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  • American Election Concerns the whole world!So Choose Wisely!?

    Am an iraqi, and i will tell you what do i think,

    first of all, in some people's eyes in america, i am a terrorist just because am a muslim and iraqi...

    well you have the right to view me as you like, but here is what i want to ask,

    in the past 8 years, what did the republicans do for the world?

    1.they destroy american economy and for that down goes world economy.

    2.invaded iraq to fight terrorist...but now we have more terrorist in the world and getting stronger.

    3.the mighty USA is in the verge of collapse, now don't tell me NO..coz it is!

    4.Lame Bush government have became powerless to face china!

    5.Done nothing to help fight global warming.

    6.Spend billions for its illegal war, rather then secure its own people and its own country.

    7.the number of house mortgage and unemployment went up like rockets in the US and its allies.

    8.Most of the world became hatters for americans because they believe america have failed to show us a true democracy under Bush government.

    9.For you guys who keep saying clinton was the problem for the economy, if it is so...what did Bush do to fix it?

    10. the american gov. lied about allot of things..including Iraq's WOMD!

    and finally

    11. Obama want to change, and he is from another ideology, and he is a democrat...why stick on the same republican idiotisme for another 4 years?your votes means allot to the whole world!think wise before you vote!

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How Low Can Republicans Be!?

    From Bush, and his Mc Cain and Palin, what is next...A monkey and his fellow lady monkey i guess!

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • my sperm comes out with transparent pearl like rubber things in that good or bad?

    while having sex or masturbating, i get this rubber like transparent things in my sperm...can anyone tell me what is that? and if that is good or bad...please!let me know!

    11 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Girls in osaka?

    How much would cost for getting an escort girl from osaka??

    6 AnswersJapan1 decade ago
  • How to cure my self from my past and where i can find a real honest girl?

    Well, since its 2 parts there you go: -

    1.i am still suffering from the past relations that i had, and for that i generate doubts in each and every new date...what can i do to over come that problem?

    2.I am true to love, dedicated and looking for a true love that willing to love me for me not for somthing else! i am a romantic love, i write poems and kinda classical type!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guys and girls Help me out here!`?

    I love this thai budhis girl whom i met on on of yahoo chat rooms, i went and met her...we are in this deep love relation for the last 1 and a half year...the problems are: -

    1.She is budhist and i am muslim, she is willing her family dont! what should i do?

    2. Distance, i keep thinking bad things like she might have another man, another relation, i mean if she can meet me online what makes her not meet another??

    3.I have let my family know about her, opposition is there but somhow the know its my call, if we broke up...what a plunde! what do you folks think?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Why the battel between the heart and mind!?

    I have a girlfriend in bangkok whom i really love and dedicate my self to, i've stoped all my bad habist after seeing her, no smoking, no drinks and for sure no sex! But what makes it hard is am in this battel when i am worried because i am working in kaua lumpur and things that suddenly comes in my brain which made me fee she is cheating on me...true or not am not sure...i never allow her to call me because its expencive i just allow her to miss call so i can call her...she is a university student and her family are farmers, beside the riligon factor...distance is a can i cure that?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago