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Why don’t I feel pleasure when I have sex or masturbate?

Whenever I have sex I feel nothing or when I masturbate too I don’t feel any pleasure

6 Answers

  • 6 hours ago

    Start reading this fully and follow the link for your best sollution...... I am giving you assurity for best result 100% from reading it fully and trying this sollution......

    Sollution is here For your taste of sex and testosterone shots soon...... Just Read it fully and follow our link..... after reading this....

    Maybe you no longer associate yourself with your interests because of lack of motivation. And your thoughts feel stuck because maybe you've shut down yourself by not doing things you used to be interested in , things that would make you feel happy and passionate and would help your thought process . I think you have lack of motivation so I'm just gonna tell u a short story here “ There was a museum made of marble. It had marble tiles and a beautiful marble sculpture. Lot of people around the world would visit the museum daily to watch the beautiful breathtaking sculpture. One fine day the tiles decided to have a conversation with the sculpture the tiles asked the sculpture “you and me are both made of the same marble , the marble we are made from is also brought from the same place , the sculptor who made us is also the same but why is it that I am a tile and I get stepped on by people and people from all over come to admire you” to which the sculpture replied “yes I agree we are made from the same marble by the same sculptor but do u remember you were the one who he chose first to work on but when he started working on you and applying his tools on you you started breaking , you didn’t resist but on the other hand when he worked on me when he used multiple tools on me I chose to resist breaking down I wanted to become extraordinary and wanted to become someone who everyone admirs and not steps on I went through all the knocks all the tools and still resisted” Life as a sculptor wants to make a masterpiece out of you the question is whether you are ready to handle every test , every hard knock , every trouble, every failure , all the pain that comes from these sculpting tools and become a masterpiece or do you grumble and crumble down to simply become a tile .

    That is what decides whether people step on you or admire you as you become a role model for someone to emulate!

    This was just a story to motivate you to pick yourself up and start doing the things you love.

    And I think you find pleasure in food that's because of your guilt of not being able to associate yourself in your interests because of your lack of motivation . Eating is easy and it satisfies you so you're finding pleasure in food.

    Hi. You don’t know me. I work for Mike. I can help you. I can send you the program Mike talked about.

    I’ve been through it. It’s tough. It’s painful. It goes against everything I thought I knew about men but … it works. It saved my relationship.

    I’ll send it to you but you have to PROMISE me you won’t share it with anyone else.

    PROMISE me. And you have to PROMISE me you’ll have an open mind.

    And you have to PROMISE me you won’t tell Mike.

    And you have to PROMISE me you’ll do what it says. I did. It saved my relationship. I want it to save yours too.

    — Anne

    I wrote back, “YES!”

    4 hours later, I got a link and a login to a website.

    She was right. It was hard to watch. Hard to listen to. There were videos and worksheets and these very specific techniques to use…

    All this stuff about men’s psychology.

    What it’s really like to be a man. What men really think of women.

    And WHY… really WHY they pull away (and my God it is not what I thought at all.)

    I felt sick the next day. So nervous.

    Like I was standing on a ledge 40 feet up and hoped like hell the bungie cord would stop me from falling to my death.

    I’d tried texting John a couple times over the last few weeks but… nothing.

    But this time I tried something different.

    I sent him a simple three word text I learned from Michael and felt my heart in my throat as I hit send.

    And this time… just ten minutes later…

     Keep reading via link. ..

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  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    how old are you?

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Are you a girl or a guy? If you're a girl maybe your sex partner is shite

  • 5 days ago

    i have no ideal...................

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Nick
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    your age?            

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Don't have sex for a month or two.

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