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aziz_aron asked in HealthMen's Health · 1 decade ago

my sperm comes out with transparent pearl like rubber things in that good or bad?

while having sex or masturbating, i get this rubber like transparent things in my sperm...can anyone tell me what is that? and if that is good or bad...please!let me know!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is neither good or bad:it is just the way your semen is.

    No worries.


    Source(s): Biology degree.
  • 5 years ago

    man made insemination by invisible device. As for actual: there have been extra virgin births recorded in historical past and have been classed as phenomena and utilized by religious dogmas. this is now defined by organic and organic technology that a sperm can penetrate interior the process the membrane of a virgin (in uncommon social accumulating). additionally this is time-honored that some virgins don't have that membrane in any respect (now and lower back via actual events of transforming into female), eg. the girls that have interaction in activities like prepare leaping, dressage, and another activities (no longer necessary equestrian). As for Mary, beneficial, the sperm and the zygote could could desire to come again mutually as a fashion to conceve. So, Jesus grew to become into born. Now, interpretation of Luke a million:35 as an occasion: First, that verse does not communicate approximately conceiving son of God. (nicely, Christianity needs to make certain it that way). the rather message grew to become into that element will come and physique of Jesus, being intently arranged, would be taken over by the entity of Christ, who's spirit will transmigrate into the chosen physique (with compatible vibrations to that of a spirit of Christ). Now, transmigration does not happen without contract of the two sides: the spirit on the component of take over and the owner of a physique - for this reason the 'angel's' message to Mary and others, message positioned out interior the way they could settle for what's going to happen and initiate awareness adventure on the grounds that theory happened.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Semen comes in different colours and thickness. Its completely normal to to have rubber like transparent things in your sperm, no need to go to the doctors like ever other little kid is saying on here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Happens to my friend when he hasn't come in a while. I wouldn't worry about it if that's the only thing. If you notice a pattern, like it only comes out like that when you haven't done it in a while, then you know how to solve your problem ;)

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  • 1 decade ago

    it might be dried up sperm u should clean after masterbating and before sex

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it means you have weak sperm, sperm should be not clear and not to white and not thin but no tto thick

  • 1 decade ago

    I have never heard of that...I would go to the doctor.

  • ive never heard of that and it doesnt happen to me

    maybe you see a doctor

  • 1 decade ago

    i would be worried but i am a girl what would i know

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it's neither good nor bad. it's just your semen and is normal.

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