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How to cure my self from my past and where i can find a real honest girl?

Well, since its 2 parts there you go: -

1.i am still suffering from the past relations that i had, and for that i generate doubts in each and every new date...what can i do to over come that problem?

2.I am true to love, dedicated and looking for a true love that willing to love me for me not for somthing else! i am a romantic love, i write poems and kinda classical type!

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    Well over all odds are there is some one out there who is thinking that same as you!!

    Don't think that your alone in this situation....

    And also Girls Don't generally think the same....

    Everyone has a different view of Love

    Unfortunately your view is rare and almost nearly destroyed by those who take love and use it for just themselves.

    I wouldn't be surprised if you are the last ..I have never met a guy outside my family or friends who think like you....

    If you are the last will you let your beliefs die cause a *****?

    Or are you going to fight and find the one that will appreciate you?

    From one who use to think like you till his heart was destroyed...


  • 1 decade ago

    Get over the love part. Sorry to let you down on it, but if you been burned before, you will get burned again.

    Both women and men are nasty and vicious beings and nothing going to change that.

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