Hi just wanted some advice on a tattoo am getting?

    Hi, I am thinking of getting a tattoo saying I love u grandad on both my arms I just wanted to know does that sound stupid or is it ok?

    3 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • How do I put a no service signal permantly onto a s3 mini?

    Hi, I have been asked to help someone to put a no service signal permantly onto a Samsung s3 mini any suggestions

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Need some help please?

    Hi, I have got a car on hire and I had to change the 1st car I had because of there was a fault with the cars mechanics. I got another car which is a nissan qashqai ntec + and it seems to be just drinking the petrol for example I put some petrol in it yesterday and now I am in need of more going in. I have tried to drive smoothly and stop breaking suddenly, I have even kept the revs down below the 2 on the rev counter clock, I am changing gear smoothly, I just don't know what to do, apart from stop using it all together. Also my last car didn't use as much diesel as this does it is literally drinking the petrol up, I have taken it into the garage and they have said it is fine no problem with the Gauge it is correct.

    My question is do you think the hire company will agree to terminate the contract again as they terminated it last november and if I request a termination again now?

    2 AnswersNissan8 years ago
  • Iva what happens when u apply?

    Hi can anyone tell me what happens when u apply for an iva? Can u still apply for a bank accounts?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • Walking Sticks please help?

    Hi, i went to the doctors yesterday and he suggested that I need the use of a walking stick because my left side of my body is a dead weight. Anyway I have been looking but the shops I have been into has not sold any.

    So now tomorrow I have to go into the town centre to try and get a walking stick. My question is what sort of walking stick should I get as in, shall i get a funky one or a plain? I will be going to the hospital in about 6 weeks so I think they will supply me with one. I just can't believe that I have ended up like this and am only 37 years old. Maybe I shouldn't complain because there are people dying of cancer.

    Please help me

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Tattoo writing what should I go for?

    Hi I am after a name done as a tattoo just wondering what sort of writing styles there is? Any advice would be great thanks

    1 AnswerTattoos8 years ago